
All About reallindy

reallindy's picture
Paul Samaniego
Placentia, California
About Me: 

I am a hard worker,a solder in the army of workers. I have a dream where i can spend more time with my loved ones and also help others.
I am a father of three amazing girls and i hope they will be proud of my new adventure in Real Estate investing.
I see the world in a positive perspective and i encourage others to reach for their dreams too.

I enjoy family and friends get to gethers. I am a single dad and deeply involved in the education of my now grown daughters. I share and encourage them in all that i am learning about Real Estate and life. I am athletic in that i surf, dance, cycle,run marathons.I am looking to travel and purchase Real Estate as a full time adventure.

Basic Info

Manager in a large food distribution company
Have Child(ren)
Completed College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Investor clubs

reallindy's picture

A week ago i attented an investor club in Irvine Ca. this was my first experience with face to face interaction. Being the new investor well,needless to say a fearful choice i made to attend. The outcome was favorable and two agents liked what i was learning to be a wholesaler investor. We connected and they were very encourageing and are willing to see my assignments and bring their investors in on good deals.
Still reading Deans book and i see light at the end of a tunnel. YEA!!!