Joined: 2009-11-20
Points: 192

Anita A Limbrick
About Me:
I am new to the DG family. I have always been interested in Real Estate but did not know how to go about it. One late night I happened to have the tv on and saw the DG infomercial and decided it was time to try to do what I have always wanted to do. I have a full time job, so right now I am a part time investor spending as much time as possible learning the tools of the trade. I have two children that require a little of my time too. I spend my weeknights and weekends learning what I need to apply myself. Hopefully i will be applying my new found skills soon.
My interests are Real Estate, Traveling and Rebuilding Classic Cars.
With the extra confidence we're now getting our next deal won't be too long from joining Deans great family....Welcome Aboard Anita!