Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #208 - Help the Victims of Hurricane Sandy

This Weekly Wisdom is all about helping the folks whose lives have been affected or even devastated by Hurricane Sandy. Post an encouraging message to those on the East Coast and we will donate $5 bucks for every comment left.

Again, everyone who watches this video and leaves a message of support will help raise money for the good people affected by Hurricane Sandy. So please, watch listen and pass it on. In less than 5 minutes, together we can raise thousands to help restore hope to hurting people. Thank you.

PS- If you haven't already, you can still test drive Insider Elite for just $1!

Dean you RoCk man!

My thoughts and prayers to all affected by SANDY . Thanks Dean for such a grand gesture.

Positive thoughts to East Coast folks.

Keep positive thought running in your mind. This seems as if it is a disaster... and yet, it might be a beginning of a higher life for all of you. Love every moment.Stay in high spirits and great full for every help, good thoughts, looking for good things that happen, express your love. I send you positivity and peace, Clea


Jenna's picture

Every adversity carries with it a seed of equivilent or greater benefit!

Know every tragedy has a lesson or something good to come out of it (big or small)it takes time and strength to figure out exactly what that may be, if you read this then you are in a much better place than many others.

I send love and prayers to those in need. Smiling

hurricane sandy

My thoughts and prayers are with the people in the northeast

Thoughts and prayers

My thoughts and prayers are with all the victims of Super-storm Sandy and to their families and friends.

Although, I am not there

Although, I am not there now, I am a New Jersey kid. Born, raised and have many family and friends still there. All of you in the garden state,New York,CT Pleas know that you have my prayers. Let me pass on some knowledge that I'm sure most of you know already. God is able to bless more than we could ever ask or even think. Rest in that and know He is God.


Thanks Dean for giving us the opportunity to extend our thoughts and prayers to those in need. I have an Aunt and her two grown children with families up there and fortunately they were spared the devastation but are really in a state of shock of the surroundings around them that they face along with their neighbors and friends. May God be with them.


Have family in NJ, they finally have power and are all doing well, I pray for them and everyone affected by Sandy. God bless

God Bless you all

My family and I are deeply touched and sympathize with you all. We are praying for each and everyone of you affected by The Sandy Storm.
May God bless you.
Jay Mathews

Yay Dean

R.E.C. Investments LLC's picture

I am impressed that your a good humanitarian also.
You will always be in our hearts and thoughts.
And I wish the best for the storm victims.
Take Care Dean

keep the faith

When things get so rough and dark out there muster some faith and a light will show you through. My thoughts and prayers are with all you at this difficult time

God is our Refuge and Strength

Psalms 46: 1-3

God is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed and the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea: though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof Selah.

Matthew 5:4

Blessed are they that mourn; for they shall be comforted.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all who have been affected by Hurricane Sandy in any way. Unfortunately, life has it's ups and downs, but I was always told you have downs, so you can appreciate the ups more. I wish all of you a speedy recovery.

God Bless!


Shawn Ravenscraft's picture

As A Mainer on the East Coast, much love and positive vibes going out to my friends in New England dealing with the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy. Hang in there everyone..


My thoughts and prayers are with all of the victims of Hurricane Sandy. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.


hurricane sandy

May Gods presence and comforting presence be very near you, remembe, God is bigger then your problems. love Carolyn Ball

My Ol' East Coast

THANKS, DEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To EVERYONE who I have not yet contacted out there--even my "estranged" former family (who left me on the street to die with a brain injury)--I wish YOU ALL the best in this reconstruction and reformation period. I am from the Carolinas and am used to this sort of thing, but NY and NJ are not--they need OUR HELP and OUR BLESSINGS!
For those of You on Long Island, Dr. Broderick at Southdown Animal Hospital, 2229 Wall Street in Huntington, NY--WHO SAVED MY DOG'S LIFE AND MAYBE YOURS, TOO!--has been hit hard by the storm, but his clinic is now open again, in case you did not get the word. SO IF YOUR ANIMAL IS INJURED OR SICK, HOPE IS IN HUNTINGTON AGAIN. [For those of you who don't know him, he has been "doubling the life of pets" for 40+ years. His unparalleled powder formulas to put on your petfood rank as a MIRACLE in my book! Ordering some for your pet could really help him and his staff right now, as they have GIVEN, GIVEN, GIVEN to people all over the nation all the days of their professional lives! You WILL come to LOVE THEM as Your Family, as have I.]
PLEASE, everyone else in the country, use this as THAT WAKE-UP CALL to get prepared for any type of emergency...and to take the time to love your neighbors as yourself before you don't have them around anymore.
There is nothing anyone could have ever done to YOU (believe me, I know, and probably you do, too,) to justify not helping them at least survive.
God Bless You ALL!!

Hurricane Sandy

NextOneUp_2012's picture

Prayers to all those that were effected. Peace to all those that were not hit and stayed to help those who were. My niece was in the area and I could not communicate with her for days. I was in a state of continuous prayer and contacting family to see if anyone was able to get through. Thankfully she was okay and doing what she can, along with other friends from her college campus to assist those in need. I send my support to all and commend Dean for the donations made in the name of others. I am grateful to say that I am a member of this team. GO DEAN!

Prayers for Sandy's victims

I have been praying for you all along and continue to as you put the devastation of Sandy behind you as you move forward. I thank God for Dean Grasiozi huge heart and opening up this way for me to help you too.
I know this is devastating to a lot of you, but with God's graces, mercy, loving kindness and the generosity of people like Dean Grasiozi you will be able to move forward from this a little quicker and be stronger for it.
Remember, all is not lost and where there is faith there is hope.
God bless each and every one of you today and always.


AlThien's picture

Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected by hurricane sandy!

Sandy victims

Dean,I think it is commedable for what you do for people in general, but like the Joplin, Mo. victims, you bring folks together for a great cause and this devistation that Sandy left... all of those caught up in the tragedy, my heart goes out to them, at the start of winter,I know they are miserable. While thinking about these 1,000's of men,women and children, I don't have much myself, but at least I still have a roof over my head, food and heat. I live on the mid-atlantic section of N.C., Sandy went by w/a lot of wind and water, but most here were spared.
We all just have to know that,God lets things happen for the greater good, and we have to hang on to our faith in times like these; it's the only thing that will see us through!
God Bless you for your efforts Dean and God bless those who survived Sandy.

Hurricane Sandy Victims

Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this stressful time. May God's strength and courage be with you doing the stressful times in the future. May your comeback be stronger and better than ever.

Dean may God bless you and your family as you pass your compassion forward for those in need and devastation at this time.

May God Bless All,

Hurricane Victims

bwraleigh's picture

My thoughts and prayers are with those who were affected by the devastation of Hurricane Sandy.

Prayer for Protection

YnotSeaydeals's picture

Those who go to God for safety will be protected by him I will say to the Lord, "You ae my place of safety and protection. You ae my God, and I trust you." God will save you from hidden traps and from deadly diseases. He will protect ou like a bird. His truth will be like your armor and shield. You will not be afraid of diseases that come in the dark or sickness that strikes at noon. At our side 1,000 people may die, or even 10,000 right beside you. But you will not be hurt. You will only watch what happens. You will see the wicked punished. The Lord is your protection, You have made God most high your place of safety. Nothing bad will happen to you. . . .The Lord says, "If someone loves me, I will save him. . . .Psalm 91

Hurricane victims

Dean you are absolutely correct. We should help all the hurricane victims. I have some income from my income producing properties so I will be donating some money of my own as well to the Red Cross for their relief efforts. Thank you for your donations too dean

Superstorm Sandy

To the survivors, I wish you all well and hope that things will become better for you.

Dean this is a very good thing that you are promoting here. Great job.

For a Stronger Faith

YnotSeaydeals's picture

Lord, my faith feels weak. I sometimes doubt you and do things I wish I hadn't done. But in weakness there is strength, and I thank you for the wonderful truth of what you do for human lives. You give us life, vibrant, exciting, unending life with an enthusiasm that never runs down. Help me to believe that with all my heart. For this I give you thanks. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Hurricane Sandy

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

East Coast Storm

Our prayers are with all the people who have been affected by the East Coast Storm. Stay strong.


My thoughts and prayers go out to all of the unfortunate people on the east coast that have been devastated by Sandy. Please know that God loves each and every one of you and through His blessings you will endure. Dean, thank you for your kind heart and the donation to all these people going through an extremely tough time. God bless you and all of them.

God speed

Thanks Dean for making this effort on behalve of those in need.