Can people really change? It’s been said if you aren’t climbing, you’re sliding, what do you think? In this video, Dean reveals how he’s changing one of his most nagging behaviors AND gives you a chance to win his awesome laptop by posting something you want to change below. There’s also a new opportunity to grab some of Dean’s personal and best deals for yourself.
Then, check out these great properties available directly from Dean!
4365 N 25th St Milwaukee, WI
3645 Fremont Ave N Minneapolis, MN
4521 NE 45th St Kansas City, MO
3515 Harrison Rd Montgomery, AL
Click here and give us your information if you are interested in any of the properties above!
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Very exciting Dean!
Let me start by saying thanks again for such a wonderful opportunity! I can honestly say one of the biggest things that I feared when I started was getting multiple offers accepted at once. I was worried that I would have to come up with alot of extra money that I did not have. Knowing exactly how the 25:1 offer system works cleared this up for me.
Thanks again Dean!!!!!!!!!!!
Dean thanks for sharing!
I often too find myself avoiding confrontation... thinking oh... If I don't return that call or respond maybe the problem will just go away. The question is... is it better to take action or inaction... and many times it's better to take action. Think of it from the other persons perspective... if you wanted a reply from someone your expecting them to reply. Love your answer of pain and pleasure... certainly puts a proper perspective on reality & how we can better respond to the cause.
P.S Looking forward to event in Eau Claire!
Leopards Changing Spots
Dean, I believe people have the power to change until the day they die. Unfortunately, most people age instead of change. What they liked at 16-18, they may still love at 40, 50, or 60. I don't know you personally, but from what I've read, learned, or heard, you've always been a person of change! Just depends on what level you're focusing on.
Thanks for your encouraging words.
Don't holdback
Thanks for sharing. For most people (including me), the biggest obstacle to being successful is oneself. Thanks for the inspiration to make that move and change your course. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Most of us aren't insane but are scared to make that change.
To our continued success!
Getting past the fear of doing business in a area that you have never done it in before can be very challenging, but we know it can be done. Thanks for a great example you use when you mention about changing how we think. We must face that fear and take control of it and not let fear control us. Thanks again for your wisdom.
non confrontational
I don't like confrontation either; depending on the subject matter. I am on a negativity diet this year! Have been all year, and its been working out great for me. I haven't bought a property yet, but I am ready, and look out for deals every day.
Over coming our fears!!!!
James has always had a real problem talking to people on on the phone. Talking to them in person has never been a problem. Unless it's getting him to stop when he's having a good conversation and you need to be going. I have been pushing him into it and he is improving. I have problems with the phone too. Although mine is not the fear of talking it's being able to hear the person I'm talking to.I am hearing impaired. I wear hearing aids and they do not work very well with telephones. I have to take one of them out to use the phone. It works better with my cell phone and I've been using up the minutes like crazy.The home phone is a different story. I have trouble hearing almost any one on that phone. I have had people actually get angry because I couldn't hear them. James has had to take over talking to people when they call on the house phone and he is learning to deal with it. He is overcoming his fear quite well and I'm proud of him.
We are still working on the purchase of five rental properties. They are great cash flow properties, the caps are 24%, and we have them locked under contract at $90,ooo. We are still trying to work out the financing. Hope to get that problem solved soon.
We have been struggling along, but we're not quitters and we're not about to give up. This has been James' dream and I'm part of it with him. He knows there's money to be made in real estate and we're going to make it. As our motto is TDT tomorrows dreams today.
Wanda Johnson and James Johnson
hello, I don't like confrontation either; depending on the subject matter. For the most part, I have been avoiding all negativity this year, and what a difference!
I haven't bought a property yet, but I am very anxious to. My daughter, now 15, is even excited about it! Thanks for the opportunity to try to win.... I believe I already have won the game. its not measured by how much you have, but how you use what you have to help others....
1000 or 1. Which do you chose?
My friends dad recently passed away from cancer. It was not an easy passing. But his dad gave him one last "words of wisdom." He says to his son,
This sent chills up my spine. I chose to take action on all things that will bring me health and prosperity, so as not to limit my wishes in life. By that time it is tooooo late to turn back the clock. The choices I make every day are either going to move me closer to my health and wealth goals, or lead me in the opposite direction of sickness, dis-ease and being broke. Are you going to be led like sheep to the slaughter? I'm not.
The pain is too great! But I will leverage the pain to lead me to pleasure.
Hi Dean, I always love your videos they keep me going and they make me beleave I might have a chance at real estate. Yes it would be nice to win your mac. I would love to see what you leave on it for me!
Thanks again!!!
Mike Sosinsky
Feel The Same
Dean, my body has a mechanism in place that, when confrontation arises, humour is created to break the tension immediately. I never liked anything stressful or where I knew tension was most likely to appear. But, gotta deal with it at times as you said which is not that hard to do once you make up your mind to just get it out the way and move on. Just do what you gotta do, right? Thanks for the motivation as always. Later. Sean
Food for thought
Inspirational Dean.
thank you Dean, you opened my eyes on things to watch out for as im just getting started. it seems like it is taking me forever , but im going step by step as chris Strickland is couching me. thanks dean
Hi Dean,
I just returned home from the buying summit. In June I signed up for the Diamond Program and shortly after joined the Inner Circle. At the time of purchasing the Diamond Program I spent all my retirement savings and maxed out my credit cards in order to pay for it. I was never in a great financial situation but at that point I had not even my small safety net in place. The funny thing about it was that I felt better than I have ever had prior in my life. I will say I have been riding the roller coaster and alternating between feeling completely confident and capable to feeling like "Oh, oh what have I done?" Those moments of fear don't last because no sooner than the thought is there I am replacing it with all the reasons why I am here, why I am investing in RE. It is't always easy but it is definitely worth it. I truly know and believe that money and all the other perks can only come from having an "abundance" mindset and thinking positively. We are what we say, what we think and what we do.
Thank you for your positive attitude, for the great tools and resources and for always being such a wonderful positive influence in my day. And thank you for providing all of us with a place where we can find the same.
warmest regards and best wishes to you and your family,
Lisa Richardson
Facing Fears
Everybody has fears and for me (and maybe others too) what I fear the most is failing. I think that more than most drives me forward. Confrontation, no problem with others, it's "confronting oneself" thats very difficult. Thanks for the post and I know to keep progressing I have to face them. In doing so, things has gotten much better.
Facing Fear
Fear of failure, Fear of Success, Fear of not knowing enough, Fear of looking foolish, Fear of not being lovable. I am sure there are more but these are key for me or I should say have been.
I have been systematically addressing each one, asking myself using your 7 levels deep methodology and it has been tremendous in getting to the root of all these issues.
Oddly, for as far back as I can remember, almost everyone I have met and know tells me how positive I am.
Years ago, when still a young teen I told myself "If everyone is going to talk about me, they might as well think I know what I am doing". I tried the approach "Fake it til you make it." In some ways this worked but until I really went deep down inside I never felt truly different.
I still have work but I want to always be growing and learning as an individual until I draw my last breath, so now instead of feeling bad about not feeling better in one area I see this as a personal challenge and also as part of my desire to grow and learn.
There is a popular saying that is getting a lot of attention again these days and that is "Be the change you want to see."
I reset myself throughout the day thinking on this phrase when something isn't going well. I find if we shift our focus from being understood to trying to understand another, or from seeking to be consoled to trying to console another then something remarkable truly happens.
Thank you for always being so positive and for providing a warm, caring positive place on your website.
Warmest regards and best wishes to you and your family,
Lisa Richardson
Great Start
I started the Deans program about the same time you did TC. Things I need to work on includes:
1)doing comps on various properties
2)Inspecting more properties
3)Putting properties under contracts myself without having my partners doing it for me
I have improves greatly from I started, esp in speaking to agents and other investors.
Kevin Golding
Keep Fighting
Great wisdom Dean. Thanks alot. I must seek to improve doing comps on various props and putting props under contract.
I also must get over fear of failing, as I almost made my 1st deal last month and the seller changed their mind last minute. I must learn this is apart of the game, and I must move on to tackle the next Deal.
problem contractors
I seem to be to giving when contractors are concerned. I just end up with problem on solutions when it comes to getting the jobs out of my area complete. Team is lacking on that end I guess..
Fear. Speaking to a professional who is more educated than I am. Knowing they are smarter than I am. Solution putting myself forward ignoring the outcome expecting them to reject me.
My Fear
My biggest fear: To find a good deal and not have the money or a way to get the money to follow through with it.
new excitement
I've been working on wholesaling for the last 6 months and the whole time I've found a few cash buyers here and there through other methods besides bandit signs. All along I've been reluctant to place bandit signs because I'm afraid someone will yell at me and tell me to stop. Here's my new approach: Bandit signs = cash buyers!! If I don't have enough real buyers then when I get a deal it won't go through. I need to endure the discomfort of placing bandit signs so there is no disappointment and my effort is worth much more down the road. Thanks Dean!
Totally agree with the
Totally agree with the confrontation. I think I'll add ACTION as well. It's too easy to sit back and crunch numbers trying to find the perfect property, but the reward of acting far outweighs the comfort.
Facing My Fears Head On
I have always said that "more is caught than taught". Taking action is what you say in your books Dean and fear is an action that I would take when I knew I had to pick up the phone and call a seller or call a buyer who I had spoken to about a property. You are right about taking the action of facing your fears which is only False Evidence Appearing Real that what "fear" is.Having decided to continue to take the right action and face my fears I am putting my obtainable goals on paper,calling to find the right real estate agent that I need to do the work that needs to be done to build my Wholesale business and much more if I am going to change my financial position now and in the future.
Weekly Wisdom
Thanks Dean for your WW clips. They are very inspiring. Nice to hear how you overcame this challenge and that in ways, you are just like us.
Self doubt and confrontation!
I hate confrontation so much that it makes me sick. So I RUN!! I must say I have been doing some NLP and Psycho Cybernetics training/reading and now I have much better control over any discussion before they become 'heated' or dealing with people who live for confrontation.
My self believe is climbing through the roof and I don't think the ceiling will hinder it's growth!
Dealing with musicians
My boyfriend I manage and play in a Heart tribute band . We constantly have to deal with different personalities . Male egos,wanna be rock stars. It gets very frustrating at times .
For example; when there's a booking our musicians want details asap as soon as i get the call. hello. How much money are they going to get paid ,and how fast are they going to get it. How many rooms are there, how many days. etc. It's overwhelming .
First of all , I'm only asking their availability. They can get details later from management. I've lost players because of it.
I need to learn how to handle my musicians better. Not only that it effects me emotionally . It stresses me out.
It seems when I become their friend and compliment their playing they get comfortable in the band ,that's when everything changes. their ego's and behavior changes.
What should i do? How do I change this about myself ?
Treat them like employee's and not compliment them at all?
But that's not my nature.
I hope you can give me advice because I had to revamp this band three times. (the core players have always been with me )
,but i had to replace the drummer, guitarist, keyboard players all two times. I don't want this to happen again. I hope you can help me.
Thank you..
Patricia Morales
Well its been a long hard road cause ive had to change almost every thing in my life neg. people,fear of the unknown , iam not much for talking to people on the phone or in person . but im getting better. AND I DIDNT LIKE WRITEING POST BECAUSE OF MY SPELLING , AND IM GETTING OVER THAT ALSO SO I DO WANT TOO THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH .
Hummm. Advoiding Confrontation
I avoid confrontation in real estate because I do want to have all ducks set in a row. It makes me feel a level of confidence, and helps me to make less mistakes. I don't like making mistakes. I don't handle them as good as I should. I am an introvert so I at times judge myself maybe too much. I just sang this past Sunday and Tuesday during praise and worship at my local church, due to technical issues out of my control, I did not do as good as I could've done, but I judged my efforts(maybe I should've been more focused,etc). And because I did not do as well as I know I could've, when I did not get the response I normally get from those who complimented me at previous times, I let it make me feel some kind of way, well I felt like I failed myself and others. I don't like that feeling. But, I got about 3 cmpliments (yes I counted them) for the two performances I did on Sunday morning and thought that maybe they said it to make me feel better. Then on Tuesday, back at it again, and after church 2 people complimented on my performance from Sunday and one told me I did a good job for the Tuesday service. I said thank you, but it almost didn't do anything to raise my self image at the time, because I had already been judging my efforts since Sunday, and the people closets to me had no voice of encouragement, or a word of compliment (since I only lead sing at the home church when the praise and worship leader is not at church which is about 2 times a year) In previous times though, they have complimented me. But with that said, I need to be less self critical, know that I am okay to make a mistake, know that some things won't need to be all together first before I can have the confidence to do what I know I can do with some persistence, practice, and good knowledge and direction which is what Dean is offering with all his supportive efforts. There is someone I need to confront, and I will because they are very important to me and I value that relationship, but for now, I can only wait it out for now because they are not available for me to have a one on one chat with yet. So, Dean, once again, you have hit me where I am, but I know I can handle it, just put me out there, it wont kill me, but I know I will be better because of it. Just a mental shift indeed is all it takes.
Thanks Dean!!!
Thanks Dean for the great video. Sometimes I think I learn just as much by reading the comments as I do everything else.