Joined: 2011-03-30
Points: 27
Mrs Marissa DiBartolo
Rhode Island
About Me:
I am a mom. I like art, music, dancing, nature. I have child{ren}, 2 grandsons with one on the way. i like real estate and am motivated. Have a good day.
I like art, music, dancing, nature, horses, the ocean, my grandsons.
motivation and sharing
April 21, 2011
hi, watched the blog, very nice. The 5th and 6th obstacle i am struggling with today.
I do have to take responsibility because i "loaned" someone to participate in the seminar. The conditions were repayment in 14 days, he offered $150 interest, i waived. I have several opportunities i want to explore, communicate with these potential sellers and buyers. Each time, i am contacted by the "loanee" and asked the updates on my own ventures. He attended the seminar, and last week, after sharing a lease to option document with him, i recommended he contact the DG group, i cannot tutor him. He then asked what the DG group was. I am confounded. The 6th obstacle, I did not intend, with all the "good people" i surrounded myself with at the seminar, to be directing someone to this website April 19, 2011. I also recommended the DG group could assist with several "issues" he has asked for additional assistance with, with no repayment. It is a scam to him, a "picture" of my intentions, then his own take precedence. In the beginning, there is a lot of "give and take" which I accept.
Now, using the unpaid loan as leverage, there is a "commitment" to realty which i dont wish to share with this individual. This has become unprofessional and unpleasant.
I was called from my home last week, to complete payment of the loan, to find the payment wasnt in full, less than half of the expected amount. I cant concentrate and rather than undo my motivation have chosen to ride this to conclusion, hopefully soon.
Having directed this person to the DG website, and aware of the conditions of professional conduct, I am writing this to make aware the knowledge i gained at the seminar, he is attempting to misuse, misdirect, and misalign to someone else's interests.
I dont want to pursue legal action, such as small claims, tho i wouldnt sign a contract with this individual, and expect a good outcome. I view this website often, i like the weekly blogs, and i hope this "mishap" in judgment on my part, of a "good deal" doesnt prolong itself. I apologize, because the content of this website is motivational, success-oriented, and expects good qualities and conduct of its members. It is a condition of memebership to this website. i wish to remain on course, and become successful. I am not involving new deals at this time, as he requests "updates" on the few starters i mentioned. He also several times asked me the same email contact for someone at the seminar. If you are assisting him, please do not forget about me.
I am waiting to begin, sharing is something i can do, hopefully and successfully soon, tho it is time to begin my own. There are a lot of good opportunities there, i just "file" these to when i no longer have obligations with him.
Has anyone experienced this "used" and it wont end situation, and how did you resolve it? Happy Easter.