Ready to change my Life

All About Patty12

Patrice Westbrooks
About Me: 

I am a liscensed Real Estate Agent who is currently working in Education. After i received my liscense, i worked for an agency for a year, I had to quit my job because it was'nt paying the bills. There were so many fees and dues and many expences. It was too hard for me to do it all. I joined Dean's Forum back in 2007. I have been online off and on since that time. I did however, complete my first deal last year so I know it is possible. I am back ready to take more initiative to start making more money. I am determined tohold myself accountable by keeping a journal of my real estate investing. I am a self-starter with more than enough energy and drive to be highly successful. I love talking to people and networking. I have a keen sense of genuine people and i am driven to make this business work for me.I am well-educated and trust-worthy. I believe it is my time to make a descent living that I can be proud of.

Teaching, Public Speaking, Basketball, Singing ,Gardening,Reading new books,Learning

Topics I've Participated In

The Journal of the Daily Adventures of Indiana-Joe Indiana-Joe21088 years 51 weeks ago
Earnest Money amvg221710 years 33 weeks ago
Flipping Partner pilgrim24312 years 12 weeks ago
Finding a Mentor jlandreneau14412 years 15 weeks ago
MLS Short Sales xxfpp327xx514 years 9 weeks ago

Basic Info

Have Child(ren)
In Post Graduate
In a Relationship
