Thomas Meier

All About ThomasMeier

Thomas Meier
Willisburg, Kentucky

Topics I've Participated In

Basic Info

No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One



steve and veronica's picture

Hi Thomas. It was nice talking with you at the Edge. Veronica and I enjoyed our dinner with you. Thanks for the advice on a way to get money for deals. But I can not use your way and work where I work but thank you any way. We had fun with you Thomas.

Steve and Veronica.

question from a newbie?

Hello, I am a newbie REIing. Can you give me a list of questions to ask qualifying a buyer or investor?


Lisa R's picture

I was reading through the replies to Cathy's post about not having any luck to see if there was something I might contribute and I saw your post with the link to the video to the Chinese bamboo tree. I watched it and I think it was great so thanks for sharing.

warmest regards,
Lisa Richardson