
All About kmg1265

Lincoln, Rhode Island
About Me: 

I am a single mother of 3, 2 boys aged 28 and 9, and my daughter just graduated from college and is 23. Just the 2 younger ones at home, which is currently a small apartment. I am working hard to make a better life for all of us, especially them. And I will.

real estate, camping, reading, walking, handcrafts

Topics I've Participated In

Dean's Finance Center dgadmin2878 years 25 weeks ago
I will NEVER be broke again!!!!!!! Carol Stinson539 years 21 weeks ago
Do You Need a Roommate or Want Share a Cab at the EDGE 2010? dgadmin2213 years 1 week ago
Chris's - Rhode Island Real Estate Journal cbrindamour53713 years 14 weeks ago
The Journey to Freedom cmloose34513 years 22 weeks ago

Basic Info

Have Child(ren)
Some Post Graduate
In a Relationship

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


real estate licence

do you need a licence to be doing this stuff?


Indiana-Joe's picture

I just wanted to stop by your guestbook and wish you good luck with real estate and completing your first deal. I know it is exciting to be able to work with your daughter and she will be a valuable member to your Real Estate Team. Each day do a little to move you closer to your goals. You can do it! Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


Thank you so much Joe. I am definitely moving forward and am already booked for the EDGE. Hope to see you and Stacy there!



You do not need a real estate license to put together the deals Dean talks about in the books. Remember, people selling their own homes go the FSBO route and never need the services of a licensed agent.


is this really for real

i seen dean on tv is this really real or what i read his book and it was very interesting it seems so real is it ????

Fellow RIer

cbrindamour's picture

Hey Kristen, bout time I signed your guest book. Keep up all the hard work!
