AndyS's blog

Day 16

Today I started purposely dedicating more time to my RE and less time to my Lures. I got more done than I thought.
No, I didn't clean the office yet again. It seems to take a back seat to things that make money even though I know at some point this kind of thinking will bite me in the butt. I guess when you have a strong memory like mine, you know which pile of crap has what you are looking for. What's more important, where you keep your important stuff or being able to find your important stuff when you need it? Years of "Organized Chaos" has given me the ability to know where everything is (or should be) I guess.

What I got accomplished to day:
Responded to PMs & emails
Posted my thoughts in someone's journal

day 15

2 days in a row that I'm entering my dailies before midnight. Smiling

Today was a rushed day. I spent all of my available time doing RE work. Answered PMs, researched some properties,researched possible mailing/PO addresses, listened to Matt's call tonight and spent the rest of my time plotting and planning.

Tomorrow's agenda: since I only have half the day to commit to RE, I GOTTA CLEAN MY OFFICE and get these letters out to the cash buyers. It's keeping me from moving forward. I'm too busy worrying about pennies and missing the dollars. That's gotta stop!

Day 14

Hey, I've actually started this before midnight...Whooppeeee!
It's hard to embrace all this new technology when it just keeps setting me back.

Before I got started with today's plan, I snuck into to answer any PMs and get my mail. Was that a mistake? you decide....

day 13

Spent a bit of my day trying to figure out how to mail merge my cash buyer's list to my envelope file. I get a number of blank envelopes in between the successful ones.
Contacted the RE agents I've received info from to prepare them for my next request.

Listened to Joe Jurek's lesson tonight as well as more of the HAN section of the RBBP.

I really need to finish cleaning my office and getting reorganized. The stress of this taking so long is doing my health in as well as my bank account. I know the day will come when these are no longer issues but that day just seems to elude me.

Once again it's after midnight and I need to sleep & get up to start my work day in about 5 hours. This sucks!!!!!

Till tomorrow...uh later...

day 12

Remembered at the last minute about the mentor's call tonight. Will most likely be doing nothing but the call (depending on the length of the call.)
Will listen to first call from all the mentors to see who is the best fit. Looks like I will be on a call each night.

Till tomorrow...

day 11

8pm came and I started my REI time by answering my PMs and emails. The plan for tonight is to continue listening to the EDGE home study disks while continuing to clean and reorganize my office. Already filled a garbage bag (this afternoon) half way with trash I should have thrown out months ago. Somebody shoot me if I ever let this happen again Laughing out loud . I guess my Dad's thoery of "I'm too busy to be neat" just can't be my motto anymore. I've actually lost something within my office that I really just can't find. That's going to cost me close to 1 hour to recreate. Talk about a WASTING of time!!!!

Till tomorrow....Smiling

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