
The Journey of a Prince: From Rags to the Real DG Estate Vol.1 #1

Hello Everyone, please forgive me if you have already seen this post as I originally had this posted in the Rina's "...New Journals Read this first..." section like so many other Newbies (A rite of passage perhaps). Well here goes and may I be able to teach as much as I have already learned and more to others here on at

Happy Investing to you All.

Days 69 & 70

The path is long and I am weery. I've been reading over my last few entries and noticed that I do a lot on this site but I am not spending enough time looking for deals. That changed today!
I spent most of my RE time checking ads and trying to find homes for my buyers. I've found a few but will need to do more research before making calls on them.

I Finish Reading Your Town Your Real Estate Profits-Chapter 7

I just finish reading chapter 7. This chapter by Chip and
Andrea is very good. I learned new investing techniques. I liked funding deals with an ira. I think that is wise .

Finally had an offer accepted!

Let the celebration begin! After 4 weeks and 15 offers made I finally got an acceptance! We took a ride out to the house this morning to take a peak since my offer was made strictly by the numbers...and I have to say, it's a great house. So here are my thoughts.

The windows are old and need replacing. Needs a new kitchen, 1 bath makeover and a new one put in, new flooring, paint and new furnance and AC. I expect the renovation to cost around 25K....but here is the best part....The numbers indicate that I can get 25K or more once I sell it! Hooray!!! This is my new more cubicles for me!

Hope to close in about 3 weeks and then start the demolition. I plan on using video and pictures to tell the rehab story - can't wait to get started!

Jet Lagged

I am back "on planet Earth" after being out of the country for well over a month and a half (left August 18 and just returned today Oct 12). I am seriously jet lagged, however, even before unpacking or checking my mail I jumped on DG site to get RECHARGED. I will spend today watching Dean's "Weekly Wisdoms" from Aug on...I will organize my next steps...I want to get started and generate $. Thanks for being on this site!!!

day 68

Had a tech issue last night and my rodent died (the mouse went capoot!)so I was unable to finish listening to R. Branson's video. Went into town again today to get a new one so I checked my signs again. Did find 1 that was broken and tossed into the high grass. It may have been from another investor because I put this sign in a neighborhood that I saw had houses being renovated. No one else would have had a reason to move my sign or toss it where I found it. Will contemplate making a I SELL HOUSES sign for over there to try and get them to call me.

Besides that, I:
Answered my email and PMs
Listened to another webinar
Relistened to Deans RBBP final call.
Went to Trusted Authority site and filled out my DNA and read his report
Posted to a couple of forums

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