
First (1) Deal

I would like to hear from people who have done there first (1) deals.
I have been reading everything that Dean has sent me along with several other gurus without any success but Dean always kept saying don't give up on your dreams, mind you, I'm 66, giving up on dreams was never an option. I have spent a life time in the sales field and never made as much money on any single deal, like I did on my first (1) REI deal.
find attached my first deal commission.

Talking about being excited

Putting it into Action

Today is the day I actually start calling real estate agents and asking for listings.

I am nervous and its upsetting. I know I can do this. I am usually a very outgoing person who isn't afraid to ask for what I want. So this is a strange feeling for me.

I already went online and looked in the phone book last night to find 5 agencies to get some agents so I have to say that's good I am ready. Now to pick up the phone.

I am going to do it and hopefully when I blog about it tomorrow I won't be in tears because I didn't follow through with the calls at all. Yikes!

Okay talk to all of you tomorrow!

Have a great Day!!!!

To be GREEDY, or not to be GREEDY, that is the question!

Ok, so you have invested a lot of time and money going through Dean's courses, and followed his instructions to the tee. You have worked hard developing your Buyer's LIst, and finally started making offers.

Your first offer was rejected. So was your second. You don't get discouraged, you get determined. Your third and fourth offers were rejected too. Finally, on your twentieth offer, the seller accepts and you have your first deal, now what?

After a well deserved celebration, you sit down to think about your next step. Then it dawns on you, how much are you going to mark up your property?


Well the past 2 days have been a blur.
A lot of stuff happening. I'm hoping that some of it pays off because it's taking so much of my time that I still haven't finished the first fishing lure. Truthfully, I am more excited about all the RE things that are happening that it's making it hard to concentrate on my other JOB. This tells me that the end of my lure biz is near if I don't make some kind of arrangement to get lures made. Time to put my management skills to work for real.

Okay, RE stuff:
If you are not networking, you are surly missing the boat. I mean you are on the shore waving at the people on the boat that's in the middle of the lake.

Excited and Ready to go!

Just watched video #2 for the Rock Bottom Blue Print. I am more than ready to start. Still have a little more reading in the 30 days to Real Estate Cash, but I am excited and motivated more with every video and page I read.

Any Suggestions.....

I am embarking on this real estate journey with my mother and my boyfriend. Both my mother and boyfriend started to read the 30 Days to Real Estate Cash back in June of 2011 and still haven't done anything with it.

Now that I decided to join them in this adventure any ideas on how we can all motivate each other. So far I have been diligent. As for my 2 business partners not so much.

This week I have demanded I get their WHY and at least their 30 Day goal emailed to me. Hoping that if someone else is holding them accountable, it will light a fire under their butts.

Any other suggestions to help me help them would be greatly appreciated.


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