This week Dean has a powerful uplifting message that will give you one simple technique that can simplify EVERY DECISION you make. All it involves is attaching a tiny little definition to the action of saying "yes" or "no" and how to use the feelings we all naturally have.
So, watch and get ready for a GREAT 2011!
Great one Dean that's about all I can say!! I know from reading your books and going through your programs not only do I have the knowledge but the DETERMINATION and MOTIVATION to make 2011 MY YEAR and like you said make EVERY year MY year!! That's the plan and I'm sticking to it NO MATTER WHAT!!! I wanna thank you SOOOOOOOOO MUCH for everything you've done for me as well as everyone else on this site doing what they need to do to change their lives one step at a time THANKS TO YOU!!! You're the man! Hope your new year will be filled the best wishes and much success in everything you take on. Keep up the good work and once again THANKS a MILLION times over!!
Thanks for this week's blog. I'm looking forward to this new year but I don't do new year's resolutions. I will write out my goals, though. I think that's one of the key things I haven't done as of yet. I hear how important everyone says it is so I'll try it.
I hope you and your family had a fantastic Christmas and here's to a very Happy and prosperous New Year! The same to all you DG'ers
Good advice
I hope people really understand how important it is to make a plan (and resolutions) and stick to it. If you give up too easy, you'll never make it as a RE investor. Do you best and change your life.
2011 will be great!!
I'm ready for the new year and the new opportunities that lie ahead. I've spent the last year and a half laying the foundation for my business and in January I'll be rolling out my first full-on marketing campaign.
This is the year that my debt is paid off and I quit my job. I can feel the excitement building inside and I have you and all the DG family to thank for it.
Happy New Year Dean!
Best wishes,
Thank you for another great blog.
Merry Christmas to you and your family and a Happy, Healthy New Year as well.
You are right, so many times people make resolutions and then they fail themselves. But I hope people remember, they have the whole year to accomplish those goals. People set goals and expect the change in a day or two, then on Jan 2nd if they went back on that goal. They will feel horrible and feel that goal is unattainable. Keep making it happen. Don't give up on you!!!!!!!!!!
I am not sure what everyone's goals are for 2011 but good luck to everyone.
2010 has been a year, 2011 here we come........
Carpe Diem
Mr Graziosi,
I stop to think about how many people you've inspired, gave hope to and inspired like myself. I would like to be in your position one day, so i can be humble about my success and tell people they can make it because i did, when nobody believed in me, and people discouraged me... but now I've made it and i can inspire others to take charge and make a change... Thats my new year's resolution. Dean your truly a God given blessing to us all... God bless you and your family.
Jeremy and I have the goals and the plans to reach them. Like you have always said, there will be bumps in the road always and Jeremy and I have had our fair share, but we have never and will never give up on our dreams....Jan
Thanks so much for doing another weekly video blog for us. Your message is so true that each year can be a fresh start and a clean slate. We can do what we set our minds to doing. With all the new DG programs you working on, I believe 2011 will be the "opportunity year" for all members! Thanks for keeping us on track and focused toward the big picture and achieving our goals. Each week can get us one step closer to our next goal. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Wishing you continued success in all you do. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
Thanks Dean for all that you do...
I know 2011 will be a better year for me than 2010! I am putting it on paper and sticking with it. Your weekly blogs keep everything what if something doesn't go as planned today...there is always tomorrow to start fresh. Keep the big picture in mind but stay focused on the present moment and you will have your success!
2011 will be a successful year !!
thanks to you dean for pushing us to take action on making deals and developing our minds to know we CAN be successful if we really want it.I believe you are right in saying take a step at a time.One of my obstacles was that i wanted it to happen NOW !!! then realized after hearing it over and over that you eat an elephant ONE BITE AT A TIME.
your blogs and messages keep us getting up after a day or week or mnth of slipping a bit and i for one use these blogs and your wisdom to build back up my motivation to PUSH HARDER and get involved with 1,2,3 more deals and also to strive to learn more and more about real estate !!
I want to thank you for that !! may 2011 be your yr too !!
New Year, New Us
I recently attended a Leadership training session and the gentleman gave us a statement to live our lives by and encouraged each of us to post it where we will see it often: DWYSYWD. DO WHAT YOU SAY YOU WILL DO. That is going to resonate with me this year. I have a resolution for the first time in many years to lose 25 pounds. That will take care of the physical me. Along with that is to get very serious about our career in real estate. That will take care of the emotional and financially struggling me. Everyone on here, including you Dean, have been a HUGE inspiration to both of us. So, I am going to remind myself everyday to DO WHAT I SAY I WILL DO!!!
Cheers to all of our DG Family,
Gina and Denny
Great Message
Hello Dean,
That was another great message as always I am very inspired to get a successful deal done in the first part of the New Year. Being friends with others through facebook and seeing that it does work and the advice that you give in your books do help out a lot.
Andre Turner
Bringing in the New Year
Hi Dean,
Thank you for taking time to do another profitable
video blog, best way to bring in the new year and getting us primed up for our year, "2011". Those deals are just around the corner for us. We are
using everything that you have given to us to make those deals happen. We appreciate you.
Big blessings to you and your family
in the new year. God bless!!!
DG Family
I believe the word is contingencies
That's food for thought. I haven't been keeping up with my journal as I have been busy attending the Core 4 business development course. Micro enterprise helping people starting there own business and backing up with a loan. I won't disclose the amounts but it is sufficient. I graduated 12 14 2010 and one of the trickiest parts of writing a feasibility study is contingencies. What if and how do you cover yourself in case. Murphy's Law. But, with positive thought , for every adversity there is a seed to an equal or greater benefit. W. Clement Stone, Founder of Combined Insurance and Author of The Power of OPM. Dean I am taking small steps but I have a great team behind me. 1) a CFO for American Express Financial, an MBA from Colombia University,
And last but not least All of you here. Everyone from the Super Stars to the Newbies who keep us on our toes. Wishing everyone Happy Holidays and a Magical New Year. Even the critics LOL Blessings to All.
Time to kick some RE tail
All ready for the new year. Go get'em
Let's Roll...........
From my family to urs HAPPY NEW YEAR! i can smell the finish line from here,and it smells like victory,it's urs and mine.keep doing wht u doing DG family and i'll see ya at the TOP! I CAN'T STOP READING THAT BOOK ,is it something wrong with me LOL!! again thx to all.
Thanks again
Thanks again for qnother great blog with the right message to keep us all on track.
I will keep my goals simple as they can only be accomplished one step at a time. Mine will all be RE related and once accomplished, all other things will fall into place.
Gina and Denny; I like your phrase DO WHAT YOU SAY YOU WILL DO. Hope you don't mind if I adopt it. Great idea!
A Happy and Prosperous 2011 to us all!!!
Thank You Dean
For another great blog. I know that 2011 is going to be our best year yet in REI. I want to thank you for that. We are looking forward to meeting you and your staff at the 2011 Edge event.
Steve and Veronica.
Thanks Once Again Dean!
Dean, another great video! Thanks for doing this for us every week! I am sure you are busy and I am sure there are some weeks that you don't know where the time will come to do these, but you do! Thank you!
I have my goals set and my task written down! I know I can do it, with the knowledge from you and my fellow DGers I know there is nothing that I can not achieve!
Happy New Year to you and your family and my DG family!
Happy New Year!
Thanks so much Dean! Great blog and what I needed to hear. I do need to actually set some goals and make them small to achieve. Another step further is what can you do each day to make the goal happen; the action steps to get you there. I needed to tell myself that. To Everyone a Happy and Prosperous New Year. 2011 here we come...
Cathy L
Happy New Year
Hi Dean,
Thank you for the inspiration, not only in this video, but the many previously that have been so motivating and educational. I wanted to add that writing goals and connecting emotion to the outcome is a definite must. I have also found that putting realistic time lines on them is important. One thing I have learned is to read my written goals at least once a day. I also wanted to suggest a manifestation board. I cut out pictures in magazines, or the internet and glue them on a poster board. I hang them on the wall so that every morning when I wake up, I take a few minutes to look at them with positive anticipation. I wish everyone a blessed new year with much prosperity and growth.
this weeks blog
Thanks Dean, you are truly a wonderful person. we wish you the very best as well. Happy new year to you and your family.
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This week Dean has a powerful uplifting message that will give you one simple technique that can simplify EVERY DECISION you make. All it involves is attaching a tiny little definition to the action of saying "yes" or "no" and how to use the feelings we all naturally have.
So, watch and get ready for a GREAT 2011!
Hello Dean,
Another great blog!
I have come to the realization that according to you and many of your students that I have never written any of my goals down. I will write a simple resolution for 2011 that is directly related to my getting this real estate business started, going and thriving. If this does not happen I will be very sad and disappointed in myself.
I would like to start off
I would like to start off with I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. I hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year. I would like to thank you for your weekly blogs. I have been listening and reading ones on your site a lot. We have had a lot of struggles lately, and have had to postpone some of our study time due to my wife's injury and then life threatening blood clots. I know this next year will be much better. We have stummbled upon a USDA property, and it looks promising, but are having a hard time finding finacing. A lot of the hard money lenders, ect don't fiance Maine. We will be talking to our coach later today, and hopefully will come up with some solutions! Looks promising if we can lock it up and figure it out and rehab it!!!! We are excited, nervous, but here we go. Thanks Dean for the encouragement and the rest of the people writing.
Thanks Again and Happy Holidays!!!
Thanks Dean
I am a newbee to the DG Family, Hi Everyone. I am still reading my book which is amazing. I too will write down my goals for 2011 and acheive them. Happy Holidays
Thank's Dean
Another wonderful blog, Dean you are truly an inspiration to me. Your blogs have made me a believer again. I no in my heart that 2011 is
going to be a new beginning for me. I am looking forward to some good deals!!! Happy New Year to you and your family. Shirley J.
Thank you!
Your uplifting, positive and energy filled blogs remind me daily to keep the focus and see the opportunity instead of the obstacles.
Thanx again and God bless you and your family!!
Gail...Gia Ventures
Thanks again Dean for the uplifting talk,they always do help.This year I will be or should I say I am very MOTIVATED and DRIVEN to make my goals and dreams come true! Hope you and your family(& STAFF)all had a Merry Christmas and will also have a wonderful New Year. Thanks again you are AWESOME!!!
Thanks Dean
I'm not giving up on my drean or goal to make my business be a sucess. I been close to closing some deals Year 20011 will be a better year for me. My finance suck at this time I'm calling to get my bill down so my credit can stay in good standing. BUT I WILL NOT GIVE UP.
Focused in December and goals for 2011
Profound wisdom spoken with simplicity is a gift you have. We all benefit because of it.
I have taken to heart your advise earlier in the month to be productive in December. We have had a marvelous Christmas, but I have been very busy with the business and am going to enter 2011 with a big roar. I have 3 deals in progress right now and hope to have my first assignment (yahoo!) this week!
I was blessed to mentor with Matt Larson and will share 3 points of wisdom he gave me
Number 1 - whenever I didn't know something I clearly should - he would say "business or hobby?"
Number 2 - because I have cleared my plate of other job responsibilities, he kept saying "you'll be able to do this now - you are a FULLTIME real estate investor"
Number 3 - regarding goal setting - he helped me work backwards from the big dollar number to how many transactions per month of what type and what must be done (like how many offers) to achieve day by day. His phrase that echoes in my head is "Act with a sense of urgency." - which reminds me of your advice to think of what will happen if you DON'T achieve the goal...
Many thanks and blessings to you.
DG Fam - act now.