Welcome to "NEW FRONTIER - REI Group"

As I stated before, we are in a whole new world right now and since you are here on Dean's site I am going to assume you are ready to do just that. I am putting this group together so that we can work together, build together and win together!

We will hold monthly meetings online and correspond regularly. there will be networking events, local and regional seminars and classes and this group will become a catalyst (along with DG.com) in making all of us even more successfull as Real Estate Investors.

So, please, come join me.

Introducing myself!

CathyG2009's picture


I am looking forward to attending the meeting tonight in Palmdale. I am new to real estate investing. Working on finishing Profit from Real estate Right Now.

Can't wait to learn more & get started on my first deal! See you tonight, Anita.

Thank you!
Cathy Geeting


The books arrived unexpectedly early in today's mail. Thought I still had 2 or 3 more weeks to procrastinate! : )

It is 1:25 am and I have just finished the "...Right Now!" book. I only set it aside to eat a couple of times and an hour's sojourn to the grocery store.

First Impressions: Wow! Head too full, need to sleep on it and then re-read some areas to gain further understanding. Wish this group were a little more active... Will try the general forum and see what is new from a few days ago. Will scan the older book for interesting topics.


This sounds good

Hi guys, want to get on right track doing what needs to be done. I see alot of house empty in all the cities I go in here in southern California. I want to buy some an maybe rent them or turn an flip. need to get first deal though got the gitters. any help or comments. Im a contractor down here.

Need investors/buyers

Thought I would post again. I find it kinda hard to get investors. Even when I talk with realtors they always ask me how much money am I willing to spend or cash on hand. When I tell them what I'm doing they say (you can't do that in this market now) always very Negative. So I try to stay Postive, just neeeeeeeeed that one deal to get going. Thks see ya.


Yes i to am new to this and looking to partner up or get ideas and help anybody and myself to make $$$$$ i am in AZ looking to invest

First Post

kymmith's picture

Hello DG family, Im here and living in the West Covina,ca area.looking forward to meeting new faces and gaining valuable information.I'm just getting my feet wet in this business...but I'm ready to go! Thanks for putting this group together Anitarny.

This group has been abandoned by its starter.

Anitarny has gone the way of the DoDo bird as far as this group is concerned. Her new group is listed near the top in the groups list and judging by the need to be "approved" to join that group (the only one with such requirement in the entire list) one can only assume she has scraped this group from her shoes.

In short, this group needs to decide if there is enough common bond to bother to keep it together, or to let the group drift as it has since this summer. Any suggestions?


Hello, I am new to the group and I would like to know if you guys are still having meetings? I live in the So Cal area. If so, when and where do you meet?