Inflate the balloons and toss the confetti! This is Dean's 200th blog and we're doing something really awesome to celebrate. Today you get two videos instead of one. That’s like..200% awesome. Watch this one then use the link below to see the other. Champagne is optional...
Fill out the form below to watch Dean's third training video!
I watched video 3 and when I submitted my name and email to let you know, the link cut out. I haven't been able to get back to DG Insider from any of your email links.
So---I went to and started my journal. I'm doing Days 1-5 this week.
Thanks so much for sharing your passion.
Something you said
Clicked inside of me, it was "your past is research & development" that was a gold mine & it is true, it is one of the cool things I like about me w/is that I have an abundance of experience that $ cant buy, 47 yrs worth & 2 yrs of RE experience worth too(2yrs I bought your books read them-over 2 yrs & then a yr ago started investing although off & on but nevertheless did SOME at least-so now to take it to the next level, thanks Dean so much, cant wait for video #4!
Tony E.
Video problems
I apologize as we have had a tremendous response to the video and a few people have been having a hard time viewing it. Please try back later as amount of traffic may be hindering your ability to view the site.
Server Error
Darn, I keep getting a server error when I click on "Watch Dean's Latest Training Video" button at
Thanks for Words of Wisdom #200
As always, Dean, you deliver such encouragement through your words of wisdom -- Thanks for #200! The new videos are super! I have viewed #1, #2 & #3 and looking forward to #4. Thanks again for all the tools you make available to us!
Blog #200
Hi Dean, I loved (and laughed)when you said the past is there "for research and development"...a very good way of looking at it!
I am looking forward to video #4 tomorrow!
Denise A. Hoffman
Your words of encouragement mean A LOT to me - thanks!
Hi Dean,
I got your books, read them, told everyone that one day i'd make a lot of money (some people told me yeah right, we'll see), some people stayed quiet. But its been a year and 1/2 and i still havent made that first step. A lot of bad things have happened in my life and i've gone through a lot but the #1 reason why i still have hope is to help my son who is 5 with severe autism. I HAVE TO DO THIS. I am broke, bad credit, none of my family members have money to lend me. I don't know how to start or get started. But i need to do this. I woke up this morning with a great attitude because of you thinking in my mind "i'm gonna do this and nobody will stop me". Thank you. Cant wait till video #4. I'm crushing that villain inside!
The Videos
Hi Dean:
Watched the 3 Videos - waiting for the 4th Video.
Ready to move to into Real Estate. Used to be a Real Estate Agent. Now, an Investor. Will need the help to make sure I am doing it right. Start with Wholesaling, than the other areas. Looking forward to working with lots of people.
Get rid of all the negativity in our lives. Looking forward to kissing my job goodbye-forever! Want to help other people!
Thank you.
Kathy Wensel - Media, PA
I can not wait for video #4
Hi Dean,
I have heard alot about investing in real estate and have never done anything about it. You hit the nail on the head for me because I was afraid to do it on my own. After watching the first 3 training videos I realize I'm not alone and help is there. I'm looking forward to video #4.
blogg 200
Wow Dean, I honestly don't know how we can fail with your wild ideas and always in our face. Thanks Dean we need that. Can-t wait for the 4th video. Although more education is not what I need I need to take ACTION. Got to do it not let this moment pass by, I don't want to be in this situation another 5 years.
200th video
Congradulations Dean;
That is awsome to have been doing this type of training for 200 weeks. I wish that I was involved in your program from the beginning to be able to have watched all 200. I am very dedicated to watch every week since I started.
Clyde R. Gallagher
Thanks Dean
First congratz on number 200 !
Dean thank you so much for not giving up on us, money is so scarce from our life but we never give up on this and our dreams. The only thing I can say is that we can never catch a break that can make a difference in our life. We can't for this program I believe that I may be just what we need to break the ice...
Thank you Dean
Dean I am entirerly grateful for the very first one to this and many more.I sure resembled alot of those you were refering to, but I can't say any of it hurt, because I am on a rush every time I chick or leave a lesson or event:)It keeps me so high at the other job
.But for our future I'm listening more than ever.Running into the same wall and it hasn't budge.Love your training and lets go. Onward
Enjoy & Until
Your videos
One thing I'm sure that WHEN I make it, there is no doubt it will be because of your relentless quest to give us the info we need to face the world and to triumph over it.
Another thing I'm sure of is that some of what you have been trying to teach is the principle that 'thoughts become things'. If we wallow in pity about our problems complaining all the time of how little we have, we will just get more of the same time and time again. We have to begin by being thankful for everything we DO have and then spend time every day seeing yourself living the dream. Just sit somewhere quietly and see yourself in the life you want. Wearing the clothes you want to wear, driving the car you want..etc. And in the case of selling real estate, you have to picture yourself doing a transaction, signing papers, and exchanging the money. Do that every day and you will manifest the life you want. But we have to begin by stopping the complaining and making comments like 'I don't have enough money!' Those kinds of statements only create more of the same problem. We are creators. Everything that has ever been created like the telephone, computers, airplanes etc all began as a thought.
Anyway, I know I went off on a tangent but the idea that we create our lives is one that only the elite knew in the past.
I noticed over a year ago that you started talking about this principle without actually saying 'we manifest our own destiny'!
Thanks for putting out so much great info Dean!
Not everyone would care like you do. It's not just about the money you make from your programs because you also give away the info to those who can't afford it.
Thanks for putting me on the right track!
Congradulations on your 200th
I have watched all three videos so far and can hardly wait for the 4th. I haven't given up on myself and I won't. I have waited too long for this. I started with you last Aug. and even though I haven't one a deal yet...That's "YET", sure I have procrastinated and you have helped me overcome that obstacle. I have done the 7 levels deep and carry it with me always just to keep me focused. I am actively getting my team set and have been getting out my cards,fliers, bandit signs and ghost ads. I have interviewed 3 agents and none seem to be a good fit. I am seeing two more tomorrow. I am excited,focused, and ready to get some.
Thanks again.
John Hervan
there is no 'yes I watched this video' field/button for video 4.
Thank you!
The videos are awesome. The kick in the butt I need. Its too easy to get down with daily life. I tried to get the 7 levels deep and Matt Larson's The Exact Process to pull up to print, but all I get is a blank page. Please help. I really need that info. Thanks, Mick
Great videos! Always inspiring. Looking forward to the new book! Looking forward to the next 200 Weekly Wisdom Blogs!
awesome stuff
Dean you rock! AS always you overdeliver to your students! Video number 4 is ready to be viewed!
Thanks a million!
Dean, your videos are great..... not only do they provide inspiration but shows your passion and wisdom that everyone needs. I have been thinking about the the coaching comments you have mentioned in your videos. I believe in coaching and in the video with Chad he indicated that every deal he does he works with a team. I have always believed that coaching needs to be a team approach with a performance component.... a good recipe for success. 1% of 100 people efforts is far more effective that 100% of one......For those that have never done any of Dean's education don't wait any longer to get started. Thanks Dean God Bless!!
Wisdom # 200
Dean, thank you for this blog and for the new program the DG Elite. I think is fantastic! Right now, I'm relaxing a, I'm not giving up my dream! Sarah
Staying strong...
Watching these videos, really keep my head up, looking forward at what I can accomplish. I am glad to be part of this, it is sincerely incredible!
Thank you Dean,
Ronald Vega
So Inspiring
Everytime I watch one of your weekly blogs it brings a smile to my face. Your energy and dedication to the DG Family is second to none. I believe we all have what it takes to move to the next level and its the constant excuses that prevent us from doing so. I hope I don't end up missing the boat on this one.
By the way, a little info on the meaning of "****ed" in Ireland means "drunk".
So there you have it. More info than what you needed. Have a great day. Busy week and now moving on to watch video 4.
Interesting the comments I am receiving when posting the videos on facebook. Naysayers galore.
Dean you have changed so many peoples lifes and i hope to be one of them.congrads on your 200th
dg insider
i went to your 3 day seminar. couldnt afford it but went anyway. couldnt pay for your course. pmi in utah contacted me and i paid almost 10k for your course but a home study. i see the way it works. i see the potential money to be earned here in las vegas. i placed 30k flyers out, no contacts. 40 bandit signs once a week placed, just to have them removed. contacted 75 real estate agents, the ones willing to work with me are doing the flipping and want to sell me their fixed houses or want no part in what im doing. contacted all members in 6 real estate clubs, got 2 contractors, and 3 possible buyers buy not promising and a lot of people in the same place as me. no agent will send me the properties im looking for, in fact when i let them know what im looking for i get dropped like a rock or ask for lof, even agents in i asked your site for hard money and the two i got need a few things completed before they even give me consideration, like the property info, agents used, inspection, and repair estimate which i looked in the prices for these and i was going to have to pay almost 2k for.
i live by myself with my dog. i have no contact with my brothers or sisters because they will turn on me in an instant. i keep no friends here because i was jumped by a best friend for money. and recently almost became homeless. lost my job with 10k in debt. im on unemployment an cant even pay for health insurance, car insurance and internet is barely getting paid for. and its 20 dollars a month. i had to make a decission on either go to the doctor and get help on an issue (im a disabled veteran and the va costs me too much) or take my dog for emergency dog got the help she needed.
i wrote in that ive given up for a while until i see another way to get started. no agents here are helping so i tried to get my lisence in real estate but current situation i couldnt complete that task so im still in a bad place.
when i joined your seminar, then and finally pmi course i said i jumped in with both feet in my intros. eventually (5th time ive said that for something in one of your offers) i will be able to pick myself up and jump back in with both feet again. i look foreward to working with a lot of your members but cant right now.
i still enjoy your videos and will be visited regularly. keep inspiring me, thanks dean.
Cant wait to see Video 4
Cant wait to watch video 4 tonight. Thanks Dean for staying true to the title "Weekly Wisdom". Gotta get to my J O B.
D/G Insider Elite
The videos were great and the program would be awesome to be a part of. The problem is we are still struggling to pay off what we spent on the Success Academy. We are not rolling in money like you. You have to realize that when people have already spent thousands and thousands of dollars for training that they are not able to spend more money every time you get a new idea on how to try to make more money from us or come up with another idea. In fack these are the people you should be focused on to make sure they succeed. Maybe you could make them honorary members. I doubt that will happen ( no money in it for you).
wow is all i could say 1,2,3 and 4
Why I keep coming back !
I want to be the best i can be with what DG is offering.. Let me be frank here, im a newbie in this arena of RE.. I have worked in the field of Building Maintenance, repairing Drywall, painting, electrical, plumbing.. I loved what i did to improve the building look new.. On March 10, 2010 I was in an auto accident that put me on Workers Comp.. through it all until now I have had 2 operations on my right arm.. been put on MMI by my Dr.. worked at a storage company and they cut my hours, took away my mileage, turnpike toll pass, and my medical benefits that now i had to pay for totaling more than $600 a month.. been put through hell.. and gave notice even though i was on WC.. than the job i applied for didn't go through.. Now i was out of work since July of 2011.. Been living with my Mom what a blessing, and waiting on my settlement for WC .. I didn't get what i deserve.. but its better than nothing.
Now On May 23, I been studying Deans Books,Im re reading so i can understand to make it more clear.. and what i been through i still keep positive and a new outlook on life, cause of DG. Change is hard ok i should know im a walking example but what ever u do in life, keep positive, look forward, and don't listen to the negative, you can look back on your life if u choose, or you can change it to be around someone like me and Dean that truly cares about you and your success.. Look One thing I learned is we all want it to be easy, make a ton of money and call it a good week.. but the sad part is we havent done this and we want to really bad, look around you we see, that action means results which will get you money,right, than your not alone for inspiration will drive you and thats all you need.. I would love to hear from you.. for iam here for the long haul.. Jr..
200th Wisdom
I could feel your excitement.
It is so much mindset and though we hear that over and over and believe it, I know it is hard to live it. But as you have said in other videos, we need to hear this everyday to keep going. I can get so motivated then shortly after, can hear that voice saying, this is for everyone else not me.
But people need to know that everyone goes through that and more often than we think.
Ex. When I went through the divorce and of course years of major hardship, being a Christian I was told to keep praying. Yet we get to where we don't feel it does any good. But that is when faith comes in. I would pray and FEEL like it was worthless, it would never change anything. But you continue because you were told it would work.
If you wait till you FEEL like you can do it, you may never see the difference in feeling and faith. Faith is going out and doing it in spite of how you feel, and you will find it will work.
So everyone don't let your feelings lead you away from all this motivation Dean gives us, and all his great wisdom and support.
Go out on faith and just do it!
We are all here to help each other, and you can do it!