
All About theassociate


Topics I've Participated In

Assigning question benbeka4428 years 2 weeks ago
Are you Illegally Acting as an Agent? dwall319 years 35 weeks ago
assigning a deal D-HI6309 years 50 weeks ago
Wet Closes with Transactional Funding... jeamigh1510 years 35 weeks ago
Presenting Offers on REOs - Property Listing Agent vs. Buyer's Agent Indiana-Joe24711 years 2 weeks ago

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Mainly Just This One



I have finally submitted my first 25 bids for 25 different properties and my real estate agent informs me that I will need to show a "proof-of-funds" statement and earnest money. Really? Proof-of-funds? I dont recall reading that anywhere when it comes to dealing with wholeselling. Also, is there anyone out there familiar with the very minimal earnest deposit of just $10 for every bid you submit for your properties? I like to hear your response. I need to get back to my agent immediately (w/in 72 hours). Thanks, Steve, Greenville, South Carolina - young24steve@****

Hi Steve

M.A.E.'s picture

How are you?

Steve, let me know how soon you would have $400.

The $400. would be paid through pay-pal. We would sign off on a partner agreement legal in your state and mine.

Would provide you with POF,(proof of funds letter), and other documents needed. I'll assist you and/or give you the guidelines and they are not hard.

That is the best I can do.

I like the information you gave in your emails enough to invest the other $600 on your behalf.

You can tell your Realtor that you got mixed signals from the Manager (me) , that works for the cash buyers.

We can start as soon as the $400. is in.


p.s. Some call me Mary

Hi Steve

M.A.E.'s picture

Wanted to see how things were going for you?

Hope you're not angry with me.

I seem stern but am a softy.
