Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #124 - Fortune Magazine Says Now Is The Time!

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog

This week Dean shares an article from the current issue of Fortune magazine. In it the word is a certain type of real estate is more valuable than ANY other investment you could own right now. It's nice to know that they are finally catching on to what Dean has been preaching for 3 years now! What is the "type" of real estate? Take a guess, watch and post your comments below.


randy428's picture

another great blog, I can't say much about TV or magazines. I am to busy investing. all I know is I got my best deal yet two days ago. Thinks for everything, I am having the time of my life. Well I guess I,ll leave the the TV and magazines to the ones that don't like taking action. You can lead a horse to water but you can;t make him drink.


Real Estate turn-a-round

I live in CA central valley, I have seen no major turnaround yet. What I have seen is that agents are finally beginning to list R.E. at prices that reflect the current economic conditions. It is like it has finally sunk-in with them that the housing boom is over. Because no one is buying at former inflated prices, plus foreclosures are still happening here, just not quit as fast. I have not made a deal yet, but I am excited about trying.

Thanks Dean

This weeks blog.

dinoMartino's picture

No Dean:
I think what you did by posting this weeks blog was giving people like myself,the wake up call we've needed.
For people like myself who have lost out on grabbing hold of the American dream, might have started a couple of years ago by being forced out of our place of employment and offered an even lesser job with more hours and less pay .
It has not been easy, breaking old habits and for alot of us who've just recently discovered a better way of life through your books website and mentoring programs.
This weeks blog was the battle cry we've needed leading us into the fray.
I for one have been unsure of what moves to make because as you pointed out in one of your books, " Trying anything new for the first time in our lives, can be a terrifying experience. "
And for those like me who've been unable to take that leap of faith, your message was as plain as day.
("Please what ever you do, dont get left behind.")
If ever the time was right to put your plan into action, "Now !" would be that time.
The market is turning, and what I think would be more terrifying than returning to work for the rest of our lives for someone keeping us from living our dreams, is missing out on this once in a lifetime opportunity.
Your blog has helped me realize that window of opportunity is closing, and if I dont get started now, I may as well get used to being claustrophobic, for the rest of my natural life.

And if the Economy Tanks as it did in the 30's?

joeyharp_2001's picture

Thanks Dean! You and Matt are the men! Listen, there is a much better then a 50/50 chance that the economy will go back into recession as it did in the 30's after the great recession. With the end of QE-2 which has kept the rebound alive, with the Republican's in control of the house, as it was pointed out on CNBC this morning and no QE-3 possible, AND with the cutting of the deficit TOO SOON, the consumer will be on the skids as will the stall in jobs formation. Well, I'm optimistic about Real Estate for another 3+ years.

I'm not optimistic that the political machinery can get out of it's own way in time for recall elections in various Tea Party states before the end of the year (legally you need one year before you can pull the trigger of a recall), and then the shooting in the foot of the Republican Party, which will loose the house AND the Senate during the elections of 2012. Accordingly, the Feds have always got us out of this in the past by rebuilding America's infrastructure, as is being done in China, soon Japan (who has been stagnate for years) and in south America by their governments respectfully. So until that happens, jobs will continue to grow at a snails pace, and there will be yet more foreclosures and problems in the states that weren't has hard hit as Arizona, Nevada and Florida. We have only begun to be a nation of Renters! I don't see a way out in two years. So why change the course in the middle of the stream?

Yes, the WINDOW of real

Yes, the WINDOW of real estate is OPEN, but "FOR THIS SEASON." Many were able to catch on and get under this window of abundant blessings, but for the ones who are trying to get there -- "Don't Give Up", "Be Consistent" and know that it will happen in "Due Season."

So, Dean, keep H-O-P-E alive!!!

LOVE it! I couldnt agree

LOVE it! I couldnt agree more, Dean. So if your ship has not come in, then it is time to get your fanny wet and swim out and go get it! The properties and the deals are out, you just need to take that leap of faith and go GET EM!

I disagree. It's still too early to buy.

I've done a lot of research on the Internet since the housing bubble burst and some experts economists think that the housing market may not straighten out until the year 2030. Yes, that's a full 19 years from now!
The reason is because of the glut of many millions of foreclosures currently on the market plus the fact that banks held back on foreclosures during "Mortgage-gate" fiasco which in now mostly over and banks are currently going full steam ahead and are not only going to foreclose on homes during Mortgage-gate but the latest foreclosures as well. Plus interest rates are now starting to go up too. Soon they could be quite high.
What all this means is not only is 2011 set up to be the highest home foreclosure year in American history but it also means that home prices will drop even much more from where they are at right now. It's simple equation of supply and demand. When supply goes up + demand goes down = lower prices.
So even if a home you’re looking at today looks like a good deal, it will be more than likely a rotten deal in about the next 12-36 months from now.
If you’re buying your first home to live in for the next 20 years it might not be bad time to buy as long as you don’t put it on the market anytime soon. But for investment property you will loose your shirt if you buy it today.
John Templeton the founder of Franklin Templeton Investments spoke at an investment conference shortly before his death in 2007. He said then you will see the day where houses will be worth only 10% of there all time high during the housing bubble. So let’s say you bought a house for $250,000 in 2006 it will soon be only worth $25,000! This is already happening right now today in certain parts of this country and will happen soon in all 50 states. So don't buy any investment properties because it's far too soon.
As far as Dean's magazine article, ever heard of the headline "DEWEY BEATS TRUMAN"?

this weeks blog

Dean, Thanks for all your hard work, and keeping your students motivated, I had a few deals go bad, and then life takes over again,and i lose my drive. But every Monday i watch your Blogs,and it drives me to pick up the phone again and work on another deal!! I know with the success academy,i will prevail! sincerely Rick from Long Island

return of real estate

even though this is saying housing is coming back on the other hand banks that are still foreclosing and they are forging documents because they do not have the original documents. So there is still a mess out there that we can take advantage of.

Just In Time

kingdominvestor's picture

Im closing on my first deal this week, this is very good news! Thanks Dean, I hear you loud and clear too.

The market changing

Arrowstar's picture

I know this is the right time to get into real estate investing because the deals are so good and plentiful. I also know that with Dean's guidance and the support of his team, ANYTIME is a good time! Thanks Dean for your support. I am looking at my first deal, and I am very excited. There is a lot of work to be done, but the location is top notch, and the comps are really good. I will go get the mag and check it out. Have a great day!

Time Is Moving On

You Guys Are Right On The Money,We Better Start

Paying Attention. The Time Is Now.Thanks Again.

See You From The Top

Blog #124

R.E.I. should never look at mags that have anything to do with money ,or,Real Estate.once you understand about R.E. investing the economy will never have anything to concern you . What you see in Mags or, newspapers comes from Realtors who know less than we do about how to buy and sell R.E. There will always be bargains out there for us.This has been true since my first seminar in 1982. Buy Right,Buy Right.

R.E. Agents

I Found the best agent at a Dave Del Dotto seminar,we did my first deal on a 10 unit building .This agent had an open mind ,that is all you can ask of a partner of any kind.Look for them now on websites,LIKE DG.


jholden's picture

Honestly, I was a little disappointed to see this post. I thought geez, I'm to the game late! BUT...on the other hand it motivated me to get in the game faster! Don't think, just do! Stir the pot and make something happen. Loved reading Darren's FIRST DEAL DONE post in the forum. Great example of just keep moving...Thanks Dean for all you DO!! And Darren.... congrats again!

Fortune magazine.

Thank u Dean for sharing that great news.

Fantastic News!

Thank u Dean for sharing that great blog,its time to take actions.


THANKS DEAN and DG FAMILY for all that u share with us and i agree we need to get it while the gittin is good,i'm not given up workin on something now and others but when it does come to past i plan on making it to the edge event an i hope it won't be too late for me to pay for the event yall will be the 1st to know,like u say dean getting that first one out the way.i going in with no money and i'm still waiting on u dean,hope to see yall soon.

Media awaremess

I've noticed the media slowly revealing everything DG teaches its not news to me that they can see the true state of real estate but will do it late so as to not harm those that are making it work already.

Hey Dean,

Mighty1 Real Estate's picture

Thanks for talking about this subject. It really send a message to me personally because I am rebuilding my credit and I am sick of sitting by and letting this opportunity pass me by! Kinda gives you a a shock, sorta of a jump start and get going kinda feeling. Thanks again,
Never say die!

This is very comforting

I have been trying to get my first deal, but I'm still stuck on getting my power team together, and my list of wholesalers, Its taking longer than I thought. Dean thanks" I feed on your enthusiasm to keep myself going, and motivated, I keep telling my self I will have my deal its out there just keep trying. This is one thing I'm not giving up that easy...

Just getting started now...


I bought the books on a bit of a whim at 3:30 in the morning between waking up the couch and heading to the bed. They got here and I really didn't pay much attention... but then the call came to join the program and we stepped up.

I'm psyched to be involved at this point and I'm glad I don't really have anything to fear by this upcoming turnaround... we're jazzed to get our first deals done soon and be able to participate in this opportunity... and it wouldn't have happened without you making a video while driving in your car.

Crazy man. Smiling Thanks.

weekly blog

Hey Dean

Just wanted to say thanks and great message,I can see everything trying to and starting to rebound
just diving around my area, although I am still trying to get started, basically as one of daughters says,YOU DO YOU

Thanks again

Fortune Magasine

Now that the pomdents are catching up with us will they now see the light?
I would also like to what kind of market I am in if the for rent signs are not getting any responces as well as the buyers are not bying.

I 'll keep trying Real Estate Investing

My time is coming I keep pushing foward because I just don't like Real Estate I love it before Dean I was always had interest in it but did not know were to get started I seen other programs on T.V. but nothing got me to make a move like his Book.I might not be fast to pick up but looking back were I stating I've gotting far so that said,Thank you Dean G.,Eric R.,all the coach at P.M.I and D.G. family.SmilingSmiling

Great Blog. keep them coming.
I think of Real Estate everday.CoolCool

Real Estate Market

Thanks Dean, this lets me know that making Real Estate deals now will benefit me in the future. That the direction of the market is headed up.

Real Estate

Wondering about risk factor in all real estate prepositions

As You Predicted

Wening C.'s picture

Thank You, Dean

Excellent as you predicted. It is a buyers market

Thanks Again, Dean
Success and Nothing Less!!
Wening Eye-wink

Real Estate

My grandparents and other family members have had rental properties for as long as I can remember - this has always provided very well for them. My grandfather always said that you could NEVER go wrong with real estate as long as you are smart about it.

I agree with my grandfather! When I have discussed what we are doing, he grins, telling me he wished he knew what I have learned as we would all be out on a yacht enjoy nothing but the best. Sounds good to me!

One deal at a time, we are working to our independent weath. What I look forward to the most is the ability I will have to help others!! I love the show Secret Millionare and look forward to one day being able to be in that position myself!!

Have a good one.

Hi Dean

Hey Dean,
Great news, keep the positive energy flowing. Talk to you soon.
