
Only You Can Stop You

Discouragment doesn't hits us all.

But Only You Can Stop You.

Like Tim McGraw song says:

" Are you hungry, Are you thirsty, is it a fire burns you up bad do you want bad do you need it...are you eatin, sleeping, dreaming with that one thing on your bad do you want bad do you need it...if you want it, all you gotta lay it all out on the line..."

I am finding daily that as I equip myself with all the resources at and have a system set up to just do something towards my goals, I will reach the finish line.

But like Winston Churchill, the great British prime minister of WWII said:

"Never give up, never give up, never give up"

Webinar for Update on Georgia Market-Plenty of Opportunity

Title: Georgia Property Continues To Show Abundance of Opportunity
Date: Thursday, January 5, 2012
Time: 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST

Must Register:

Hope this helps someone,

"Flippig the Script"

Not really, however, just got done editing my personal "robo" script that I have decided to use as part of my REI strategy. This is just amazing to me!


So, as the year 2011 ended, I realized that I have made a lot of connections with real estate professionals. The tables turned when I made the effort to tell people about what I do as a professional. Going to events that RE Professionals attend helped tremendously! The more I pursue this lifestyle, the more it becomes my reality. On ward I go, as the journey on the path to financial freedom and overall happiness continues...

Ready To Conquer 2012!

I thought I was ready in 2011, but after experiencing several hardships and economic challenges I have a renewed commitment to crush it in 2012. I completed my homework assignment and these are the feelings I'm looking forward to with great expectancy:
1) Blessed
2) Happy
3) Successful
4) Complete
5) Accomplished
6) Relieved
7) Stress Free

Day 2 - Looking for Cash Buyers in San Antonio, TX or any that want to buy there!!

Today, I am continuing my daily blog, knowing this is going to work in 2012. I set my goals, continued reading, meeting with another investor tomorrow to combine our efforts and make this happen. Anybody out there that live in Texas that are cash buyers, please contact me. Thanks, Cyndy58

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