Weekly Wisdom #405 - Do you want my iPhone?

In this week's Weekly Wisdom I want to ethically bribe you to do something by offering you the chance to win my own personal iPhone 6!

So what exactly do I want you to do to win my iPhone!?

Well here's the thing, after a little over a year of diving deep into my new book Millionaire Success Habits, I have come to realize that our habits TRULY affect ultimately our successes and our failures.

That's why it is my new obsession to help my DG family and the world create BRAND NEW and super awesome Millionaire Success Habits!

So here's what I want you to do to win my iPhone...

1) Watch this week's Weekly Wisdom
2) Accept the challenge I present
3) Leave your responses below the video
4) Make it a good one and you might just win my own personal iPhone Eye-wink

Enjoy this wisdom and have a great week!

iPhone fhallenge

One thing that stopped me from moving ahead is fear. Fear is a negative emotion that surrounds me. It created false falsifies that prevented me to take actions. It hang around me especially when I have doubts and uncertainties about things. It fuels my negative emotions and imaginations. Endless of excuses why I won't take an action will pour in. As a result, I stalled, waited, and then waited. Eventually I lost time and opportunity. It consumed me from inside out and allowed myself to die inside while I'm still alive.

On the other hand, one thing that made me successful is focus. It is when I am zone in on a subject matter that I can visualize success from the beginning to the end. Believing that by taking action I can achieve it. It is also fun and rewarding with a sure feeling to succeed while suppressing all negative thoughts. Positive thoughts and confident feelings are generated. IF I CAN'T thoughts are non-existent. In a sense, feelings of fears are conquered without thinking about it. As a result, I become successful.
So how can I keep focus more and eliminate fear?

Thank You Dean!

adam23's picture

Thanks so much for this opportunity! I can't believe it that I won! I have a crazy story to share with you on this that gave me goosebumps when I checked me email this morning and saw I won.

I believe in the power of visualization, intention and positive thinking so much so that when this video first came out I said, "Yes! I've been wanting an new iPhone, can't wait to have it in my hand!" And believed it was mine without zero doubt. All I had to do was wait and next thing you know I wake up a happy and grateful human being for always having faith. This has been a recurring thing lately and again, I'm truly grateful for everything that you do and wish I can share the real estate success I've had thanks to your teachings but that'll be a VERY long comment. lol

Thank you!!!

Weekly Wisdom #405 - Do you want my iPhone?

SKL Properties's picture

Hi Dean,

Another great weekly wisdom.....Keep them coming.......Eye-wink

My good habit is my determination....Smiling

My bad habit is not following through......Sad

Thank You Dean for all you do.....xo

Kindest Regards,


Kissrules's picture

Bad habit: insecurity. Manifests itself in many ways: imposter syndrome, need to please everyone, excessive worry, constant thoughts about (a lack of) money, concern about what others think.

Good habit: ability to read and relate to others. I can accurately read a person within five minutes of meeting them. Really tuned in to body language, what's said, how it's said, & the context of what's said. Has helped tremendously in sales career.

My Disempowering Habit and MY EMPOWERING HABIT

My disempowering habit is procrastination, living as if I have 100 years to live. It manifests itself in pushing things to tomorrow, in other words to the calendar of the fools.
My STRONG EMPOWERING HABIT though is my tenacity, my perseverance, my refusal to quit. As Les Brown says: "IT IS NOT OVER UNTIL IT IS OVER ON MY TERMS". All this procrastination challenge is the hurdle put before me for MY growth. I am attacking it aggressively now with Guided Meditations and Innercises with John Assaraf. I have also started the repeAting of Tony Robbins' "NOW I AM THE VOICE" AFFIRMATION.
I can see that the universe and everything in it is conspiring for my greatest good!! I feel great!

My Disempowering Habit and MY EMPOWERING HABIT

My disempowering habit is procrastination, living as if I have 100 years to live. It manifests itself in pushing things to tomorrow, in other words to the calendar of the fools.
My STRONG EMPOWERING HABIT though is my tenacity, my perseverance, my refusal to quit. As Les Brown says: "IT IS NOT OVER UNTIL IT IS OVER ON MY TERMS". All this procrastination challenge is the hurdle put before me for MY growth. I am attacking it aggressively now with Guided Meditations and Innercises with John Assaraf. I have also started the repeAting of Tony Robbins' "NOW I AM THE VOICE" AFFIRMATION.
I can see that the universe and everything in it is conspiring for my greatest good!! I feel great!

good habits bad habits

mustang48's picture

(I sold a home a few years ago using what I learned in your books), with the help of a another investor, I fell from a ladder while painting the home I sold and broke my knee, I became permanently disabled because of my fall. I had to wait two years for my state to give me ISS income to live on each month. I tried everything to make a deal another deal happen but nothing happened and I went broke, finally that state approved my ISS income each month. now is it at home every day, bored I want to get back into real estate but I am (hesitant) because of all the money I spent trying different advertising techniques only to fail each time. I would like to learn a way to attract discounted homes to me

Weekly Wisdom Phone

Dean, thanks keep your phone or send to someone else. Habits bad....seem to not get over the hump, had some success but seem to not reach the next level. dream, slide, later, and good habits, usually always after it, chasing down leads, have bird-dogs, bandit signs everywhere. I'm on it but still need that kick in rear once in awhile.

The Good , the Bad and the Ugly...

djw6869's picture


My Good is that I have a huge sense of humour when life seems to be going sideways.

The Bad is that I that I sometimes don't believe I have what it takes to get to the next level in my life.

The "Kinda Ugly" is me mountain biking in this snowy weather in my "swim trunks".

Ho, Ho, Ho...Have a Great Christmas Dean and thanks for a new start!


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