Joined: 2010-11-15
Points: 213

James Cook
Dexter Or.
About Me:
I am happy to be part of something so great. I am committed to succeeding in my REI life choice and helping others get there too. I am using every strategy I learn about and applying them to every deal that comes my way. I do expect to find what works in every deal and apply which ever strategy or combination thereof I can to put myself in a profitable position to control real estate. I am building what I believe to be a strong foundation to work from to get the ultimate reward. I have never been scared to work for what i want and I pride myself on my ability to do anything i set my mind to.
God,REI , Family, Friends,Riding my Harley,Hunting,Fishing,Camping,Enjoying life
I've seen some of your posts on here and decided to send you a welcome post. So, here it is lol. Welcome to the DG family! You sound like you're doing great so early in the game. Very inspiring
Take care.