Joined: 2009-04-24
Points: 55

Title | Poster | Replies | Updated |
Carol Stinson is sharing tips and answering your SET FOR LIFE questions.. Post them here | Carol Stinson | 201 | 12 years 2 weeks ago |
What to say to Agents when asked, "How will you pay for these homes?" | msully1090 | 44 | 13 years 31 weeks ago |
6 Deals in 6 months and going strong! | markl | 51 | 13 years 51 weeks ago |
Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #109 - Just in Case Your Weekend Stunk... | dgadmin | 115 | 14 years 8 weeks ago |
Who Has Ordered the Set For Life System | Candace82 | 201 | 14 years 28 weeks ago |
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R E.
hey pauline are u from ct? if so get back i am also and would luv to talk to you, thanks mike