
All About georgie-porgie


Topics I've Participated In

30 Days Quick Cash Formula michellecaseyks18758 years 11 weeks ago
A different way to find buyers (and sellers) Mark K1810 years 44 weeks ago
New York Properties georgie-porgie112 years 49 weeks ago
NYC! NYC! NYC! georgie-porgie012 years 50 weeks ago
BANKED OWNED mrjimmmyg1512 years 50 weeks ago

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Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


real estate investing

First of all welcome. Second, tell us something about yourself and fill out your bio.

hi there

i am ultra new to real estate investing. i have seen dean's ads on tv over the years but have allowed the jitters of the unknown to overwhelm me. i have finally decided to get his latest book 'your town...' but before i do i have just one question.... is this book a good buy to ultra newbies like me?

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On 8:28am, May 8th, 2011 Esteeanna said:
real estate investing
The answer is yes. The journey of a 1000 miles starts with the first step. If you are truly interested in real estate then get all of Dean's books and you will receive e-mails from him all the time that are very motivating and encouraging. Put the blinders on to put the fear behind you. Decide what you want to do and train yourself by reading the books and then just do it.

the house in NY

I am the new one in the field and live in NYC. I would like to know more information of the properties in NY. Send me more detail

NYC Property

I would like more info on this property. I have cash buyers that would be interested. Please send me your contact info so we can talk.

NYC Property

Any vacant brick multi-family available? If not, what do you have of interest? I am a real estate investor/developer looking for projects
primarily in Brooklyn or Queens.

Thanks, Dante