In this week’s Weekly Wisdom Dean wants to share with you the blatantly transparent truth about his life.
So many people see Dean’s success and think “wow, his life must be perfect” and this week Dean wants to share how no matter where you are in life, there are going to be daily struggles. Daily struggles that Dean has had the ability to conquer over the years. And he wants to share with you just how he has overcome some of his hardest times.
Phillipians 4:8-9
"Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies."
(This paraphrase from "The Message")
Great advise. Yes, sleep is healthy.
Thanks Dean!
<3 2 <3
Just had a night like that, woke up fighting in my sleep, couldn't go back to sleep for a while, with all the thoughts expressed, yes I am tired today. I will review what the video over and over. Until I get it BYE! lol great video. That's life.
Great WW Dean
I agree with you totally. But I struggle with it constantly. You ever notice how much easier it is to think about the negative than the positive? My wife is even worse than I am. She always thinks about the bad things that could happen rather than the good. It's so hard to think positively when bad things are happing to you almost on a daily basses. That's the way it's been for us over the last 2+ years. every time I say "it can't get any worse" BAM, something elts happens. Now I say "better days are coming", that seems to be helping. Well I won't bore you any more. thanks for all you do for us Dean. Ed
Much thanks and gratitude for you and your weekly wisdom!
I would like to say thank you Dean, for your inspiration and helping me stay focused on "my manifesto!" I have joined Brendons program as well! I look fwd to meeting you someday in person, shaking your hand and even give you a hug (man hug, lol)! I have made a tremendous amount of progress with my desire to become a RE Investor just over the last 6 months and could not have done it without having plugged into DG! I am also a father of 2, ages 10 & 7, a husband and small business owner.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Best regards,
George Alves Jr. / Oceanside CA
You are amazing Dean......
I only wish we had found each other years ago when I was forming the bad habits I later succumbed to. I probably, err, make that DEFINITELY, would have gotten a lot more sleep.

Your generosity and openness about your own struggles makes you so relatable to us DGers. While you ARE our leader and you know many of us would follow you off a cliff if you told us it was a good thing, you are not perfect and you let us know that. That's a rare thing in a leader don't you think? Yet I know, from following your struggles and remedies for them, I have fixed many facets of my life as well. So you do have "the answers" and I Thank You for that. But as with anything good, repetition is the key. We, you included, must continue to constantly correct those things that drive us in the wrong direction. Focusing on what's good in our lives sure beats obsessing about what is bad or could be bad in them. I laugh when you say you would wake up at 2 a.m. to obsess. For me, I would never get to sleep from obsessing. This goes back to my childhood even. Now, thanks to you, my IE life coach and a DG inspired change in mindset, I sleep like a baby pretty much every night. Oddly enough, the nights I don't are the nights I obsess over all I want to do the next day. ( I tend to overdo my workday expectations.) But you are helping me with that too so I won't obsess about it.
Thank you for another great WW. It was worth the wait.
Until next time......
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013 & 2014 EDGE alumni
What a great message. I just got off the phone with a friend who was going through a hard time ad I told her to focus on the positive things in her life, not the negative. Basically your message before I even received it.
I don't comment much but I felt compelled to let you know how these weekly wisdoms have helped change my thought process to the degree that my friend says to me "how do you stay positive"? I told her by feeding my brain positive food, like this wealth of positivity on this website.
Needless to say, your sharing and giving has been a blessing to me and allowed me to be a blessing to others.
Thanks Dean!!
My Thanks Go Out To Dean
All I can say is, my thanks go out to Dean!
You have openned my eyes again after a slump
in my life.
Thank you Dean
I must say you are good at what you do.
How you turn something negative into something positive.
You need the most highest award that one human being can receive
for doing this. Thank you very much!!!!!!!
Hi Dean
I wondered what happened and could only hope there wasn't a problem. Hey, you are the guy who calls the concierge to change a light bulb. Do I think your life is perfect? It depends on what is perfect. I think you have a wonderful life and it is your life. We all have a different life and what is perfect for us as individuals is different for each of us. Do I think you don't struggle or have problems? Heck no. As a matter of fact I would say you have a whole host of problems that I don't have but I have a whole bunch of problems that you don't have. That is life. I am always learning something new from you and one of the things I love most is your transparency. You allow me to get glimpses of some of the realities of your life. It is like pulling the curtain back and allowing me to see into your world. I work to shut the noise out and all the negativity while I move forward to get out of my comfort zone. I think I mostly fear falling into trouble that I can not get out of all by myself. I might even have to be honest here and say that at times I doubt my own intelligence and I don't know what to do about that.
Weekly wisdom # 311
Just want to say Thank you Dean at first I thought you was talking about me I would wake every night at the almost same time within minutes I then begin to use the time to plan Positive thoughts and actions I also got my wife to watch the weekly wisdom with me a second time it was totally positive Also I have read your books 2 & 3 times over and know most strategies by hard however I want use them in a area we like that is a 2 hour drive away near a large university an college area in which I have started to develop a team off real estate agents that are willing to work with me and I have even sat in on some court house live auction creating Addtl contacts Also a mortage broker who will also screen credit challenge buyers to assist in obtaining loans have canvas and constantly checking the area for investment and run down properties to create lease option situation and looking for for sale by owners All this information came from you and this coming year I going at it full time Again Thanks Again for not giving up on us slow movers Thanks Woodrow
Sleepless night
Hi Dean,
Good message we all need to be reminded that we have to think the good thoughts, our minds can't be filled with both good and bad thoughts at the same time so why not fill it with the good. I used to not sleep through the night but thanks to a chiropractor (technique called NUCCA, what Montel Williams uses
) and it helped me sleep through the night better. I still have some of those nights but they're very few now and using this will help.
Count our Blessings...
Thank you Dean, for another powerful Weekly!
I'm currently doing 28 days of 'Count my Blessings' (from Rhonda Byrne's book "Magic"); every morning I write 10 things that I'm thankful for, and every night, before I go to sleep, I write down the best thing that happened to me that day.
During the day, I remind myself to think of positive things only; and amazingly, by doing all this, there is absolutely no room in my mind for any negative stuff... my mind is full of just good stuff! I love it! It gives me so much inner peace, and it makes me feel so good! It's like magic!
Wishing you many more blessings!
Thanks Dean
Great share - missed you yesterday!
I too used to have a problem of waking up at the same time every night (or morning), but since working on staying positive that seems to have passed. My husband and I listen to self improvement or positive type of CD's whenever we are driving. We don't listen to the news or read the paper. We always try to do the right thing and help others. We always try to think of the positive. For instance, we have a handicapped granddaughter who is blind and has CP. We don't whine about it, we thank God that we are so blessed to have such a special little girl in our lives. We have found that when we put out good things, good things come back to us in all aspects of our lives.
Thank you for sharing! We look forward to the WW and missed you yesterday.
Blatantly Transparent Truth…
Hi Dean,
Another weekly wisdom to make us pause and think....
No one's life is stress free......not even yours.....
Thank You for All You Do.......XO
Today's video post
Greetings Dean! Just want to say that your active real estate students/collegues are NOT the only people tuned in to these relevant nuggets of Weekly Wisdom! All entrepeneurs (sp?) who think inside AND outside the box need continual inspiration for our transformation and growth! Thanks for being that, and giving that in a daily dose that we can swallow! Love and appreciate your style! Sincerely.
Starting with nothing
Hello Dean,
Thanks for sharing your weekly wisdom with us. I have not bought a house, sold a house, flipped a house, brokered a house, made an offer on a house but I have this burning desire to do all of that and more. I've been studying and learning what I can. I'm starting with nothing. No money, just a desire to make it happen. I know that action is what gets you where you want to be. I will figure it all out. Thanks for keeping me motivated.
Chris the Miracleman
Miracles happen
thinking on positive things
Thank you for reminding us to replace the negative thoughts with positive things and watch what God can do.
Smile... and look at the Glass Half Full
Hi Dean,
Another great weekly wisdom.
Is the glass half empty or HALF FULL!
When you smile, it takes Less Muscles than to frown.
Thinking positive thoughts makes your heart work less, and your stress levels go down.
Years ago, my wife and I made a conscience decision to not watch the NEGATIVE NEWS... TV news, not on an unconscious level anyway. IF there was something we wanted to know more about, we watch that and then turn it off.
It's amazing, we have the power to control what we eat, what we see, and what we literally take into our bodies. And once we realize we have that control, and we TAKE CONTROL, we are a much better person, in our personal lives and our business lives.
Keep up the inspirational message. I always enjoy seeing them. And I also have watched the Joe Jurek video on Wholesaling several times. Joe has it "right on."
Remember, the sky is the limit,
I sleep fine...
Even though I find it very hard to think of anything good that happened to me at late. I'm rather more sensitive to things which are not good than good, at least what my mind perceives, anyway. I am not very good at doing this RE thing on my own. And I am always an island.
What a wonderful and powerful message Dean, soooo true, thanks for sharing
I remeber...
Hello Dean, I remember waking up in the middle of the night thinking about how bad my life was.
it was in this website that I found lots of positive people willing to help. GOOD NEWS!! I sleep really good all thru the night. I started to read Books and listen to audio cd's such as:
now I eat healthy and I feed my mind with valuable information. I can see things getting better and better.
Thanks for reading,
This message hit home for me
This message hit home for me Dean. It's one of the things I've struggled with for years, but ironically I've been changing might thought process from being negative to being blessed on what I do have and achieved in my life. I mean I'm alive and healthy, not much people can say that. It's like you said before Dean it's fighting that demon within our minds. Thanks for this week's message.
Yes, positive mental attitude conquers....
Hey Dean
It has been a while since I have posted. I want to thank you for all the years of great REI training and for providing the place where I first met Matt, Rina, Elena, Jeremy, Jan, Carol S and all my other RE buddies....we were all there together learning and helping each other from the knowledge, insight and positive motivation Dean gave us each day. You guys all played such an important role in my success in wholesaling.
Dean, your weekly positive motivating messages, Matt and Rina guiding me through my first few deals and all the others lending their love and support was such a huge spring-board for my successes in real estate. Dean, I can never thank you enough for all you have done for me...each one of you who helped me.
I own and have built one of the most recognized, and respected national independent booking agencies in the US. I book named entertainment all across the world. I am searching and getting ready to put 3 more positive agents into my company. So we are growing fast and much thanks to you Dean.
I started the company back in 1978 but it really took off during the time I was getting my daily dose of real estate schooling right here with you Dean and the others I mentioned. Dean, so much of the success of my agency is attributed to your positive reinforcement and pushing and reaching for more and better ways of doing things. I used those same techniques with my clients and the artist I represent.
I receive calls all hours of the night from my artist who I represent. They usually have a problem that is bothering them and come to me to talk it through. When I am talking to then I always remember Dean's positive and uplifting ways of talking to us on the daily messages and the weekly wisdom.
I will first talk to my artist and get them into a positive mind set so we can fix the problem. That is the key to it all is being positive so you can see through the not so positive. Replace the negative with the positive and you will find success. That is such a great and inspiring message for today Dean and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your love, caring and showing us daily what true success consists of.
Your friend forever..
Sissy Treat
Thanks for the transparency.
Thanks for the transparency. We do tend to think those in your position don't face the same things we do, and even thinking that is an attack on our minds. We have to learn to control our thoughts at all cost.
Count (compound) your blessings
Great post, Dean! It reminds me of when I "force" myself to think of one thing I'm grateful for, the list automatically begins to grow. The effect is magical, just as you experienced.
Great weekly Wisdom
Thanks Dean: For all the inspiration in which you share with all. The Education is the best. Thanks for the transparency. Carol Hays in Texas
I am so glad you are transparent! That is one of the reasons i am still developing in Real Estate. After some blocks, i can interpret them as a learning process and not as a negative result.
Hey there nice talk loved it & boy I have done that too, wake up in the middle of the night & stressed or usually in the day just stress period LOL i mean like way stress.
Anyway just got back from mex, big mistake, going i mean, it looks like now we are distancing even more or just plain the big D, I hate saying the word. Oh well. I really did try but I can't do it in Mex, too tough too hard there. am so happy to be back it only lasted 4 days this time-me being there.
Well I am excited, like you said-to hold on to the positives in your life, well right now my positive is this business, which is changing my life man! I just got word I got another accepted offer in kc mo so away we go! God bless, & see you in April God willing.
Dear Dean, I believe that you are exactly right
on. Doing a piece of whatever you do over and over just goes to everything that you share each
and every week. Simple stuff, but all very good
reminders of how to be successful and how to fix
"all the crap".