
Day 67

Things are happening slowly but surely. We are moving forward and that's all that is important!

Today I went to check out my bandit signs. I only had 1 sign that was effected by the storm from the weekend. The rest are still working and I've been given indications that they are being seen.

I also placed my cards in the laundromat in town. Went looking for more waiting areas to put more signs but there seems to be less of them now. Even places I've been to before that had them have taken them down or eliminated them. Good thing I didn't order 100 cardholders!!

1st blog ever

I guess this is as good as any time to start it off.
CAPTAIN'S LOG: Ten-Eleven-Eleven (as my 2yr old used to say, "e-wenen")
Thanks to everyone for all your contributions & encouragements. Jen Gray: I will start taking up your challenge for bandits. I've setup my google vmail but having technical difficulties. Got the greeting but won't start recording the message from the caller since I tested it out. To make it worse, now the phone's voicemail won't kick in. I know that with all this hassle, something's big will come out of it all.
"For he says, 'In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.' I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation." 2nd Corinthians 6:2 (NIV)

Ok, now I really want to take action!

It's been a few months since my first entry, and lots of things have happened. Just not in the direction I was planning to go. I was hoping for much smoother road than the one I was on since the car accident back in February. I returned to work and it hasn't changed. I noticed immediately that I changed. My focus is counting down the weeks to my official resignation/retirement at this place...

I got my automated system started and my marketing tools ready for distribution. My organization system is simple and currently effective!

It's only a matter of time now.
Oh, and more knowledge!

Got the new book and "Bam," it happened.

I learned alot in a few pages of the new book. Some thing else I stumbled on and it worked that was brought out in these pages. I had an idea and went with it. I found a foreclosure website and looked for houses that didn't sell at the auctions and still own by the bank. I looked for houses that are dirt cheap in nice areas. I found one that was 100K. Took Dean's advice and offered half, 50%! What do I have to loose. They took the offer. I made some minor repairs, fresh paint and a little yard work. Now the houses is listed for 249K in an area the other houses are valued at 329K plus. It's amazing!

A new beginning!

Today I start anew! My wife and I have decided to by our first home. Just a townhome, but it will be ours. We are first time homebuyers. We have not been preapproved for anything and we have no money down. Do I sound worried?

I am starting to re-read all the books, notes, conversations, blogs and do everything that is needed to be done. My goal...immediately is to get our first place. With that done then I can help others do the same with REI. I am I am here to start. My world is better, my heart and soul are in balance. I have been blessed with a year of hard work, but with rewards. I love life, all who are in it, and I can't wait to catch up with everyone!

Richard LaCelle
Bothell, WA

Days 65 &66

I can't believe I forgot to do my dailies yesterday. Not much to report so I was on another track.

I posted to a number of forums yesterday and that was about it. I also reposted my buyer's wanted ad to a couple of sites.

Today, I listened to another webinar, read and posted to some forums, recalled my caller from Sat., joined Linkdin, Set up my profile and joined some groups.

I'm calling it early so I'll see y'all tomorrow Smiling

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