
All About AmyClouse

Amy Q. Clouse
Western Nebraska
About Me: 

I am a jack of all trades (if you were to read my resume) but a master of few. I have been a horse trainer, landscaper, computer programmer, snackbar cook, amature psychologist, Vet tech, Substitute teacher, photographer, artist, and have been (with college degrees) a Biologist (working for Game and Parks Commission) and a Teacher.
I have a great family: 2 boys (6 and 9), a 2yr old daughter, and a ranchhand/soldier husband. I have 5 horses, about10 cats, 1 dog, 1 turtle, 1 iguana, and 2 tankfulls of fish. I am also a very busy Substitute teacher. You would think with all this that I wouldn't have time for anything else, but on the contrary, I really want to get into Real Estate Investing.
My sister and brother-in-law from Florida are REI and after talking with them, the BUG BIT ME. I have found many awesome deals (even attempted to work some), but I am truly at a dead end, especially in the financial department. I bought Dean's book recently so hopefully that will get me going in the right direction.
If anybody has any advice for me it will be welcomed. Thanks ~Amy Q Smiling

listed above with About Me

Topics I've Participated In

Offer Formula nstreet12411 years 37 weeks ago
MY REAL ESTATE GOALS / DREAMS Rina711 years 41 weeks ago
Real Estate Investing Fear nstreet1916 years 17 weeks ago
1st Time rosco08121016 years 18 weeks ago
Helping a friend buy a house in possible foreclosure/preforeclosure AmyClouse116 years 18 weeks ago

Basic Info

Stay-at-home Mom and Substitute Teacher
Have Child(ren)
Completed College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One
