Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #156 - You Are Oxygen

What do you want from real estate? Money? Security? To quit that miserable job? What if NONE of those are your real reason? Sure, they may be part of it, but Dean is betting it’s bigger. Much Bigger!

This week, his message is pretty raw and very real. You are oxygen, and in less than 3 minutes, you’ll understand what that means. It’s going to breathe life into you this week.

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My drug of choice

tamra's picture

Deans motivation!


As i listen to your weekly wisdom tears roll come down for the fact that you speak words that i feel in my heart.. I went to your seminar back in may and had to leave early because i was having pain due to pregnancy and what i thought was false labor pains..I was so motivated to begin my road to success that i bought the profit from real estate now which came with the 2day live conference which unfortuantly i was unable to attend because after i left the seminar i was admitted in the hospital.. in either case its been so difficult for me to get started because of the responsibilities that i have. Lord knows my heart and like you stated many of us have other reasons for getting into realestate .. I pray to God every morning to help me in my road with re for when i get to where i so longed for i will not only have financial freedom or providing the way i want for my family,but i will be hepling others as well in a way that i hope will touch lives..

Thanks Dean for ur wisdom!!!

Take A Breathe and A Step!

kathywensel's picture

Hi Dean:

READY to GO! Time to unload the JOB. Help People and Live the Dream!

Thank you, Dean

I'm almost embarassed to say

I'm almost embarassed to say this but, Dean, you got me emotional over here dude! It's like you opened my chest and read my heart! I hate watching my wife and kids go without because we're living check to check! HATE IT! I hate it when I see or hear about family and friends in need and I cant do anything about it but pay lip service!!! I HATE IT! This has never been about me! It makes me feel like less than a man. I know you and every guy on this site feels or felt like that at one time!

Agree but Lost

I have to say I agree, Completely! The issue for me is not that i have no action, or the knowledge, Dean i could probably tell you your techniques inside and out backwards and forwards yet I still fail. I have tried more than many times had a contract marketed exactly how instructed and after even buying the automation system and spending a ton of money i seem to still be failing! Dean I am tired of being a failure at this when its my dream, my heart, my soul, and my passion. I love everything about this yet seem fail. It is about time and family but Dean why after five years or more and even having you every week every email to motivate and lean on, I fail!!!

Dean I am lost and out of money point blank I have bought your books, and read them except the last one and I dont want to be negative I just want answers as I have tried and tried please HELP!

Shawn lost but still eager

Spark of excitement

dtupak's picture

Wow, Dean, that was one of the best motivational Blogs you've ever done!

That is the true deepest reason to become an entrepreneur and being able to help your close ones and other people.
But first you have to secure your own mask, pal.

So let's get it done here!

Bless you

Thanks Dean

Hey Bud

That was from the heart as usual. Yes, you're correct, it's about FREEDOM and peace of mind. The freedom to go and come as I please w/out worry or hesitation. To help those who've gotten off track w/out worry or hesitation. To go on vacation anywhere w/out worry or hesitation. To blow off a day or even a week with family w/out worry or hesitation. To look to the far future at the Big Picture w/out worry or hesitation.
Basically..... TO BE FREE.

You're just real

I felt though there was something else you wanted to say...

How did you know?

Oh my, how did you know??? It's ALWAYS about more than just money. Money is a vehicle. Most people know that. If they don't, they may spend the rest of their lives learning it.

Agreed!! Your "oxygen" analogy is perfect. I want to get the "stuff" of life out of the way so I can concentrate on the real reason I was put on this planet.

Thank you for this heartfelt message. I can tell you have dug deep a lot in your life. I applaud you. It will make everything you do breathe life, (and significance), just as you said. There is no better way to live. Thank you for sharing this wisdom. It truly is, "Weekly Wisdom".
May all you give come back to you a hundred times. With heartfelt thanks for your compassionate and passionate heart, and the sharing thereof..

"Northwest Susan"

Awsome message Dean,

steve guy's picture

Ive been dabbling more than doing. I will set goals for each step and keep records of my progress. That is the only way to really get involved and make progress at REI. Thank you for all you do.

Steve Guy


I really don't know what to say but thanks so very much for speaking truth and life like the oxygen we need to live. I was told by another entrepreneur, 'help other people get what they want and you will get what you want.'
Cathy L


You are correct Dean Being a Christian and of course titheing. When we increase our income we automatically increase our givings to our church: It's a win win situation thanks for the opportunity to say this.

heart skipped a beat

dean i always tell u that your blogs move me every week but this one just made my heart drop. all i want for my family is to live life with no struggle but my extended family also needs help. it kills me that i dont have the money to do so. this is why i jumped into real estate. im in a position where i cant afford to make a mistake, even though ive heard u say time n time again that u learn from the mistakes u make. at this point ive made enough mistakes in my life that if i make anymore, my ship will sink. my back is against the wall and i really dont know what to just sooo afraid of failing that i feel crippled. id given up on my dreams of bein happy til i saw your commercial late that nite. it was like a ray of sunshine that burst through a thick dark cloud of dispare. i see all these people on the site succeeding and i just can't picture me getting there. i think i'm just too usee to failing. i've never won anything, nothing ever goes my way. i just feel like that cloud is takin ova again. sorry for the sad responce dean but the only happiness i see now a days, are wen i see all the people on this site changing their live for the better.

weekly wisdom

Weekly wisdom was so right on. Other's needs do figure into my need to just do it. I am also having trouble breaking something (my comfort zone) to have a breakthrough (another weekly wisdom that touched home). Thanks again Dean fou all your support. Rose


I have been playing phone tag with one of your staff members I am hearing impaired and am having trouble understanding the voice messages. I attended two recent seminars and want to get going but seem to have been hitting the Wall. I just ordered your latest book and it should be here this week and I have all your other books as well as the seminar information. I am trying to get in gear like your blog says I want to help people around me, just need to get over this bump in the road. Please contact me. Thanks

Those We Love

beezycat's picture

Those we love, although unbeknownst to them, make US who we are and lead us to where we want to be. Great motivational message, Dean.

so true

Dean you hit the nail on the head. I am retiring in about a year and 1/2. Approx two weeks and I will have enough to invest. I am wanting to go full force. Several years ago I worked for a management company that repaired and secured foreclosures owned by banks and various mortgage companies. I learned a lot from this job as to certs on plumbing,elec, etc. Money is all that is holding me back. Since my wife lost her job (by the way she is 68 and has many health problems) paying the bills has been a juggling affect. I will call your support team soon as the bank draft of my wife's is negotiated which should be in the next 10 to 15 days. I know I can do this I just need to step out there and do it.

thk again for all your support.


asiebert's picture

I'm here for my grand babies I want to leave them with security. So I'm learn new thing and way to make money. But I'm also teaching my two older grand the business. We all have of reason for why we are here. But the bottom line is freedom

Who better to know your need

From the Heart,

Tina1's picture

Your weekly wisdom messages are more than inspiring; because you speak to us from your heart they become a part of us-- thank you.

Speaking for myself, all I have wanted to accomplish since I was a young girl was to: 1)get my Mom to the point she does not have to work, 2) give my husband time to fish, 3) provide a place for my family and their families to call home should they desire to 4) help as many entrepreneurs as I possibly can live the American Dream, 5) leave the world a better place by doing so.
I think I told the group at Inner Circle all this in September.

Since then I did get off my _ss, as I said I would. As you asked me to, my system and team is set-up, I've placed 100 offers-- the first was accepted 10/26 and 1 more has been accepted since, plus 3 s/s are pending bank acceptance. I haven't earned any money quite yet, but the value of gained knowledge and action will result in cash very soon. I stepped up to the plate, broke out of my other business to a great extent and have averaged over 50 hrs a week in REI-- with a strong buyers list, a good agent (tho she is VERY overwhelmed at the moment), HM and PM lenders, no season lenders, a great title co.,a RE atty, a RE Tax man, Prop Mgmt companies, a great REI Club, Auction/ Trust Deed sale experts, etc. I am not turning back.... doing it all to help others and make you proud. Thank you from the bottom my heart.
- Tina

Weekly Wisdom #156

Hi Dean, = )

Your message "You are Oxygen" was so uplifting! I tell Jesus everyday he's my breath of air. I I know he's called me out, to be that oxygen to others around me. And yes it has to start with ourselves. I'm new and eager to get started on learning. In order be effective and helpful to those, who God wants me to help.

My promise scripture from God:
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, "Declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future".

Have a nice day!

Sharon Guardado

Message hit home

ladukmiller's picture

Thank you so much. Your message hit home and I am inspired. I always wanted to put the oxygen mask first then help others but my steps seems to slip back ward everytime I took one step forward. With the message of your encouragement helped me to stay committed to my own cause.

thank you

hey dean. I just want share this with you and not for sympathy.a year ago i was watching sat morning tv and saw your book deal. I bought them and did nothing. Fast forward to today lost my job and my side cleaning business. I am 46 and had to move in with my folks. I understand that i am destined for greatness because just like silver is purified in fire so are we. Thank you and god bless.

Taking it up a notch

john.hervan's picture

When I was a bit younger I had always thought about having my own business. I sold stuff out of a suitcase at a job I had. I recycled office desks buying them at an auction and fixing them and selling them for three times what they cost me. I had a CoffeeHouse for a whole two years, always trying to help my family, my friends, my neighborhood, or someone somehow. Since those days I have still wanted that business but the flame had expired. After listening to the blog today especially when you spoke of the GOOSE BUMPS it lit the pilot light once again. I realized that I was just like you said. the person on the plane putting on the airmask and then helping others. I have been trying for so long to put the mask on everyone else first. I want to make a difference, and I will.
John Hervan

Hit the spot

Pfire174's picture

I've just gone thru some life changing events, and it really made Me realize that the clock is ticking.
We are given so many days on this earth and each day MUST COUNT to leave it better than we found it. I too got "goose bumps" from this weeks "Weekly Wisdom".
Thanks for making a difference in so many peoples lives including mine& my family.
"Keep diggin brother"


Thank's again Dean for another great blog. I just want you to know the effort you put into these blogs really do help. With out them I thimk we would all fall off the wagon. But each week I get up lifted by your weekly wisdom and for that I thank you so much. My why is My 2 daughters and two grand daughters. I want so much to help them, to be able to skip the hard road and go right to the lincoln. I'm working on it. Right now I'm thinking about how many bandit signs I'll need to direct people to a open house I am planing in 3 weeks. Well anyways, again and always, thanks Dean.


Grabbing that oxygen mask! Everyone will be ok

for all reasons, any reasons we will become secure! There are so many people I want to help!

Thanks for your support - as always!!!

Want It Bad Enough

Tina1's picture

To Everyone on this post:

A common thread here is gratitude to Dean, greater beings and life itself.
From one who has studied RE for nearly 20 years (3 with Dean) but did not get off the curb, please, please want it bad enough to step off. As scary as it is, just pick up the phone and go to a club meeting. On 9/28 I stepped off the curb and I know I will surpass my goals in a few short months. I promise everything Dean teaches is possible, and you've got it. You can do it.

Want it bad enough.
Take the step.


You made me cry, sir.

Dana Leigh's picture

Your words reached right into my secret dreams and fired me up even more. gratitude, man. peace,


All True !

As always an inspiration
a supporter

wisdom is good !!!!


Thanks Dean for the message