
All About ShieldedFuture

T. Shields
Washington DC/Maryland
About Me: 

I am a wholesaler in the DC/Maryland area. I have always had the passion to invest in real estate, so the first chance I had I took it. I haven't closed many deals, but I feel if I stick to it I will accomplish my goals very soon!

Topics I've Participated In

Basic Info

Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


So Frustrated! Can Someone Please Help Me!

I'm a single father of two, Im currently unemployed due to getting laid off at work. I have been trying to get my real estate business off the ground for the past 3 years now and have only done one deal! I have tried everything from short sales to REO's to direct marketing and all the possible deals I come across seems to just fall apart! I know real estate like the back of my hand but I can't pin point why I haven't been successful! I'm dying in need to close a deal soon, I have been searching for help for the longest of time and it just seems like everyone wants to pitch me on something or just don't want to help at all! I have followed many of Deans suggestions and at one point I was putting out 100-125 offers a week and it only tired my agents out to the point that they felt like they were wasting their time with me. When I would get an offer accepted the buyers I had were entirely too picky even though some of them were good deals. Some of which would wait until I fell out of contract and pick the deal up behind my back which is even more frustrating! Please can someone help me! Please!