Weekly Wisdom #254 - Leopards Changing Spots

Can people really change? It’s been said if you aren’t climbing, you’re sliding, what do you think? In this video, Dean reveals how he’s changing one of his most nagging behaviors AND gives you a chance to win his awesome laptop by posting something you want to change below. There’s also a new opportunity to grab some of Dean’s personal and best deals for yourself.

Then, check out these great properties available directly from Dean!
4365 N 25th St Milwaukee, WI
3645 Fremont Ave N Minneapolis, MN
4521 NE 45th St Kansas City, MO
3515 Harrison Rd Montgomery, AL

Click here and give us your information if you are interested in any of the properties above!

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Going through some negativity

This message could not have been timed any better. I posted my first ad on Craigslist and got my first buyer to respond, but because of my negative thoughts I was afraid to call and look like an amateur. Now I have some motivation to go ahead and Just Do It. Thanks Dean, I have been a follower of your since you put out the Motor Millions package, thanks for all your words of motivation and wisdom.

Frustrated and feeling defeated

jess_mena's picture

I have spend a lot of time and work on getting information on properties for my three buyers that I have. I presented them with two properties and they either said they would be good for rentals or they don't purchase property in that area for more than $30K. I am having a hard time obtaining properties for them. I live in a place where the population is $6,000. I drove for cash and obtained two properties out of 15 I had listed as looking abandoned. I feel like I have been working hard on locating properties but feeling defeated for not having something to show for it, like money in my pocket. I would be satisfied if I just received $100 for my work but I can't even get that. I feel like I have been in a fight and I lost big time, ugh!!

As always

jackk09's picture

As always Dean, your spot on(no pun intended) with this. Time to look at the negative if we DON'T do what we need to. Letters going out to absentee owners today and also calling some for sale by owners. Thanks for the motivation to look at things another way!

A Simple Thank You

Hi Dean,

Thank you for sharing your knowledge and using your influence to encourage others to press forward through fear and self-doubt to achieve the vision for their lives.

B Sheffield

Leopards Changing Spots

Your Weekly Wisdom really reached into my soul.
I too avoid confrontations and I know the reason is because I grew up in a home where confrontations affected me almost daily. I learned as a teenager to avoid them as much as possible. Now I know from my experience as a grown up person that I feel so relieved by being able to express my real feelings about them.
There is one in my life now and as a result of
your weekly wisdom, I have come to the immediate
conclusion that it is time for me to face my problem as best I can. I will deal with it by
expressing how I feel about it. Then what will be, will be, but I will have done something about it and freed myself from the "hovering burden"
I was carrying around with me! Thank you.

In case I qualify as a candidate for your computer, I would be thrilled to have it, especially since it will bring your karma with it.


To win a laptop

Hi Dean!!,I'm Fanny, I was born in Argentina, now I'm living in Spain with my husband and my daughter Caroline. I've been studying Real Estate with my middle son Jonatan who is one of your students and I'm improving my English, because I want to reach my biggest dream which is to move and live in San Antonio Texas. My biggest fear is talking in English, I read most of your books and I´m still reading them, thanks to them I'm improving my Englih a lot and when I needed help the most they help me to change my life and my mindset(the best one for me was Totally Fulfilled). I read your books out loud because I need to lose the fear of speaking in English. I would like to win the laptop because mine is 4 years old and the computer technician said that it is dying, we are not working and I don't have money to buy a new one and I use it a lot to study and to connect and see my boys who are living in the U.S.A., that is the only way that I have to see them. I haven't seen my oldest son(Diego) for 9 years and Jonatan for 3 years; I'm doing my best to learn and have the chance to move to Texas. Thank you for reading my letter and for encouraging me every day to keep going on...


One thing that keeps us from success if the failure of trying. Once the first step is taken we will mature and grow. You website is so informational and unique in itself. thanks for all of your time and energy.

Hi Dean (Your wisdom is always thought provoking)

elizabethvitale's picture

I often don't have time on the internet, but today managed to make some time to post. I enjoy your videos. My daughter Shawn receives your messages (I signed her up. haha) She is a very busy bee. I will look in more often. I learn a lot from your continual info. Please don't stop the messages.


fear and apprehension

I just started your program through the help of a best friend, who also desires financial freedom. He's been applying your instructions to get into the real estate market about 3 years ago with some success; I hope to get more knowledge on the wholesale side for now, with an obvious interest in doing more. Fear of "lack of knowledge" or not understanding the whole process, is probably my biggest one. I've never been able to take a lot of info in and apply it very well. I've always been more task-oriented. And talking to people has always been difficult for me. I'M GETTING OVER IT QUICKLY! The desire to make money and free myself from debt trumps fear all day. There's actually some good potential for a deal soon after only two weeks of starting this program. Thanks Dean for you everyday approach and relatable nature.

9/20/2013 3:09 pm Nijael Mustafa

Nijael's picture

Good Job Dean, You are definitely an inspiration to me to forget all of my excuses, to find solutions to my challenges and to never quit, thank you so much for all you do, Love you!
- Nijael M.

Fear I am changing: I feared succeeding in real estate and making money, because I know it can bring a lot of change in my life I am not use to, so I am not going to quit and I am telling my self I am worthy of success and abundance in life!

Confronts and Fear

hi there,

great thoughts, and wisdom advice. You and me.
I also dislike a lot to confront, because I hate discussions. I don't fear physically, but I really dislike the discussions process, the battle to overcome the opponent - seems like a war! Usually people that like confronts are not reasonable, kind of heard-head. But we really need to go thru those obstacles, and face the real world. One method I use is to push to bring the other side to the adult state, since confrontation is more likely related to the child state of mind. It has worked in most of the cases.

See you around, Mario


yournextplace's picture

Ok, the fear of rejection or not being accepted! Nobody likes being told no and I'm not any different then most. Years ago when selling Kirby vacuums was the thing- family didn't see it so I dropped it. Then came Prepaid Legal, again family and friends not interested so eventually I dropped it. Now its REI and once again I'm alone but this time I don't care what others think. I think I've been a member since 2008 and have allowed anything from work to personal life get in the way, and no deals yet! Dean, you and your successful students are an inspiration, but inspiration without ACTION leads to nothing! TIME FOR ACTION!




Hello Dean,

I wanted to post that I pledge to stop procrastinating. I do it with grad school assignments, work, my family, and my friends. I know it does not benefit me. I even did it with posting to the site. Therefore, starting today September 20, 2013 I pledge to stop procrastinating.

Thanks Dean,


I have to overcome the fear of failing

williams9812's picture

I hate to fail. its embarrassing, hurtful, and disappointing. In order to turn being afraid of failing into action. I begin to think about how my life will be the same and how I would not create a legacy for my children if I am afraid to try. So when I get afraid I tell myself what wont happen if I do not act now and be optimistic.

fear of failing

I'm afraid because i don't have resources or enough money to buy properties and i fear of confrontation because am not good in communicating, i came from different country. But anyway, thank you for your weekly wisdom that gives me positive attitude and dream that someday I'll be successful in real estate. Thank you and God Bless

Conquering a fear!

Hi Dean,
I would say that the thing that I am most scared of is speaking up. I am a bright woman with lots of experience and education. I know what I'm talking about but am scared for some reason to always share. I know my input could make a difference. I am going to work on that!

My husband and I are looking forward to attending our first seminar with you next Friday in Jersey!

We're looking forward to the journey!


Wow never believed I could be so self motivated.

I am only 20 years old but I feel like I'm 50! Ever since I graduated high school I had a lot of thinking to do. There was the work force and college. College was definitely a big question. Did I wanna get stuck with loans I couldn't even afford or what do I even wanna do always ran through my mind all the time! I always just felt like I was so far behind and there was just not enough time in the world to get where I wanted to be. I work as a production worker and I'm on my feet from 4am till 5pm every day. I thought to myself, do I really wanna work hard and long for such little pay for the rest of my life?
Somebody mentioned real estate to me and I absolutely enjoyed every thing about it from becoming your own boss, working as many as hours as you would like, and most importantly getting to enjoy what you do! I had come across your site and watched videos and read people's success stories and then Boom! It clicked in my head that this is everything I've been looking for! I am currently almost done with real estate classes to get my license, but from looking at your site and from watching and listening to Keith at your seminar in Akron, Ohio I also wanna learn to invest into properties and flip them. I wanted to take the work shop but, I had classes and work and just haven't had the money but I definitely plan on making time to do it at the next seminar that is by my area. The seminar couldn't have went an better, it really inspired me to work ten times harder and to not be so afraid about getting out into the business and making a name for yourself. It gave me a whole different prospective on what real estate is about and how to get into the business. Thank you so much! I've learned so much from your videos and from the seminar. It really motivated me beyond where I am at right now and I'm going to prove to a lot of people that even though I'm still really young that I still can come a really big success in this business.
Thanks again,


aces6266's picture

Thanks Dean... My biggest fear is going through my first deal. We found a buyer maybe two... but it's been two weeks now and we are looking at houses that he would interested in from Real Estate Agents and FSBO. We are making offers but none of them are accepted yet. I'm afraid that if I don't get this buyer deals soon, that he will get fed up of waiting. When the offer is accepted, I am afraid that the buyer won't take it and we will be stuck with it. So, the thing I need to change is be a go-getter and move forward without thinking of all these fears and think as positive as I can. As soon as the first deal is done, and more deals are done, my fears will decrease. I NEED TO GET RID OF THOSE FEARS AND MOVE ON... Thanks!

Job of Confrontation

Thanks Dean. I have a job of "confrontation" and I have had it (family law trial attorney). I agree with your philosophy, I don't like confrontation and try to settle family things amicably. Doesn't always work and I am sick of it! The positive -- it is motivation to get out of family law, apply my skills to "happy law," and get my act together on the real estate band wagon. Your positive energy helps keep that focus! Thanks.


otis wolloh's picture

First of all I'll like to say thank you Dean, for your weekly wisdoms. Actually, I have same problem and that is facing confrontation, but from watching the amazing video I learned that I really don't have to fight with people anymore, but constantly moving forward and surrounding myself with positive people. once again thanks.



I took steps forward and then "life" happened. When that happened I just STOPPED.

This video today was amazing and I am ready to run.

Confrontations /leopards changing its spots

Hi Dean and everyone, about a week ago the Lord had given a scripture about the old thongs have passed away and behold i will do a new thing. I had been praying for wisdom and provision from God to start my own bussiness.well this week we got a new manager cut my hours from 40 to 24 and put me on over night shift.i feel that i was treated unfairly because i have more senority than the ones that kept their 40 hrs. Then i thought , this is an opportunity to become an entreprenuer
I would like to change from having to go to work when someone else tells me and go at the hours that I set. It is also an opportunity for me to spend some time with my family


My fear goes back to high school if I had to get up in class and speak I would not do it I would take the bad grade but I would not get up and speak, I am working on this when I bought my first property I put it up for sale and received phone calls but didn't answer them.
I am working on this but I did it again on a house I could have purchased a couple of weeks ago and this has really just bumed me out and I have been just down in the dumps and can't seem to pick myself up and get going. With this post I am going to try. Thanks Dean


Susan in MI's picture

My biggest fear is being a failure. I do not possess the same knowledge that my business partner and best friend has, and I tend to avoid trying talk to potential clients. I constantly have this internal dialogue going through my head that the person I am talking to is thinking that I am not knowledgeable and that I have no clue what I am talking about. I fear trying and failing at something, I am very critical of myself, and take it to heart when I am less than successful at a given task. I need to change this, because if the fear of failure keeps me from even trying, then I will never succeed at ANYTHING.I also fear letting my child down, not being able to provide her the necessary tools in life to make her successful. How can I instill in her the confidence and inner drive for her to succeed when I do not have it myself.
Thanks for the post Dean, as always you motivate us to look inside ourselves and find the greatness in all of us. You inspire me to look for the positive instead of stagnating myself with focusing on the negative. Bless you Dean.

Asking Questions.

Wow its a different view of problems everyone of us has.
Im very shy, and tend to coward out when it comes to asking questions.
In school i try to figure it out on my own instead of asking questions. Sometimes im surprise how other ask what they are having trouble with, even if its a silly question. But with this exercise i think ill push my self into doing it so i can feel differrent, that im actualy in the room!!
Thanks Dean great exercise.


I have to say confrontations is something I like to avoid as well. However I have seen how easy it is to get into one. This mostly seems to happen when their is a lack of communication or a lack of knowledge. Some of the things I am afraid of are not being able to provide for my children, I receive no support from their fathers which makes things a little worse. I fear being broke after all the bills are paid and just scrapping by for the rest of the month. I fear an emergency happens and I don't have the resources needed to take care of it. I fear my kids living the same life I have. I fear men and relationships. I fear having to take pain meds everyday for the rest of my life for my back pain. I fear needing someone else to take care of me due to the pain my lack from the pain. This has been a trying year but I can think of days that were even more trying. With all this said I look forward to 2014 and I am hoping and preying that it is not only full of happiness but of prosperity as well. Thanks Dean you have inspired me for the better. God Bless you!

Confronting Fears

I think one of my fears is, fear of success. Also bigger yet is the fear of failure. I do also fear confrontation, how ever when its unavoidable I sometimes was able to adapt, over come, and improvise, with mostly a possitive outcome. I do like how Dean trys to make himself better with these issues. I am 38 yrs old and am doing ok. I own my own home and have a decent job. How ever, I am seeing that there is much better out there and the life i want is with in reach.
My fears to overcome:
Fear of Failure
Fear of social settings
Fear of Succcess
Fear of hights

Thank you Dean, excellent weekly wisdom.

Nick R.

Thanks Dean

Confrontation is one of my biggest challenges. Your insight is right on the nose. Thanks. Now I'll do my best to move forward and jump right in. Washington state seems to be a challenge since homes are in demand and there is a shortage so people are not so willing to let their home go for a low price.

Getting a realtor has also been a challenge. One actually chewed me out and was tired of this weekend seminars of would-be investors thinking they will make money in 30 days. Especially since most he came across still don't have clue. It's fun out there.

Thanks again,

Many thanks

Michelle Knochel's picture

Dean, thanks to you, my husband Jack has the fire to be the real estate investor. Thanks to you, you help keep the fire lit by posting your weekly wisdoms. Also thanks to you, we continue to conquer our daily fears that paralyze us or hinder us from hard charging in the world of real estate investing. As my head starts to spin with the many ways to make money in real estate, thanks to you, your weekly wisdoms help keep it all in perspective and remind me to find the niche that works best for us. Then as Matt says, grow it bigger, faster and better.

Many blessings to you, your family and the DG family for all the support and guidance with helping us find the beginning of success in the real estate investment world.

What am I afraid of?

Failure!!! Every business I start, it always fails. All my life I received no encouragement from my family. I was always told "You're no good at that, why do you even try?"

I started a small gift shop. The first words out of my mother and husband's mouth --- YOU'RE GOING TO FAIL!!!

Sure enough, 2 1/2 years later the store failed. I got no help or words of encouragement from them.

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