Too many excuses for too many years
Too many doubts and too many fears.
Too many yesterdays have now slipped away
Now 'change' is ahead...for I have TODAY!
Thank you in advance for being here.
Hi! DG Family!
I'm new here and FINALLY taking the first steps of ACTION toward a financially secure future for my daughters and myself. I received Dean's book back in April and, due to my own fears of failure (or success?), have read through the book only once, skimmed a few sections again, yet put forth very little additional effort toward becoming a successful real estate investor.
There, I said it. It's out there and there's no taking it back now.
So, I have finally become fed-up enough with my dead-end job to bring myself to the point of, OH DREAD!, asking for...HELP!
I would like to meet in person with successful, "been there, done it" DG family members in and around the Omaha, Nebraska area. I would REALLY appreciate any help you can offer. After reading my bio here I would like to offer an OPEN INVITATION to ANYONE on this site with POSITIVE FEEDBACK to PM me. I WILL get back to you.
One of my excuses to myself has been that because my work hours conflict with most of the rest of the world (on 'day shift' hours) and have no transportation, I can't set, AND HONOR, appointments to talk to sellers in the evenings.
I am certain that I possess a lot of the positive personality qualities necessary to succeed in this field. I have 50 years of LIFE experience (including U.S. military service); 22 of those years being faithfully married and "training up" six beautiful daughters "in the way they should go so that when they are old they will not depart from it." (Prov. 22:6) Hence, I have become an excellent listener and communicator. In college I majored in Commercial Photography w/ minors in Art, Advertising and Marketing. That's why I am VERY interested in the '7 Day Auction' and assignment strategies that Dean suggests. If anyone would be willing to share with me about ANY personal experience or success you have had with that method, please do so here with a PM.
I have NOW made a commitment to myself to be online, on this site, by 1:00am M-F and usually after 10pm on Sat. & Sun. (barring prior commitments with my children)
Thanx! for reading and I look forward to becoming acquainted. Who knows? Some day I might be able to help YOU, too!
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TODAY is God's gift to me.
What I do with it is my gift to God.
Yesterday is a cancelled check.
Tomorrow is a promissory note.
TODAY is CASH-IN-HAND. How am I going to invest it?
Live Life. Love Life. Live Love!
Hello and welcome. I wanted to thank you for looking at my profile. I did change my occupation...thanks for the kind words. Everyday is a new opportunity. Take advantage of the new days ahead. My definition for fear is the lack of understanding the unknown.
Again, welcome and feel free to pm me anytime