As a real estate coach working for Dean I come across great ideas from students from time to time, but there is one that stands out as truly genius! here is a page out of Darren Ferrell's book, on how to get the most results from bandit signs and avoid them getting taken down!! (See attached picture!)
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125
File Attachments
Bandit Signs.jpg (105.64 KB)
There is no picture or link attached to your post. I would expect the answer would be to stand on the roof of your car when you nail them to a telephone post. Not so easy to remove by those who are passing by. I am curious, however, to see what the recommendation actually is.
Go to - Citizens Against Ugly Street Spam. These guys are a national organization dedicated to cutting down and removing our Bandit Signs. Want to know who cuts your signs?
You would think they would have better things to do!
Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins Seller site Buyer site Bird Dog Site Tenant/Buyer site
Thanks for sharing, it made me smile. As for the anti-bandit sign club you're right-you would think they have better things to do. I might put a note on mine stating these are not
have a great day everyone!
CAUSS.ORG instead of .com
Just went thru and read this site. Boy, these people are really jerks! We actually provide a very good service to a lot of people who are very happy that we put out signs!
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
Wow! did anyone see the tools they have come up with to remove signs from utility poles??!!
Sharky Stick
Sharky Hook
Bear Claw
Sharky Cutter!
These people are vicious!
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal:
To paraphrase an old saying, "One man's ugly street spam is another man's treasure." There's a car dealership in my city that has a huge blow-up gorilla, and I have to admit to wondering how many times I would need to puncture it to make it permanently go away. It makes a good daydream.
Quite honestly, these signs are going to be removed, but if they are producing results then you should budget for regular replacement. It's an advertising cost. As an analogy, if you were to pay thousands for some television advertising, then your ad gets taken down after 30 seconds, and if you want to put it up again it will cost you thousands again. Advertising is not generally about longevity, it's about getting the right people to see it and take action. If you will focus your attention on that, and tracking the calls that you receive, then it will probably be worth the few dollars and the amount of time it takes you to keep replacing these ads.
And if you want to really get back at the people who are taking them down, then I suggest you do two things:
1) Keep putting up new ones--I guarantee it aggravates them a whole lot more than it does you to have to keep taking down those signs.
2) Keep a smile on your face--if you are getting results, then the short amount of time the sign was visible is worth the rewards. Don't let yourself sink to the level of people who deal in negativity as their currency of life. It robs them of hours and days of their lives with awful thoughts going through their minds. Life was meant to be a joy, and real estate investing should be one of the biggest joys in your life.
Just some thoughts to hopefully brighten all our day.
Dallin Wall
Real Estate Training Team
Forum Blog Location--A collection of my
"Best of" posts:
To combine and maximize the education that I have obtain from this site,
I am planning to put my bandit signs on every Fridays after the rushing hours around 7p.m., and take them off after midnight of every Sundays.
Although I feel dizzy and car sick already by just imagining that routine,
I am still going to do that at least until I get my first deal done.
After reading some of old posts from Matt, I really want to save my every dollar now.
May be getting a disapproval letter from the Volkswagen dealer to get a new leased vehicle was not a bad thing after all.
If it went through, then it could've been more monthly payment burden than now.
I'm sure my daughter can wait for that red Beetle Convertible a little longer~! ^^
} for hanging my Bandit Signs
If you go to the bottom of the post you should be able to see the file link to click on to see the Picture that Coach Dave Whitmer put in there."THANK YOU DAVE"
It shows my my Little Tool I Use ( No Ladder Needed
Darren From Calif
I Knew there were people out there ,( You hit the Nail on The Head Michael) in regards to Nothing Better To Do). That Take our Bandit signs down, But I had no Idea that there was actually an Organization for This? LOL

I did have a gentleman cal me a few months ago, who introduced him self as a Member Of the Manteca,ca "Sharks " who are Volunteers of the Police Dept,
He was Pretty upset with me ( And used some pretty Choice Language with Me As Well)He mentioned that He and His Partner had spent the Entire Morning,Removing ALL of my Bandit signs (25 Total) with His Ladder ,around the City, He mentioned that I had Known it was not Legal Since I hung them so High Up, I simply informed Him That I hand them High so people will not Remove them
I Very Politely Told Him that was no Reason to Use "Foul" Language with me and That Maybee I had a Permit from the city to Hang them, Which I did find out you can get a Permit, in This City anyway to Post signs, But they have to be within a 1-2 mile range of your Business, He simply hung up the phone after that:)
In my calls to the Code enforcement dept to find out how I could get a permit for my bandit signs, Which by the way she was very Nice & just said" Well you did not know you were doing any thing wrong and Not to worry and would have a talk with the Police Chief in charge of "The Sharks" Maybee there will 1 Less "SHARK in The bandit sign Tank LOL
I do not Let this slow me down 1 bit, I just Continue Smiling as I Hang out my New Bandit signs, For the Next WIN-WIN-WIN Deal . & Just say a Little Prayer for those "Awful Thinkers and Negative People" I know that if even my signs stay up if not for temporary and The Person who is needing our Help See's it And we Are Able to help them Out of their Situation and Brighten their day/Life, Are Good Blessings Indeed
Darren From Calif
You are right, we can't let these people slow us down one bit. I have my signs printed and ready for tonight's (Friday) campaign. It is just interesting how people can be concerned with how others try to do business. I guarantee NONE of Causs members are entrepreneurs.
Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins Seller site Buyer site Bird Dog Site Tenant/Buyer site
Signs come down in Phoenix a few ways competition, sign police and concerned citizens. I place them friday night so they can burn through the weekend before the city gets back to work. Some are gone that day and I have some that last months so you never know. I do this for my cash for house signs.
When I have a deal for sale I dont worry about anything. I just get them out because the house needs to be sold.
Michael Del Prete
You have no idea how much that makes my blood boil that there is an organization out there dedicated to messing with our signs! haha
Michael, you and I ALWAYS talk about these people messing with our signs.
We work so hard to get them out to. I have a bandit sign campaign going
out tomorrow!
Adam Macias
Wow! Those bandit sign snatchers better watch out, with boiling blood and people standing on ladders to post signs, I feel the tensions rising a little.
The Anti-Bandit Signs people are definitely organizing, and it is my understanding that in one area, they have recently passed a more stringent restriction on the use of these signs. That area is Atlanta.
I know that this has all been good fun on here so far, but I just want to encourage a couple of things:
1) Choose legal, moral, and ethical in your business dealings and you will always be able to sleep well at night;
2) Take the high road--successful people will look at these anti-bandit sign people and their antics as juvenile and well-intentioned, and simply continue to do what they need to do to build their business. Don't engage them as it justifies their negativity, and leads you into the same negativity;
3) Continually find new ways of doing what we need to do to build business. That is why I posted on my hot pockets success above. And while I am thinking about it, I have a friend in Jackson, MS who has employed friend and family members' cars for a nominal monthly fee to have magnetic signs on them to advertise his real estate business. He gets calls while stopped at a stop light from the car sitting in back of him who just read his magnetic car sign. These signs can be purchased from for, if I remember, around $15. They rarely get stolen, and can draw as much response as a bandit sign. So keep your creativity going, be persistent with your bandit signs, and let's keep a smile on our faces and realize that these people with little negative minds are just like gnats, brush them away and move on.
Dallin Wall
Real Estate Training Team
Forum Blog Location--A collection of my
"Best of" posts:
was doing my day job for a client in Lake Geneva Wisconsin
while there, they got a call,
from the police chief,
because she put up posters for childs lost cat and was being charged for the removal
Yes, she was quite upset. But had already received a call and made arrangements to get the animal.
Seems can't have any signs?
If there is any repercussion in your area regarding the use of these signs (I prefer to call them opportunity signs rather than bandit signs, because I think the term bandit attracts adversity in the universe), you might want to be using a number that cannot easily be traced back to you, such as a google voice number. You can set one up by going to, they are free, and do not require any additional wiring or equipment purchase, they ring over the phone that you designate, and can have separate messages, etc. There are numerous videos and FAQ postings to assist with understanding, and most importantly for this purpose, do not have an address or a name that can be easily traced if someone wants to ticket you or charge you for removal. That's gotta be an advantage, right?
Dallin Wall
Real Estate Training Team
Forum Blog Location--A collection of my
"Best of" posts:
Actually there was an attachment at the bottom of the posting, but I would be happy to email you if that works better.
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125
Yeah that is the biggest reason I like to use my untraceable google voice phone number because then there is no way they can come back to bite you. I have never been a big fan of meter maids, or bandit sign thiefs....but I always get my money's worth and they don't really get in my way! Besides, unless they start recruiting them from the NBA they are alot harder to take down this way.
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125