

I'm working on my buyers list and posted an ad saying




Also, in the process of finding homes.

My exit Strategy is an Assignment.

My Questions are..

Once Assignment is signed who takes the contract where? and how fast do i cash in :]

In the purchase agreement under earnest money are those all "0"s?

AND if any investors would like to work with me in Illinois your welcomed to pm me.

Thank you guys .

The Day that things Changed.

I'will begin by saying that I am afraid! There I said it!I'm afraid! But, now I going to take action to get this done. I have read the books, I'm in the success academy, and it is my goal to completed my first deal before the new year!

Thank you for all of you awesome words and stories DG- Family


Bought the Book

Just Bought Deans Book Your Town your real estate profits I'm going to get it in the mail soon and start reading it

Need help with what I should do next....

Hello all,

Days 85 & 86

Not been able to spend too much time doing RE but have been thinking about it constantly. I don't get on to my computer until evening so I have only been reading new comments and checking emails and PMs. I did make a couple of posts but not as much as before.

Still trying to figure out ways of helping the 3 people from the other day. I need to follow up with the short sale couple, call the property management company for the Frostproof house and contact the potential L/O owner. In my spare time I will make some lures and cringe a little more when the mail comes. I'm already late on the insurance bills and the car payment but the lure money gets me caught up.

30 day quickcash

I am just beginning to post on this site. As, I have been reading Dean's books and his last one 30 Days To Real estate Cash is the best of them all. I have gone thu this one cover to cover and then I pick the parts I need . Today is the first day of not my 30 days but my 90 day Quick Cash, as the holidays are almost heart and I am also working. So getting done what I need to get done in the days time hours will be hard, But no excuses. I Will Do It so today is Nov 2 90 days will be on Jan 31 2012 if my figures are correct.
I have already talked to a realtor and she is sending me somethings on friday when she gets back to her office.I have my new email for my real estate departmen. When I leave this p.m. I will stop and get a street map.

I am on my way

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