Nkanyezi Mngadi

All About Starprosperity

Starprosperity's picture
Nkanyezi Mngadi ( Star)
Chicago IL
About Me: 

I am an Interior designer originally from South Africa, I just graduated college here in Chicago for my architectural drafting degree. Now I have all the time to start investing in real estate.My whole family is in South Africa which is my biggest reason why I want to be an investor because I want to have the freedom to to spend time with my family instead of living alone in a foreign country. I have great passion for real estate architecture and design. I also design Logos, business cards etc ( Graphic design background). I am looking to network with investors all over the States....

Design, movies and just discovered I had passion for sports. South Africa is hosting the World cup, I guess it's the perfect time to start!!

Topics I've Participated In

Basic Info

Currenty looking for an Interior or Drafting job and Im a bonafide real estate investor in Training
No Children
Completed College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One



Starprosperity's picture

My name is Nkanyezi Im in Chicago. I recently bought Dean's book. I took me two days to read. I was taking notes thru. I wrote down a summary for everything to see i knew exactly what i needed to do ... Now so today im doing my search for a realtor... and i dont know if there is a detail I missed because she is talking about some sort of payment and rules and regulations before she can work for me. I have nothing right now, talking about if there way a college for being the best broke person i would pass with flying colors.... please somebody help im really nervous... did I miss something and also if there are any of Deans Students here in Chicago city north.. please to contact me at for moral support.

.Guestbook On 3:03am,

Starprosperity's picture

On 3:03am, September 6th, 2009 Starprosperity said:
My name is Nkanyezi Im in Chicago. I recently bought Dean's book. I took me two days to read. I was taking notes thru. I wrote down a summary for everything to see i knew exactly what i needed to do ... Now so today im doing my search for a realtor... and i dont know if there is a detail I missed because she is talking about some sort of payment and rules and regulations before she can work for me. I have nothing right now, talking about if there way a college for being the best broke person i would pass with flying colors.... please somebody help im really nervous... did I miss something and also if there are any of Deans Students here in Chicago city north.. please to contact me at for moral support.

Are there any Dean Students here in Chicago

Starprosperity's picture

Hi everyone, Im Nkanyezi Star, in Chicago. I have been reading the positive comments which are very incouraging and supporting. It also made ma realize how important to be around people who think alike and are excited about one thing " Real Estate Investing"... so please if there are investors groups here in chicago that meet weekly or monthly. Somebody please give me a number. I have been stuck lately, but i have been going back and re-reading the chapters. The only challenge I have found is getting a real estate Agent an a broker. I did the letter thing explaining what i need but I was getting either neg comments, the are you out of your mind look or no replys at all. Im not giving up though, been looking at homes i found one right in my area, its bank owned, its perfect just need cleaning thats it and the neighbor tells me its been forclosure for two years now. the house is really good condition single family. but the number is agent's number and won't allow me to even look at it unless im represented by agent... is that the case with REOs please if someone knows of a better way they used when dealing with REO's please let me know...Maybe we can partner for this deal.. .Im about to go look for some more houses today too. Thank you again everyone for all your comments I religiously read them till the early hrs of the morning.

Hey nkanyezi

GBU Ventures HQ's picture

Just stopping by to say Hello and God Bless

Hi Star

John A's picture

Just wanted to say hi & welcome you to the DG site Smiling Don't hesitate to ask me anything about REI to help you on your way to success, so ask away & stay in touch on your progress...

Everyone Can Make A Difference!
John A.

Thank you John

Starprosperity's picture

I was too busy with school and working two jobs whilst going to school full time is another story. Thank you for the offer to help I will take you up on that offer. I have finished re reading the material and still very nervous. I think its because I have been out of the game for so long and I am trying to bring that fire back. So thank you for the welcome and thank you DG family I do read the comments and pointers they are incredible. I wish I could find a cure for nervousness...lol


Starprosperity's picture



Looking For A Real Estate Agent

Hi, Nkanyeki hope you're doing fine. Do you happen know any open-minded real estate agents that use Dean's techniques. I would really appreciate your help in this matter. Best wishes.



3 day workshop in Oakbrook IL

Starprosperity's picture

THREE WORDS....INSPIRING!, EDUCATIONAL,AND AMAZING.... I am inpired all over again... im on a different mindset!! Im not repeating my old mistakes... yes my days are crazy and stresful but just this week for now i pledge to commit two hours each day doing it... even if it means i stay till the early hours of the morning... SO HELP ME GOD!!!

Earn more

P.H.G. LLC.'s picture

Join us in the inner circle ok

Here how you get there earn 500 points your in the inner circle automatically your 392 away good luck and god bless

Add us to your buyers and sellers list asap

P.H.G. LLC.'s picture

Congratulations on you graduation from college
DG family
Keep up the good work my queen life is your dream.
Dont quit.

I also buy and sell gold and silver i will show you how to
Leave me pm if your interested the company I work with will also give you a mercedese benz option
You have three colors to choose from black, white or gray i want the white one.
leave me a message asap
God bless you.!!!!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.