Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #208 - Help the Victims of Hurricane Sandy

This Weekly Wisdom is all about helping the folks whose lives have been affected or even devastated by Hurricane Sandy. Post an encouraging message to those on the East Coast and we will donate $5 bucks for every comment left.

Again, everyone who watches this video and leaves a message of support will help raise money for the good people affected by Hurricane Sandy. So please, watch listen and pass it on. In less than 5 minutes, together we can raise thousands to help restore hope to hurting people. Thank you.

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To Sandy Survivors

Hang in there everyone impacted by sandy. I'm from Massachusetts and we have been fortunate but are praying for everyone down there especially in NY, NJ and CT.

thoughts & prayers

I pray that those without will get a new start to life. We believe that every disaster will show people some of the best people have to offer.
I pray these people see these things. And remember they have survived and the best is yet to come.
Some are being tested greatly and more is to come with a Noreaster coming in on top of the mess.
Millions of prayers are coming their way.
Then there are people like Dean, who give so much to those in need. What a wonderful wonderful thing.

Thank you for being the man you are.


I LOVE My Country and would Gladly put my uniform back on if called upon. With that being said,I think it is sad that it takes a natural event such as Superstorm Sandy to bring us togeather. As much destruction as sandy caused it makes me proud to see all of the nation join to assist our sisters & brothers along the East Coast in their time of need.
To everyone in the affected ares stay positive and be patient. Just as in New Orleans in 05 the rebuilding will happen. The thoughts and prayers of the nation and world are with you!!!

Thoughts and prayers to Sandy's victems.

Living in Louisiana I have lived through many hurricanes and know what these people have gone through and experienced,I hope for resolve for you and that you can return to normal living as soon as possible, may GOD BLESS and good luck to you all!!!

Hurricane Sandy

My heart goes out to all affected, directly and indirectly, by this storm and its aftermath. I have never experienced anything like this but I believe that often, when things are at their worst, we are at our best--by coming together to grieve, to assess, to rise up and rebuild, and eventually to soar.

My prayer for you is to feel the love and comfort of God and each other, to know that we are with you in spirit and that you are never alone. We stand with you in the challenges ahead.

Thank you Dean for being you.

Sandy Storm

Feeling for the folks effected by the Sandy Storm. Big changes for many due to the devastation. May open hearts come together to rebuild new neighborhoods that are safer from future events, healthier with new sustainable materials, happier with communities of compassion and collaboration, and prosperous places for all.


Just spoke to my friend on Long Island. He has lost everything. I'll let him know of your help.
Great job.

huricane sandy

mhanrahanrei's picture

we got brushed by the storm here in va. beach, but i know what the people are going thru that where hit! in '03 we got hit straight on with isabell and it was devistating. no power for 2 weeks, people fighting in the super markets over ice, no hot water for showers. it was unbeleaveable. but i'm here today because we got thru it! the american people are the strongest people on the planet. god bless!!!

Keeping you in our prayers

My husband and I wish you all a speedy recovery from this terrible event. Please know that our prayers are with all of you to get the assistance you need as soon as possible.

Hurricane Sandy

If there is ever a time when people need a reason to come together it is now! Reach out and help you neighbor if you can. May god bless and keep all who are suffering on the east coast at this time. Let the troubling times bring you closer.


Our prayers are with everyone affected by this horrible storm and hope for a quick recovery. Great way to help, Dean.

Hurricane Sandy

Courtney's picture

My prayers will continue to be with you all. And thank you Dean for your loving donations to all those in need!

Superstorm Sandy

It is easy to sit here in Texas and not really understand the difficult times that a number of people in the northeast are experiencing. My daughter lives in Midtown Manhattan and was fortunate enough to not be directly affected by the storm. What we do not consider, is the impact of getting through the aftermath of the storm. Try living for days or weeks without power. Try getting to work when all means of transportation are not operating. The simple everyday things that we all take for granted are the things that cause the most trouble when something like this happens. We should consider ourselves very lucky if indeed we were not impacted by the storm. We should also give thanks, and pray for those that were impacted and that need help just to survive.

Helping others

Helping others is mandatory in all faiths. It not only does others good but also ourselves.

How can you expect GOD to have mercy on you if you don't have mercy on others.

Praying for you and listening to you

When disaster or tragedy happends to those we know and love, or even those we don't know, we often try to find the right words to say to comfort them. Many times not knowing how they may be feeling at the moment. Most times, those that are effected by disaster or tragedy, just want a listening ear. And if anyone on the DG site that has been directly effected by Sandy, if you want to talk, I'm ready to listen. I commend you for your bravery. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Best wishes

Well, Dean, that is a genuine caring offer and I am confident of immeasurable appreciation. Our hearts go out to those affected by the hurricane, as we can relate, being life-long South-Floridians. It is uber unfortunate, time moves so slow, basic things seem insurmountable, and envisioning things as they were is heart-breaking.
You're doing a good thing Dean.
Rock On!


I have lived through a severe storm with no heat,light,no internet and no conveniences at all.
There are many that have lost much heart and hopes for their well being.lets all give a helping hand and
do what you can.

May the Lord Bless and Watch over you - NJ & NYC

My prayers and thoughts are with the many families who were displayed during the storm. I pray that they will keep their faith in God and He will see them though.

My prayers are still with

My prayers are still with all my friends and family going through this! It's not the absence of hardships that make life worth living, but the wisdom, faith, and perseverance it takes to get through these times.

My Prayer

May the Lord make your tomorrow better than your today!

I'm from NJ

pitbull2012's picture

I live here in NJ but we were lucky and didn't lose power. We had a few trees down but all around us was plenty of loss. My prayers go out the all of the people who were victims of this storm. And especially to my business partner and fellow DG'er she lives closer to the shore she hasn't had power since then.

Wishing you's well

god bless

I live in NJ but I was lucky

to all of the people on the East coast who were hit by huricain Sandy. I'm so sorry. I was lucky I just lost my telephone line my tv and my computer and I was out of gas and I wasn't able to get any until my mom's nurses aid's husband brought us 3 gallon's of gas. I had gotten sick from a virus and my dystonia acted up but My doctor's werent in their offices because of the huricain my feance was here helping to take care of me so I was very lucky. I feel bad for those who lost their home's, those who lost their live's and those who lost love one's. I saw post's on facebook from a friend who I went to high school with who offerd her kindness for victim's who needed showers and other help. I am so proud of people like jenifer who offerd their services and I'm proud of feance who helped take care of me. I am very lucky to have Tisha in my life.
Thank you so much for what your doing Dean you are one of my hero's May GOD bless you. I hope that maybe you can give me your adress so I can write a lettter to you. Your going to be in my autobiogrophy because you are one of my hero's.
Please contact on face book. My name is Michael Osias and I'm from Pine Brook, NJ. Maybe we work together to do something together to help the victim's.
Thank's again and GOD bless

Hang in There

Our spirit is undefeatable. We will come through Sandy just like we did through Andrew, Katrina, and so many others. Our thoughts are with all the folks who are suffering.


Thanks Dean for doing out for our east coast brotheren.

Thoughts and Prayers

lonco's picture

You are all in our thoughts and prayers. Stay positive and strong, keep your faith in God and you all will overcome this disaster.

God Bless all of you.

Prayers for people affected by Sandy

I would like to express my concern and prayers for the people affected by hurricane storm Sandy. May God give you the strength and courage to overcome these tragic events and help support the rebuilding process of your communities! God Bless
Scott & Andrew Shepard


Wishing all the best for a speedy recovery from the devastation of Sandy. I can't believe the difference in the Jersey shore. I have been on that boardwalk many times.

Thank you Dean for being a

Thank you Dean for being a kind and generous man. I am sure the people on the eastern sea board can use all the help they can get. I hope everyone is able to find warmth and some shelter from the incoming snows.

All the best

Trust your recovery is quick and complete.