I apologize I can't say 'fellow Cornhusker' but I never have followed sports; of ANY kind. (weird? yeah, I know )
Anyway, I wanted to let you know that there IS at least ONE other Nebraskan on this site with you. After you read my profile you will know that RIGHT NOW I am not going to be of much help to you or this group. I do want to thank you though, for getting it started. That shows initiative! COOL! It also helps encourage me to continue in my newly laid plans for changing A LOT of things in my life. (more on that later)
I am an Air Force veteran from the '70's. I didn't get to help 'make the mess' but they told me I had to help 'clean up'. I am proud to be an American also. And from the size of you in your picture; I'm glad you're on OUR side!! Thank you for serving! In case no one has told you yet, for what it's worth, I'm proud of you.
Happy to make your acquaintance and I hope we can wind up helping each other in the (near?) future. We already know how to fight for freedom. Now let's stand together on our journey to financial freedom!
Hope to hear from you soon!
God bless you and yours.
Jeff Live Life. Love Life. Live Love.
HELLO! Fellow Nebraskan! :)
I apologize I can't say 'fellow Cornhusker' but I never have followed sports; of ANY kind. (weird? yeah, I know
I am proud to be an American also. And from the size of you in your picture; I'm glad you're on OUR side!!
Thank you for serving! In case no one has told you yet, for what it's worth, I'm proud of you.
Live Life. Love Life. Live Love. 
Anyway, I wanted to let you know that there IS at least ONE other Nebraskan on this site with you. After you read my profile you will know that RIGHT NOW I am not going to be of much help to you or this group. I do want to thank you though, for getting it started. That shows initiative! COOL! It also helps encourage me to continue in my newly laid plans for changing A LOT of things in my life. (more on that later)
I am an Air Force veteran from the '70's. I didn't get to help 'make the mess' but they told me I had to help 'clean up'.
Happy to make your acquaintance and I hope we can wind up helping each other in the (near?) future. We already know how to fight for freedom. Now let's stand together on our journey to financial freedom!
Hope to hear from you soon!
God bless you and yours.