Yep, that’s the sound a lion makes and it means today is your time to find your power. In this video Dean reveals an exercise that you will use to zero in on the dangers, opportunities and strengths in your life. Grab a piece of paper and get ready to see your life from a whole new, exciting perspective.
Dean's Weekly Blog
Weekly Wisdom #257 - Destroy That Which Isn't Excellent
October 6th, 2013 | posted by dgadminThis week, the message is simple. Dean gives you one simple task that will change everything for you. It’s time to do some damage for the better, step-by-step.
Weekly Wisdom #256 - Enthusiasm?
September 30th, 2013 | posted by dgadmin
There’s so much packed into this blog, no description would do it justice. So here’s a summary:
- You’ll hear Dean’s response to your requests for more specifics about his personal nutrition regiment.
- Find out how Dean gets his seemingly supernatural enthusiasm.
- The simple steps to living without fear and crushing your goals.
- What to do (and what to avoid like the plague) when talking to buyers or sellers.
- How to let go of things that drag your attitude down and ruin your day.
And, much, much more. So, watch, comment and share with others.
Weekly Wisdom #255 - Tips For Boundless Energy
September 22nd, 2013 | posted by dgadminIn this video Dean announces the winner of his laptop. If you posted a comment on his previous Weekly Wisdom, watch now and see if you won. You’ll also hear what Dean attributes his amazing, steady supply of high energy to – and what you can do every day if you want to feel the same way. There’s a terrific challenge here for all who will accept it. This might be the blog that helps you take your life to the next level.
Weekly Wisdom #254 - Leopards Changing Spots
September 14th, 2013 | posted by dgadminCan people really change? It’s been said if you aren’t climbing, you’re sliding, what do you think? In this video, Dean reveals how he’s changing one of his most nagging behaviors AND gives you a chance to win his awesome laptop by posting something you want to change below. There’s also a new opportunity to grab some of Dean’s personal and best deals for yourself.
Then, check out these great properties available directly from Dean!
4365 N 25th St Milwaukee, WI
3645 Fremont Ave N Minneapolis, MN
4521 NE 45th St Kansas City, MO
3515 Harrison Rd Montgomery, AL
Click here and give us your information if you are interested in any of the properties above!
Weekly Wisdom #253 - My Best Success Secret
September 8th, 2013 | posted by dgadminThere's plenty of ways to say it..."go deep" or "read between the lines." The reference here is looking to find a hidden meaning in something said or written. More than that, try to uncover the truth that is disguised by something else. In this segment Dean shares how a troubling "father" moment, revealed to him what he thinks is the biggest reason for his success - and why it might be the key to yours as well.
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Weekly Wisdom #252 - Too Far Gone?
September 1st, 2013 | posted by dgadminMost of us have moments of terrible doubt in our lives. Have you had times when you feel you’ve crossed a line you can’t go back from? It’s easy to get overwhelmed with thoughts about never being able to have what you want or achieve your dreams. What we don’t usually realize is the forces that contribute to us believing in our own doubt. Watch and listen as Dean and his guest student Matt unpack the lies that can drag you down. They also share the things to do (and what to avoid) in order to achieve your goals. They even discuss some slimy tricks that others are pulling that could be causing you to quit on yourself. Don’t miss this one!
Weekly Wisdom #251 - Part of the Solution
August 25th, 2013 | posted by dgadminIt’s super easy to blame everyone or everything else for our unfavorable circumstances. While we all have things happen that are outside of our control, too often we take the position that we don’t have any power to make positive changes. This is the tension between a problem and solution mindset. One makes you a victim, the other makes you an overcomer. The feeling of powerlessness can contribute to victim like thinking, and because we don't like feeling that we are powerless, we can easily begin to blame someone or something for causing that feeling. Dean’s message here can help you identify faulty thinking and beliefs that hold you back.
Post your deals here and get an entry for the latest iPhone for each post you make
Weekly Wisdom #250 - 5 Second Mindset Fixer
August 19th, 2013 | posted by dgadminWhen something goes wrong in your life, do you have tendency to lose heart or even “freak-out” and get stuck? Well, here’s a simple little- kid strategy Dean figured out, (while working to be a better dad) that can work for us grownups too. You’ll also find out how to win a brand new phone and have a chance to join the rally to “wake up” the sleeping. There’s a lot to enjoy in this episode, so click that little triangle and get to enjoying!
Post your deals here and get an entry for the phone for each post you make
Weekly Wisdom #249 - Partner With Me and More
August 11th, 2013 | posted by dgadminDean has a hodgepodge of important things to share with you this week. He points out a few links that might be of interest to you. Shares how you can qualify to partner with him personally on a deal, asks for your feedback on if he should change his EDGE event – AND shares a message about why trust is a must for you to succeed. So sit back, pay close attention and get ready for another dandy dose of Weekly Wisdom with Dean.
- Share Your Thoughts on Changing the EDGE event
- Find Out How to Enter The Send Me Away Dean Contest