As most of you know, we are currently working on the new I am seeking the help of all of our loyal DG family members. Please let us know your favorite Dean quote or saying. Thanks for you help!!
That's one of my favorites. But I have a few more.
I now realize there are millions of self-made millionaires who started with nothing. They dug inside themselves to find the answers and they succeeded. There is nothing anyone else can do that I can't do.
~ Dean Graziosi
There's a few more, but I've got to look in the books.
edited to add, I didn't realize my siggy didn't show up.
Reality is nothing more than what YOUR perception is. ~Dean Graziosi
"I am naive enough to think that I can do my part in helping change the world, and if that's a bad thing, then, so be it, the Question is....who's coming with me?" ~ Dean Graziosi
I just want to say to Megan that she ROCKs. Megan you did a great job with the Edge event this year. It was nice to meet you in person. I do not think we can thank you enough.
Keep up the good work.
This one brought me to tears! I have been holding myself back to avoid criticism from someone close to me and trying to keep myself from being overly trusting and giving because I've lost some money and been taken advantage of a lot. I am given such a hard time about it from that someone that I do it in secret.
"As you know, I live by the rule that there is nothing anyone else can do that I can't do."
"Change you beliefs, change you life."
"Accept the challenge to recognize the past as an important part of helping you become the person you are today. It's time though, for you to move beyond it and become the person you are destined to be."
"You past does not determine your future...What your peers think, what your family taught you, what you think people expect from you, what you did yesterday or last year or in the last ten years has nothing to do with what you could start doing today and tomorrow.
"Generously give yourself the gift of limitless beliefs."
"You don't have to get it perfect right away, you just have to keep practicing it."
"Change takes time and persistence."
"Opportunities seem to find people who are willing to go for it --while others stand on the sidelines wondering, 'What happened?'"
"...obstacles may be nothing more than excuses that you have created without realizing it."
"Without action, knowledge doesn't matter."
" life, when you insist on sitting still, someone is going to pass you by."
"Whatever you concentrate on grows."
"Decide what kind of change you are going to make before it decides for you."
"What you focus on is what you are. Giving up, feeling like a victim, or wasting time on 'poor me' takes away energy that must be focused on the optimal outcome."
"Always remember, people don't care how much you know; they want to know how much you care. I's all about how you make others feel."
"Why waste even one second of energy on something negative, something that only hurts you."
"The more time you spend doing rather than talking, the quicker you will get the wrong answers out of the way and start finding the solutions."
"If anything in your past does not serve your future, you have complete control to throw it away."
Dean said at da begining of real estate secrets "IF U WANT SOMETHIN DONT JUST THINK ABOUT IT DONT JUST DREAM ABOUT IY GET UP AND DO SOMETHING TO GET IT" felt like he was talking directly to me! Thanx for the confidence Dean!
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Favorite Dean Quote
When Dean said "Who's coming with me". Well we are
Steve and Veronica
Thank you Steve and Veronica. Appreciate the input.
My Siggy!
That's one of my favorites. But I have a few more.
I now realize there are millions of self-made millionaires who started with nothing. They dug inside themselves to find the answers and they succeeded. There is nothing anyone else can do that I can't do.
~ Dean Graziosi
There's a few more, but I've got to look in the books.
edited to add, I didn't realize my siggy didn't show up.
Reality is nothing more than what YOUR perception is. ~Dean Graziosi
My Favorite Dean Graziosi Quote is.........
"I am naive enough to think that I can do my part in helping change the world, and if that's a bad thing, then, so be it, the Question is....who's coming with me?" ~ Dean Graziosi
one of MANY!!
knowledge+action=RESULTS !!!!!!!
Oh, another
but I don't know it exactly...
One of my goals is to make more millionaire's than anyone else.
And I may have botched it completely, but it was from the EDGE.
the one that's stuck in my mind
right now is "The quickest way to success is to get your failures done fast".
He has so many good ones that it's more like the quote of the moment.
Probably needs about 50 or more to get his own daily calendar of quotes into place.
Think Differently!
"to succeed in life, think differently and do things that other people don't do" ~ DG
I just want to say to Megan that she ROCKs. Megan you did a great job with the Edge event this year. It was nice to meet you in person. I do not think we can thank you enough.
Keep up the good work.
Steve and Veronica.
I think I once heard him say....
"get off your asset and take action".
'Only YOU can change your situation in life'
'Be problem solver'
'Lead, Follow or get out of the way'
'Nobody's fault but mine'
'How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time'
my second fav
good one valerie...."to succeed in life,think differently and do things that other people dont"
dean graziosi
this is a must !!
Steve and Veronica
Thank you so much for your kind words. It was nice to meet you as well. Happy investing!
Stay who you are!
This one brought me to tears! I have been holding myself back to avoid criticism from someone close to me and trying to keep myself from being overly trusting and giving because I've lost some money and been taken advantage of a lot. I am given such a hard time about it from that someone that I do it in secret.
My favorite quote
One of my favorite quotes from Dean is...
I have that one on my wall, I look at it everyday, all day.
Favorite Dean Quote
"What we focus on becomes our reality. Choose wisely..." ~ Dean Graziosi
My Favorite Dean Quote
Never give up or give in.You will do it.
my Favorite "Quote's"
Le Dolce Vita
The first step toward reaching what you want in life , is finding the person who can help you get there.
Fears cause hesitation ,and hesitation causes your worst fears to come true.
"There's nothing to be gained by second guessing yourself , can't we take the past ,to look ahead or risk being left behind"
Lots of wisdom...(all quoted from Totally Fulfilled)
"As you know, I live by the rule that there is nothing anyone else can do that I can't do."
"Change you beliefs, change you life."
"Accept the challenge to recognize the past as an important part of helping you become the person you are today. It's time though, for you to move beyond it and become the person you are destined to be."
"You past does not determine your future...What your peers think, what your family taught you, what you think people expect from you, what you did yesterday or last year or in the last ten years has nothing to do with what you could start doing today and tomorrow.
"Generously give yourself the gift of limitless beliefs."
"You don't have to get it perfect right away, you just have to keep practicing it."
"Change takes time and persistence."
"Opportunities seem to find people who are willing to go for it --while others stand on the sidelines wondering, 'What happened?'"
"...obstacles may be nothing more than excuses that you have created without realizing it."
"Without action, knowledge doesn't matter."
" life, when you insist on sitting still, someone is going to pass you by."
"Whatever you concentrate on grows."
"Decide what kind of change you are going to make before it decides for you."
"What you focus on is what you are. Giving up, feeling like a victim, or wasting time on 'poor me' takes away energy that must be focused on the optimal outcome."
"Always remember, people don't care how much you know; they want to know how much you care. I's all about how you make others feel."
"Why waste even one second of energy on something negative, something that only hurts you."
"The more time you spend doing rather than talking, the quicker you will get the wrong answers out of the way and start finding the solutions."
"If anything in your past does not serve your future, you have complete control to throw it away."
ALL wonderful! This one too:
No one can make you feel inferior or tell you your ideas or vision is wrong unless you allow them that power! ~Dean Graziosi (Totally Fulfilled
I've got to learn to take that power AWAY!
Say YES to Real Estate and
Say YES to Real Estate and NO to what holds you back.
Dean EDGE 2010
My motivation
Dean said at da begining of real estate secrets "IF U WANT SOMETHIN DONT JUST THINK ABOUT IT DONT JUST DREAM ABOUT IY GET UP AND DO SOMETHING TO GET IT" felt like he was talking directly to me! Thanx for the confidence Dean!
This one isn't Dean, but LOVE it!
Take the ugly out! ~Greg Murphy
In Profit From Real Estate Right Now. Dean says to like Nike, "Just do it!"
Good Quotes
There are some great ones here!
Fave quote
"The turn of events that occur in the course of today can be enough to to put you in a perfect position to greatly improve the events of tomorrow."
(It's not from Dean, I actually swiped it from a friend on Facebook, but it really grabbed me and spoke to me, good for where I'm at right now.)