AndyS's blog

day 29

no calls or emails from my ad as yet.
No return calls or emails from my(?) agent yet (Starting to think he's not going to be the guy!)

No PMs or emails today

Made the long schlepp to PSL for my REA meeting. Went through terrible weather and was late to meeting. There was a small crowd there and they were mostly talking short sales in and around PSL which didn't help me too much. The people I wanted to network with were either not there or in a hurry to leave.

Did my dailies and calling it a night.

Till tomorrow....

Day 28

Well it looks like my 30 days to cash is going to go out the window. I've received no contact from agents nor my CL ad. It's frustrating because I know I can do this if I get the right person to help.

What I did today:
Checked my PMs and emails
Posted to a couple of journals
Listened to tonight's mentoring call
contacted another agent's email

Posted my dailies.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better....I get to drive 100 miles to go to my REA meeting ( Whoopiee)

Till tommorow.....

Day 27

today I moved FORWARD!
I posted my ad on CL looking for buyer's.
Got my new phone hooked up to take RE calls from the ad only.
Was on the mentoring call
Wrote a letter to an agent (which can be found on the "30 days quick cash formula" journal) then posted it on the journal.
No PMs or emails today to answer.
Posted to another journal this morning.

Entered my dailies.

That's enough for today.

Till tomorrow...

Day 25 & 26

I was so tired by the end of yesterday that I just didn't have it in me to post my dailies so I am doing it combined with today's.

Yesterday took a bit of a hit and I was only able to do some researching for more RE agents in town and got caught up reading a bunch of articles in that process. I did post to a journal and answered my PMs and email.

Today was a bit better. I answered my emails and PMs. Posted to a couple of journals
Contacted my agent about RE lawyers and Title companies he prefers to use (thinking that that might light a bit of a fire under his behind to show that I'm serious.)

Day 24

Today was basically a bust due to illness.
Spent the morning answering PMs and emails and doing a little reading but succumbed to a weather related headache that required strong meds to cure. The down side to these meds is that they put me to sleep so even tho I tried to continue working, it basically wasn't sinking in.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

To anyone in Hurricane Irene's path, my best wishes for a safe storm. I've lived through too many hurricanes now in FL so I know exactly what you are going through. I have family & friends all along the NE coast that I fear aren't taking this storm seriously enough. Hopefully I will be wrong about the outcome.

Til tomorrow....

Day 23

Today was a better day. While I feel like I didn't get many things done today, I did spend most of my day on RE chores.
After posting yesterday's blog entry first thing this morning, I checked my emails and answered my PMs.
I posted to 3 journals (I think) and read a few more.

I taught my partner the wonderful word of Google Earth
and showed him how to pin the areas of cash sales to look for trends and pockets. (This took much longer than it should have.)It's tough to do quickly when you have to do it over the phone.

I posted my ad to have RE agents find me for a change and passed that knowledge onto another DGer.

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