
All About GrazPro7

Lorna L Lewis

Basic Info

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Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One



WealthyBlessings's picture

Please send me rent rolls and an offer package to: nealrealtysolutions@****

Thank you.

Peace and Blessings,

Welcome Lorna

sistreat's picture

Glad to have you here with us on Deans board. Read everything out can find and ask questions of the long time members here. It won't be long till we are hearing about your first deal. All my best to you.

Thanks For The Encouragement

I am very appreciative of your comments. I have read & still reading. I know it is time to take action & I am . I have 2 SS homes awaiting Bank approval and some others in the pipeline. I hope to breakthrough the dark clouds real soon.
Thanks for your support.

Aloha & Mahalo!

JJD's picture


Follow the links provided below, download files, leave comments and Enjoy

Here are some resources to get you started! Please leave your comments in the post or two. And, Don't forget to check out all of the other great resources available in the books, links, downloads, conference calls and website provided here.

May You have Great Success on your Journey! You will find a vast array of information at your disposal on this site.
Most of your questions can also be answered by researching in some of the Forums, Posts, and other links available.
It would also be to your advantage to complete your profile to it's fullest as well.
Thanks For Coming Aboard!


Thanks for the Downloads.

Much appreciated info. I think now I am suffering from info overload- but enjoying it.
Thanks- will keep on reading & hope to get to the implementation stage very soon.
