This Weekly Wisdom is all about helping the folks whose lives have been affected or even devastated by Hurricane Sandy. Post an encouraging message to those on the East Coast and we will donate $5 bucks for every comment left.
Again, everyone who watches this video and leaves a message of support will help raise money for the good people affected by Hurricane Sandy. So please, watch listen and pass it on. In less than 5 minutes, together we can raise thousands to help restore hope to hurting people. Thank you.
PS- If you haven't already, you can still test drive Insider Elite for just $1!
may all of you suffering from sandys aftermath
remain steadfast.The Lord will bring back the
sunshine and the means to bring everything back
near to what it was.
Lots of love and prayers sent your way!
To all of those affected by Sandy, I hope and pray for you everyday. I cannot imagine what you all must be facing but I do know that you will make it through this storm because east coasters are strong!! You guys will weather this storm. I hope each day will get better and better and you will soon resume to your normal activities. Lots of love and prayers being sent from Cali. God Bless.
Also, Dean you are so generous and thoughtful. Thank you for helping our fellow Americans in such a time of need. You Rock!
Hurricane Sandy
I,along with my church are praying for all of your needs to be met. We know that difficult times require difficult measures and I pray that God will lead you and guide you in the decisions that you have to make during this time of trial. May the Lord be with you all.
Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who have been affected by the devestation of Sandy. I'm praying that you will soon get all the help and support you need as you start the difficult process of trying to recover and bring your lives back to normal. May God bless you and keep you safe. 1 Peter 5:7
Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
God bless you all
What can be good in a catastrophy ???
It makes most of us remember God;
It makes us realize we depend on His will and His mercy;
It makes us want to help those in need;
It makes us reveal the good inside us. Let's choose to reveal our divine nature without tragedies being present!
THANK YOU Dean Graziosi for your donations and for being such a wonderful human being!
God bless you all!
My heart is with those that have been affected by the storm
Being in western NY, we got nothing like the east coast did. I can't imagine the hardship & struggle they are going through.
Thank you Dean for stepping up and letting our voices be heard and helping families in the process.
I'm Praying for You
My thoughts and prayers go out to all affected by hurricane Sandy. May God sustain and comfort you during this devastating time. I send you Love and pray for your wellbeing.
We here in Alabama
know all too well what devastation natural disasters can bring! From the many, many tornadoes of April 27th, 2011, that ravished our homes and took countless lives, to the ones that followed in January, and the countless ones before...we share a type of kinship, knowing the feelings of despair and helplessness you have and the hardships you are experiencing.
Please know that we are praying for everyone, and that God gives you all the strength to not only survive, but to come back even stronger than before!
God Bless,
- John
To all our fellowmen on the East Coast
So much sorrow, so much tragedy, so much lost, so much despair. Please know that we are all thinking of you. We are part of one huge family, and we truly care. This can and will be fixed. Through times of hardship, new possibilities open up, and you will come out stronger. A very dear friend of mine in Hoboken is fine, but she lost her car (totally flooded, and beyond repair). But so many of you are in much worse shape.
"Were it not for your tears, you would burn in the fire of you love - were it not for the fire, you would drown in your tears." Have faith, be strong. Help is on the way.
My very best wishes
Prayers to all victims of Sandy
Incomprehensible to view the pics and try to understand this is real, not some horrible movie. People have come together to help one another and by prayer for those who aren't on site physically helping, the power of such a large mass will surely bring positive outcome. God Bless all of you and God give you the strength to pull through this and rebuild! You can do this, know you are not alone.
Great job dean. This is one of the great things about this company. People care.
Hey guys,
I used to go to school in New York on the island and was verry happy to hear that some of my closest friends were not affected by the storm. As much as i am thankful for that, I am praying still for the families who were. I can't imagine what they are going through, but our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ does...he spent the years of His ministry homeless! If there is anyone to call on for comfort and direction, I hope and pray they turn to Him! Thanks for donatin to this cause Dean. Thoughts an prayers for you all on the East coast.
God Bless,
Brant <><
Keep Your Focus On The Gift Of Life
To the warriors that still are living full lives even after Hurricane Sandy; remember Life is a Gift worth celebrating. Keep your heads up and continue to focus on your goals and dreams that you had even before the hurricane. Let that drive to reach your goals and dreams fuel your desire to help each other each and every day recover quickly and safely. Peace & Love, Gray Nation
Praying for safety and recovery
To all those affected by Sandy,
We are praying for you, your safety, and fro a quick recovery and rebuilding! We are also praying that the nor'easter coming in does not do additional damage on top of it all. God Bless you!
Prayer to the Northeast
My prayers and thoughts are with you, and hope that you will pull together and help each other. Thats what we all do on DG. Thanks for your amazing contribution to the east coast Dean and thank you for teaching us to come out and give our prayers as a whole. Many prayers to the East coast....
Prayers for Sandy
My heart goes out to all the victims of Sandy. Thank you dean for your donations. I will continue to pray for all of those who lost everything and may your faith, hope, and strength get you through this time of distress.
I was one of the lucky ones to not have any damage done to my home. I know many are going through a tough time, but nothing is more important right now than for everyone to get together and do something. A little here and there goes a long way.
God Bless you Dean for such a beautiful act of love for the people in need.
Hurricane Sandy
I would just like to let my fellow New Yorkers know that they are in my prayers.I am grateful that the ones that i have been able to reach are on the rebound and the other ones i will continue to try and contact. Please keep the faith and it will get better....
Sandy- scary and sad
I am on the east coast and was in Sandy. The winds and battering rains were scary. We were ready to bail water from our sump pumps, etc..
However, we were lucky. We got only minimal water issues and my heart goes out to those in NJ and NY, etc.. I am from NJ originally and know people there and in NY. I cannot imagine the suffering that they are going thru now- ours is insignificant compared to theirs- so much loss!
We are all praying for each and every one of them!!
Thank you Dean for your most generous offer to help those people!!! I hope everyone who has been hit by Sandy stays strong, stays positive and knows that in time it will get better.
A wish for a better tomarrow
This is just a short note to wish all who are going thru this tragey that you keep looking up and may god look over you to bring you better days ahead, and i hope what Dean is doing thru these posts adds a little hope to your lives... Best
Be strong
I wish for you all to continue to be strong, and most of all "stay positive."
Time will heal all wounds and I keep you in my prayers. My heart goes out for every single one.
My Prayers are with You
To all the people that have lost loved ones and homes. My prayers are with you at this difficult time, but you must move forward. God is watching over you and help is on the way.
Thank you Dean Graziosi for helping the devasted people of hurricane Sandy. You are a real estate investor professional, a mentor to DG (DGIE) members and a benefactor to those in need. God Bless You and Your Family!
Take care, Cathy
May the Lord Our God Bless and Keep you in your faith
I send blessings and healing prayers for all who has gone through Hurricane Sandy, that God is with you and will provide the means for you to get through this time of trials and suffering. Horrible things sometimes comes into our lives, but know that this is bringing you closer to God. He will not leave nor forsake you. Your help is on the way! For those who have lost love ones know that they are not dead, just sleeping for now. They will be waiting for you to unite again. Ask God for strenght, to get through all of this divistation. When we are week we have to call on Jesus for His Strength to pull us through! How can I find courage in time of adversity? Promises for deliverance. Psalm 50:15 Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me. Preserve with Healing Psalm 34:19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the Lord delivers him out of them all. Promise of God's Presence When we seek Him. We stand tallest and strongest on our knees, so let us all pray for you and all your troubles, your love ones, families and friends, let us pray for your restoration, that the Lord will bless you all and keep you safe and at peace. May our God the comforter, comfort your hearts and minds. Sending healing prayers to all! Your sister, Nancyd
As the comforter of our spirits is busy at work, our prayers go out to all of the families that have been affected by hurricane Sandy. May these words find all affected in both good health and spirits inspite of the circumstances. Also may we all internalize that Patience is not our ability to wait, but our ability to keep a good attitude while we wait. In these trying times we should focus our attention to enjoying where we are, while we are on our way to where we are going, We must decide to enjoy the waiting times as well as, receiving time and understand very few things in real life are perfect, ocassionally but rarely do we end up with a perfect place, perfect people, and perfect circumstances. Our job is not to control our circumatances but to respond towards them in a godly and positive manner. Peace, love and joy from the action-taker family.
Super Sandy BUT a much Super GOD
Thanks Dean, for giving me the opportunity to express my heartfelt feeling to those who were affected. Living here in Pa. we had quite a dose of it's wrath. In my area, what I got was nothing compared with NJ & NY & other's got. I'm blessed & even thou they have lost everthing, I know they know, there are BLESSED. They have LIFE, they have HOPE & the whole world is Praying for them.
Don't give up, don't look back, keep moving forward & always look to the CROSS to keep your spirit's up. When u get up in the morning, the Devil says "DAM SHE/HE IS UP". Know that he cannot keep you down. Be BLESSED.
We know you are going
We know you are going through a lot up there. Hang in there. We are thinking about u down here in Florida.
Hurricane Sandy
I just want you to know that you are not alone. So many of us here on the West Coast, and accross the country, are constantly praying for you, aware of what you are going through and doing the little bit that we can to come together and make a difference to help you all through this. You are strong and can make it through this. As Joel Osteen said "The enemy always fights you harder when he knows God has something great in your future". God bless!
Prayers & Thoughts
Our prayers and thoughts go out to you, as your going through this difficult period of time.
Dean, THANKS AGAIN for being yourself and giving all you can for people in need!
Harder Family
Sandy +
May the Lord Richly Bless each one of you. I will pray first and foremost for your Eternal security if you are void of the Holy Spirit and secondly for your physical, financial and emotional stability during this trial. May you all find the only true joy that we all can enjoy through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I pray that each one of you come out of this with a stronger sense of fellowship and community as Free Americans.
Warmest wishes
I am thankful that Dean is in the position to donate $5 per post to the relief of hurricane Sandy. Gor those that lost someone(s) orhas been displaced by this storm, I pray that all support donated helps to allow those affected to rebuild their lives and livelihood. Just know above the storm clouds the sun is still shining on you, and it will get better.