
All About dmilli

Mr. Biggs
About Me: 

I'm 23 yrs of age who's very ambitious of becoming an real estate expert. Very ambitious on becoming the Dean Graziosi. I have two kids (both of them being young men) single parent and would do anything to pave the road for them a life of great altitude and success. I drive by homes each and every day not knowing what to look for but only knowing that this is ehat I want to do for the duration of my life. Honestly, I believe working for a corporation will not get me or anyone ahead in life in these times. Financial freedom is only won when youve paved the way and not someone else paving it for thee. I have had experience in the real estate estate market by managing 7 propertys over the last 2 yrs and would like to begin investing into the market myself, working for another will not lead me into financial abundance, I am seeking... No! I am going to OWN my own pieces of property.... Young... Determined... And READY TO GO!-

Books, Sports

Topics I've Participated In

Paying a Realtor in a Wholesale Assignment nstreet467 years 48 weeks ago
assigning a deal D-HI6309 years 39 weeks ago
CREDIT Anitarny10212 years 49 weeks ago
FAQ: Answers To The Most Asked Questions - Start Here dgadmin295013 years 35 weeks ago
Debbiejo's daily journal debbiejo7516 years 14 weeks ago

Basic Info

Property Investor
Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One
