Confused on getting cash buyer from MLS...

Confused on getting cash buyer from MLS...

Hi everyone, extremely excited about finally getting my Realtor !! so i gave him a list of zip codes that I am interested in doing deals in. Well he came back today with a nice BIG list of cash sold homes in the zips...

Now doing some research on those homes and want to send out yellow letters to those recently sold cash bought homes, but im having trouble.

I was trying to use my county website but all i get is just the properties info, not who bought it or where the taxes are going to now (which is how i was tough to get the cash buyers address)

btw: i working in Long Island ; )
and this is the site that i am using with no luck (unless im reading it wrong)...

Thank you guys for any and all advice ; )


No name, but got an address...

Irvin, okay I looked at just a few properties on this site and noticed that the county appraisal has an address on it and it doesn't always appear to be the property address.

Once you're on the site and you have a property pulled up on the screen.
Click the picture titled "View Correspondence" in the upper right corner of the page.
Another window will pop up asking you to select a year for the assessed value.
Choose the latest year and click "Submit".

In the top left corner of that doc should be where you find the current tax address which should also be the mailing address of the owner/investor.

I know this is a few more steps, but it sure beats going to the county office.

I hope this helps.



Brian Carter

Proverbs 13:20


find cash buyers + PML


Good to see a fellow Long Islander on here.
Yeah you have to do what Wwillc was saying.
Some of these county sites you really have to navigate through everything until you find the info your looking for.

Another thing you can do is have your agent give you the contact info for those agents that represented those cash buyers. Then just call them up and see if there cash buyer is interested in buying more great deals in those areas? Let that agent know these deals can be closed right away. (This sounds good to the agent because they don't have to wait a month or more to receive their commission from their cash buyer.)

You can also offer the cash buyers agent a bonus off a few hundred dollars or what ever you choose to entice them more. This way they will always want to snatch up your deals and let their buyers know about what you got. Soon you will have an army of agents email blasting out your propertis as well.

Hope this helps.


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Cash Buyers

Hey Irvin,
I'm in Kentucky and I'm getting the information you are looking for from the PVA website. It might cost you a few bucks but it should be well worth it. I also look up the property information for the Lis Pendens i get from the county clerk.
Good luck!

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