
All About angelfire

Dena Rootes
Live Oak, Florida (juncture of highways 10 and 75)
About Me: 

Retired legal secretary. Born and raised in Texas. Lived 20 years in Los Angeles area. Moved to Hawaii for 7+ years, then to Minnesota for 7+ years, until I retired last day of 2008 and moved to Florida.

My dream is to use real estate investing to help my family and friends; and to find or build my dream home in the forested mountains of Colorado or Washington state -- a cedar home with lots of indoor/outdoor space and fresh air; and to fill it with the sounds of family and fun.

Along the way, I intend to help homeowners afford, and stay in their homes, if they so desire, and do whatever I can to restore and increase homeownership in America.

Love designing -- homes, gardens, clothes, crafts and more; love animals, the wide-open spaces and nature; love people and happy gatherings. Interested in just about everything uplifting.

Basic Info

My Pets Are My Kids
Completed College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Welcome to the DG Team!!!!

Alexrubio's picture

Hi Dena,
I received your email and I sent you the mini books that Dean sent us a while back. They are really helpful.
I just wanted to stop by your guestbook and leave a note. Let me know when you are going to be in town so we can meet up to talk about Real Estae!!!!
Good luck in all your future deals!!!

Alex Rubio from Houston

Your Dec. 7, 2010 email to me

Sorry. Just finally figuring out some of the features of the dg site and found your email. Hope things are going well with you. Not sure when I will visit Houston, but my brother lives there and I know others there, so...possibilities.

Kind regards. Later.
P.S. Where did you send the ebooks -- if you remember? I have so many email addresses that I sometimes lose things....


kareng's picture

Welcome to the DG site. You will get a lot of valuable information here.

I recommend you use it wisely by reading as much as you possibly can.

Good luck.
