Weekly Wisdom #249 - Partner With Me and More

Dean has a hodgepodge of important things to share with you this week. He points out a few links that might be of interest to you. Shares how you can qualify to partner with him personally on a deal, asks for your feedback on if he should change his EDGE event – AND shares a message about why trust is a must for you to succeed. So sit back, pay close attention and get ready for another dandy dose of Weekly Wisdom with Dean.

- Share Your Thoughts on Changing the EDGE event
- Find Out How to Enter The Send Me Away Dean Contest


Frogman LD's picture







Trust and the Edge

mariabutner14's picture

Hi Dean,

It's funny you would use the air plane as an example. I attended the Edge Event this year and it WAS AMAZING!!!!! While waiting to take off they announced there was engine problems due to something stuck. At that point my nerves kicked in So what did I have to do? Trust in the staff and pilot to get me home safe to my family! Dean I trust you completely you have changed my life. I came back on Fire from the Edge Event and have 4 houses under contract getting ready to close and 1 being rehabbed as we speak. As for the Edge Event I like it small and personal. It was perfect and less overwhelming. Please keep it small.


CandC's picture

Of course I trust you. It's me that needs the faith. Great blog. I think the EDGE should be kept small, maybe a little bigger but not too big. Keep it personal not wild.


TinaScott's picture

Thank you for sharing Dean, you are so right about trusting. I see so many real estate educators at our local REI clubs and I feel like it is a cheaply made movie compared to what I get out of your training and your stories you share. Thank you so much for trusting in yourself to let us have the education available and apply it to our lives. My husband Bo and I were discussing this over the weekend how our lives have changed and our mindset isn't even anything like either of us have grown up learning and even being grown and our decisions we made. It feels like a lifetime ago but it's only been since November since we started the DG education and now we are finally Inner Circle members. Thank you for this life changing experience!


gabewilson83's picture

Its funny you mention that word TRUST Dean.. This weekend I was riding with an older gentleman and we were conversing about real estate and me wanting to get in the game and so on. Long story short he said almost the same exact thing about trust as you said, now I'm a huge believer in signs Dean and if that wasn't a notable sign then I don't know what is. Thanks again Dean.

Another great Weekly Wisdom, Dean!

Thank you, Dean, for another great Weekly Wisdom. It's fantastic to find a community of people willing to help one another.

I think it's a really good idea that you're considering opening The Edge event up to more students. Not only would it allow more students to attend the event it would, hopefully, lower the cost per attendants so more students would be able to afford to attend.

I hope I get to do the Zip Line thing one day. That one looked crazy high but looked like a lot of fun! Thanks for sharing the video with us.


all about trust

I am still a little new. but the more I learn about Dean the more I trust him and I love what he is trying to do for me and any one who will just give him a little TRUST .I know I will do good for the rest of my life trusting in Dean and I.


Hey Dean - "AWESOME " illustration of "trust" & having "child-like" faith.

Thanks so much !!!!!

You mentioned above that you are "looking for my next random person to partner with on a deal. You find the deal, I supply the money".

I would "greatly" appreciate the opportunity to partner with you on a deal where you supply the money.

Please let me know what kind of deal you are interested in. I have 3 deals you may be interested in right now.

Brenda (Bjsuccess)


Mike L's picture

Hi Dean, How are you

That zip line ride looks like a blast!!! Did one in Costa Rica Smiling

I definitely have trust in you and the product you teach. You and your team of Mentors have taught me how to make money every single month in real estate, and now you're teaching me how to continue making money in this shifting market. So you ask if I trust you and I say Hell yes!! ( can I get an amen ).

The Edge is super awesome, motivating and inspiring. great place to meet and network. Im on the same boat you are. small is good and huge is also good. I say you open the doors this year around and see how many people you can get in Arizona this year and see how it goes. You always say you love to learn from experience so go for it

Thank you for everything

Guess what my next move is?

I'm operating on a financial budget, but after speaking to Terry today, I am planning to register with Dean's Real Estate Success Academy---in November! I may also be moving to a new residence in thirty days(or the end of september).


Very new to this business (ground zero), but I'm so willing to give it a try, and it's because of your positive outlook on life and your educational knowledge on Real Estate Investing that is pushing me to do this. Thanks Dean......you are an inspiration to all.


I think that the price should be lower to get more people to come to the event. The information that is given to me through your programs are valuable. I am taking advantage of the material and it is so helpful. Keep doing what you do to make me better toward real estate.

I trust you Dean

I remember the fisrt time i seen you on tv in i think it was in 2006 i had this feeling inside that i really believed in this guy not knowing you but i really believed in you so i'm still here today and i really trust the education.Thank you DEAN your awesome.

My trust has been shaken and stirred

Zion Properties's picture

My trust has been shaken and stirred by the real estate industry here and the number of sharks and circumventors in this business. I think I have found only 5 honest people in this entire industry here in Southern CA. It really tugs and pulls on me because real estate should be a win/win/win situation. I've really toughened up to stand up to these gorilla sharks!

I'm ready for a change. I'm taking a month off after completing my latest rehab (took me exactly a month by the way; for a 5plex Eye-wink ) and using it to spend time with my kids. I really loved overseeing and coordinating the rehab (and delegating it out!), and I'm ready to re-build an out of state team again after failing at it a few times now that I've had your killer training. (Hey, if I'm not failing, I'm not getting out there and doing and learning Laughing out loud)

Going to redo my goals, post some new ones out in the open (3 of my most pressing short term ones were accomplished and one long term goal early) and venture into new territory.

Thanks Dean. Edge is great the way it is; small and intimate. Can't imagine sitting so far back that people on stage look like a spec. Let Tony do what he does. Remember your vision for what the Edge is about.

Trust is a must

Over the last couple of years I've learned that I can only control me. Being able to control myself meant making changes. If what I knew and trusted was no longer working, then I needed to trust that I'd find what does work. When I found a new path, I'd need to trust the people showing me the way down the path. But - finding a new path, and trusting it was for me, meant that the most important person I'd need to trust was myself - trust that I could learn to travel the knew path - trust that once I learned the route, I'd be able to trust my efforts and would be successful.

So trusting Dean is important, and I do, but trusting myself is what gets me down the road.

Of course, trusting that the Lord has me right where I'm supposed to be, is what helped me find this path.

Jeremiah 29:11: "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Weekly Wisdom # 249

Hello Dean:
Sometimes things happen in life that would cause someone to lose trust or faith in a person, a product or a situation. But one cannot be obsessed with the lack of trust or faith to the point of developing fear over whatever the situation is. Belief and confidence are required for one to develop trust or faith. Great topic.
If The Edge annual event was made bigger, more people would attend, and more revenue would be the result; therefore, if the event prove to be more profitable, the membership fee could be reduced, resulting in more people becoming members.
The home video contest seems to be a fun contest; and winning a vacation and becoming Dean's business partner would be a great honor.

Edge Survey

Edge survey was too short, additional comments could have been at the end. If the edge was held in each state or a region and the event streamed to those locations, then locals could get the Edge experience and more could attend!


This is just my opinion but as great as the EDGE Events are I think it is because the size is not to big and the atmosphere is more one on one. I believe all the people would benefit from it from it being bigger but at the same time it would lose some of its effectiveness. It will also take longer o do breaks and food times which to me would take away from the time the select few have to be on the stage sharing what has been working for them and give their out of this world testimonial which to me are a huge part of what makes the EDGE the awesome learning tool and like minded get together it is.


yedinak's picture

It's great to have that trust in what your doing,It just makes thing run smoother. I would be in favor of opening up the event to a larger group, not sure of the size but I think your goal is to help more people but you still want to to be able to meet the people there.
Thanks for the message.

You are awesome

God bless you. I learnt something new today in this website from a blog from micheal....

3 Rules to qualify a buyer

1. No Inspection period after the contract is signed and no contingences
2. Collect a non-refundable deposit from the end buyer
3. Contract cannot be ASSIGNABLE

I applied this today and screened some of my cash buyers who I got from my ghost ad on craigslist and had to weed out the BSers and big talkers..

I learnt today that a person can have POF of buying 100 properties a month but that doesn't mean the person who would buy my property.



SouthsideJohnny's picture


The first thing that came to mind was the old "trust" exercise where you fall backwards; trusting several others to catch you, and keep you from falling. I've done this several times on former company management outings as a group team building effort.

I'm sure there's not ONE successful person that hasn't taken a "leap of faith" at one time or another! It's just a "given" part of the process.

I haven't made it to the Edge, yet but am working my way to plan for the next one. I have to say that I agree with Tammy. Small and intimate seems to be the best option. After all; you don't want to "lose touch" and "ruin" your reputation, do you? LOL! Don't think I'd make it larger than about 500 or so myself.

Tks for the msg Dean and keep doin' what you do!

- John

Semper Fidelis

Thanks once again Dean for a great weekly wisdom.
My title of Sempre Fi meaning of coarse...
Semper Fidelis is "always faithful" that's you Dean your always faithful to deliver the best content to the DG family. It makes me thankful to
feast on all the nuggets you share.
Thanks all to heck Dean and keep the honey flowing.

Edge Event

Sherrie Johnston's picture

Personally, I prefer the smaller event where I found people interacted with each other because they came upon each other more frequently. Even the shy people. I large event may make wait times to visit the tables in the other room much longer. I feel it wouldn't be as productive for the individual participant or have the feeling of being part of a 'family'. Love your weekly wisdoms, they keep me going and optimistic. Thank you.

In Dean We Trust! :)

I have been a DG'er for almost 2 years now and I love it. Dean, you go out of your way for us week after week and you show no signs of slowing down! I would have loved to have gone to one of the Edge events the past 2 years, but just couldn't afford it at the time. 250 people is a nice small intemit crowd, but my opinion is, why not just double it to 500 for one year just to see how it goes? Maybe lower the price a little, but try and keep the event the same as far as structure and content...just my opinion. That would make it more affordable to those of us that couldn't quite afford it last time.
...and there are a lot of people on this site doing great things! We trusted in Dean and he has helped us complete deals, by giving us the confidence, knowledge and faith to believe that his stuff works, in EVERY area...keep up the good work Dean & fellow DG'ers!!!!

The Edge Event

Hi Dean -

David and I went to our first EDGE event this year and it was amazing. When we got back we made our EDGE to EDGE goals (thanks for the idea Gena!). If all goes well we will meet and exceed more than half of our yearly goals by the end of Sept! We were averaging about one deal a month, but we had 5 closings this week and more scheduled for the next 6 weeks!

While I am sure that you and the power team will be inspiring no matter how many people are there, I would like to see it stay small. The energy and dynamics will change if it gets too much bigger. Maybe you could have 2 Edge events? or like with IE add a couple days on the end for a larger event.

Please keep it small!

Nicole and David Rhodes


ladyresearch's picture

For any event within an organization, I think it is better when more people can attend. Reduced pricing is also a valuable tool to encourage more attendance.

It could be that you would be able to put this event on live via the internet, too.

In addition, have this event on the internet as a recorded event after its live presentation.

There probably are people who cannot attend the EDGE live event physically and would be glad to be a part of it wether as online participants to the live event or, after the event, to join the recorded event ... visual and audio ... not just audio.

If you are going to open up the live event to more people, probably it'd be best to decide on a number and calculate the costs ... estimate ... for the increased live audience.

Do not forget to calculate in the cost of presenting the EDGE event live via the internet. This estimate should include any materials that you may include in the price of the event.

If there are materials, there should be a deadline for reistration for the live internet event so that you can send the materials to those participants who are watching it live on the internet.

It seems reasonable that the recorded event that you offer via the internet would be the least expensive ... more economical for those who cannot actually be there for the live event. Materials should be avilable to those watching the recorded EDGE event. How you would do this perhaps can be a choice of the materials being mailed to the person, sent via email or both.

To me, this sounds like a huge leap forward from what you usually do so it's really important that you can do an increased live event audience and these additional presentations of your live EDGE event (live online and a recording of the live event) well so that the integrity of the event is maintained.

Trust and Edge

~Great video! Pretty wild and good for you for taking the leap of faith to do that. Trust can be difficult even when it's trusting in ourselves. You go guy! ;-0 ~Expanding and lowering the cost to attend the Edge would be wonderful and helpful. Thank you for giving it some thought, asking for our feedback and keeping our, your followers, best interests in mind. ~My immediate goal for this summer was to move out of an oppressive and toxic situation. I'm happy to say that I'll be moving end of this month, August. Sometimes you have to this before you can do that Smiling I always enjoy your weekly wisdoms and your website. Thanks for being here. Everyone have a great rest of the summer.


BTW, I'm enjoying reading the book Abundance. Thanks so much for encouraging all of us to do so. It's good to have hope Smiling Everyone take care ~

Trust and Faith is major

HomeRoots's picture

Wow - good for you Dean for zipping down that line!
Life is beating me up hard right now, so I have to take a back seat now. Have a move coming up. But will start all over again, once in my new home.
BTW Keep the Edge small (I did the survey). I was overwhelmed even with the small number of people there.



jeannieo's picture

It seems that trust is something most of us have a hard time with, but we shouldn't! Trust is what we build our lives upon. It is so important in all relationships whether it's family, friends or business. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

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