
Just for Dean's Students... Free Access to my Bandit Signs 101 Page!

For a limited time only I will grant you FREE access to my report on the 20 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT BANDIT SIGNS. This report includes how to get around the local code enforcer.

It's your FREE when you sign up on my blog at

Own Your Situation,

Cash out refi

So, I called 11 more banks today to find one who will do a cash out refinance. The 11th bank I called happened to be the same bank that owns a property I'm closing on in a week and a half. Too bad I didn't find this out sooner, but they will refinance my loan with cash out! Yee Haw!

I didn't tell them yet I'm buying their REO. I was a little nervous, but I will talk to them about it soon enough. This is so cool!

The Assignment:

An assignment contract is a simple method of putting YOU in a position of making cash. It breaks down to two steps.

1) Find an incredible real estate deal
2) Find an interested buyer

You do those two things as often as possible. You can make as little at a couple grand or all the way up to $10K - $20K per deal. It is most certainly more than possible to close more than one deal a month. Even if you were to only cash in on one crappy deal a month how much would your life change? What difference would $2K make in your home? That's an alright weekend vacation at the very least. It's more than some people make a month.

Day 72

Still no calls. Not sure why. Feeling a little discouraged with the bandit sign idea but the alternative is to hunt down sellers which will be more costly both time wise and $$$ wise. Am seriously considering going back to tax sales.

Listened to another TA video and read from some journals. Not much else RE related today. Will be in Lakeland tomorrow so will check out my signs to see if they are still there.

Till then...

getting started

I just recieved 30 days, and just started to read it. I have recieved your other books,your town and profit from real estate. one thing i really like is your positive attitude and the setting of here so i'm going one day at a time. Ron

Day 71

Feeling a little blue today. Still have not received any calls from my signs. I need to try to figure out why.
I re listened to the TA report and did the exercise. It confirmed that I care very much about helping others before I care about helping myself. I need to see how I can do both at the same time if I am going to get out of this financial hole.

So this is what I did today:
I answered my PM and checked my mail (nothing interesting enough to read.)
I posted in 1 journal
I put out some more bandit signs

Doing my dailies then going to do some lure biz stuff. Even tho it's 11:30 pm, I still have to work to make the BILLS money. At least I'll be able to watch some football tomorrow while I work.

Till tomorrow...

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