Joined: 2011-05-30
Points: 34

Mickey Havener
About Me:
I am a wife, mother of 5, ordained minister, retired hospice chaplain & pastor of a small (very small) church. My RE inspiration is a local guy who has done well in RE.
I have been so busy taking care of everyone else, that I have not prepared for retirement as well as I should have. Now is my time! I am excited after doing two deals--good deals! I look forward to making more deals!
My children haven't been very supportive--until I found a house that sold for $248,000 five years ago and helped my son and DIL close it for $38,000. No, that is not a typo! It cost $12,000. to get it into shape. It's a beauty! 3300 square feet on a 2 acres lot with a creek...
I'm learning...
Family, church, real estate.
Logical Investing
You go, Dean! I have learned so much from your 30 Day book. I did one deal before I ever heard of you. I've done one since I took the two day course in St. Louis. Goal is to get one done by my 68th birthday, June 12. Thanks for the information and the inspiration!