
All About laurajohnson

laurajohnson's picture
Laura Johnson
Kansas City, Mo via Wisc and NJ
About Me: 

Well, its been an exciting journey since I got the book in April 08! I have bought, fixed and sold my first 'flip' and made 21,000+ profit! I have invested in land in Maine (now worth 20,000 more than when I bought it!) and am actively searching every day for my next deal! I absolutely LOVE real estate investing! This has changed my life and opened so many doors I never dreamed possible. While I dont want to rush time - I also cant wait to see where I am a year from now! For now I am continuing my secretarial job at the local hospital, but my goal is to due real estate full time asap!
UPDATE AUG 09: Have bought an income property on assignment from Rina in Wisconsin, just finishing my second flip house in Jersey and scouting for my next deal.
UPDATE NOV 09: Closing on 2nd flip next week! 25k+ profit. Buying 2nd investment property assignment from Rina Smiling Buying investment assignment in Pa. Possible flip deal with Richie. Wow - can I pull it all off?!?!
UPDATE APR 10: So much has happened....biggest of all is that I quit my job in NJ, sold my house, and moved to Wisconsin on the invitation of Rina! What a trip Smiling I've been here just two weeks and we've done several deals, and have multiple offers out as a team and individually. In just two years here I am pursuing real estate full time. UNBELIEVABLE BUT TRUE!!! Aim high everyone....this is the real deal!
UPDATE 2011: The amazing journey continues Smiling I now have moved to KC, Mo, to pursue great things with two new partners! New doors keep opening and I am in awe of everything, and SO grateful! Keep believing in yourselves my friends - all things are really possible for us all!

RE of course, and painting. You can check me out at if you like.

Topics I've Participated In

Ask Matt Larson A Question cbrpower4737 years 41 weeks ago
Louisa's Journal - The Sky is the Limit!!! louisajhc5087 years 44 weeks ago
Steve and Veronica's Journal steve and veronica4718 years 12 weeks ago
KEB'S later years keb644618 years 15 weeks ago
LLC Benefits FDrake4128 years 16 weeks ago

Basic Info

Fulltime real estate investor,(as of 4/10!!!!) part time artist
Have Child(ren)
Some College



Dash6657's picture

It was encouraging to read your story in the book and to also watch your video segment. I appreciate the enthusiasm. Since I am just getting started, it really helps. Thanks.


Dash6657's picture

It was encouraging to read your story in the book and to also watch your video segment. I appreciate the enthusiasm. Since I am just getting started, it really helps. Thanks.

your my insperation

Hi Laura, I just wanted you to know that when I saw your story, how you just jumped right in and made money, I thought to myself I can do this too! I was wondering if you joined the acadamy? is ITS the acadamy that I hear people talk about? well thanks again keep going forward. Diane

Hey Diane

laurajohnson's picture

I apologize for not answering sooner....I really have never looked here for messages - I mostly use the private message funcion. But anyway - you are so kind. I am truly honored to be an inspiration! It still amazes me how I did that first house! Wow, there were alot of sleepless nights, but deep inside I knew I had done everything the right way thanks to Deans teachings and it turned amazing! Now I have a rental in Wisconsin and am working on my next rehab here in Jersey right now. Yes, I did join the academy. They are wonderful coaches who are there for you whenver you need them. Best of luck to you - and YOU CAN DO IT TO! Its so exciting! Let me know of your progress. Again, thank you for making my day with your kind words.
All the best,

Hi! Dash6657

laurajohnson's picture

Oh my gosh - I apologize for not answering sooner! I have never checked this area for messages before! I am so honored and humbled to be an inspiration to you and others. What a gift that is! I am blown away every day with what I've done in real estate since getting Deans books. I've dont even hold a candle to most people on this site - but I love it, and am so empowered by Deans teachings. They have brought me the success and self confidence I needed to jump in and make this happen. I look forward to really breaking into it this year and hope the best for you to! Let me know how you're doing along the way!
Heres to success and happiness!

Hi Laura :)

John A's picture

How is it going with the REI? Since we're both in NJ, do you know where I can get a NJ RE purchase agreement, I look on & didn't see anything there under RE. Also do I need a investor & finders fee forms.

Thanks a $Million & wish you nothing but the best on your deals.

Your neighbor in NJ,
John A.


Daynah's picture

Hi Laura, I hope all is well.

I have read your posting on the site and I am truly inspired by your steadfast growth as a RE investor. May i ask what area in Jersey are u from? I am from New York.

Thank you

shanemyko's picture

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to congratulate me, that in itself is a true motivator. I am not sure if you are one of the students to contribute to the scholarship fund that Alex got, but I wanted to thank all of those that had a part in it directly or indirectly.

I help raise scholarship money for students in my area, so I know the impact it can have on lives.

Thank you for taking time out to be a part of that. I wish you the best.

Shane Weller
Runner Up

question's picture

hey laura; how can i determine the FMV, of a house without using the assistance of real estate agent? is this possible..


Rina's picture

To one of the most inspiring ladies I know!!!! YOU KEEP ME GOING!!!! Smiling

Love ya!!!!!!


Have fun Moving

randy428's picture

I got mine done last summer, 650 miles and no fun.Just stop in to say hi and good luck with your move.



louisajhc's picture

LOVED meeting you at The Edge!!! Absolutely awesome!!

Will comment more in your journal soon, but had to get this note off to you now!!

You rock, and I can't wait to see where your journey takes you in Wisconsin.

Congrats on all you have going. You are a beautiful woman, inside and out! I'll be praying for your son and his deployment.

What a dear person you are! So honored to have met you!

Talk soon,

Hi John!

laurajohnson's picture

I am so sorry that I never saw your message! I go to my journal and private messages but I never think to look in here! Actually, I am no longer in NJ...I moved to Wisconsin last month! Please let me know how you're doing - but send me a PM instead of posting here in my profile page. Again John I am sorry for the lack of response!


laurajohnson's picture

OMG I must apologize for never answering you! I NEVER look on this page....only in my journal, others journals and PMs..I feel so bad. And, I am no longer in Jersey - moved to WIsconsin last month. There are many DGers in New York, hunt them out on this site depending on where you are. I would love to hear how you are doing....again - so sorry for not responding until now!


laurajohnson's picture

First - my deep apologies for never answering you! I NEVER look here for messages! I use my journal, other posts and PM messages. So sorry! As far as your question, you can use several tools for determining FMV. There is, and of course Deans awesome site called Total View Real Estate. Check them out. You punch in an address and all kinds of information comes up. I hope you are doing well and again, I'm sorry for the lack of response! Please feel free to send me a PM anytime! All the best to you!


laurajohnson's picture

OMG - I am so sorry for never responding to this!!! I NEVER look in here for sorry!!!!! SO how are you doing? I would love to hear from you - please either post in my journal or send me a PM though instead of posting here. Hope all is well with you!

Hey Randy!

laurajohnson's picture

Geez - I have never looked in here for messages! I only use journal and other threads and PMs. So Sorry! It was so fun meeting you guys in Phoenix! What a great weekend. I wish we had more time to talk but we'll make that a priority next year! All the best!!!


JJD's picture

Hello Laura,
Jason here, out of Chicago.
Just wanted to say hello and ask........ok.......beg for advice. or any direction that I can sponge up and absorb. Should you have the time, interest or desire please let me know.
Thanks Ever So Much,

Owner Financing

Do you know of sellers who offered seller financing and would be interested in selling their notes? I have private investors who aar looking to purchase secured real estate notes. I offer a referal fee for every note that closes. Send me a PM messag. I look forward to working with you and helping you grow your business.


hi Laura

Btynss's picture

i am inspired by you on how you have billed such growth as a RE invester, i have really ENJOYED your posting, thank god your around to encourage us.

You are a great role module to all, a great invester to really look up to and encouraging.

god bless

Lisa E.


laurajohnson's picture

Hey Jason,
I am so sorry for not responding to this sooner! i dont ever seem to remember to check my own profile area for messages! So do tell, since July - what have you been up to? If you use the PM message method that would be better - I wont miss it then!
All the best,


laurajohnson's picture

I must apologize for not answering your post! I dont ever check this area. But the good news is I didnt have any leads for you as far as note buying goes so no loss in business by my not responding Smiling I hope since September things have gone well for you. In the future if you want to contact me please use a PM. Thanks! Laura

Hi Lisa

laurajohnson's picture

How are you? Thanks for your kind words. I am so happy that my story can in any way encourage others to reach their goals and dreams! In the future if you want to contact me please use the PM method - I rarely ever check in here for messages and often miss them for months! Thanks, and all the best to you!

Hi Laura

SuperBee's picture

Your artwork is beautiful! Really appreciate your talent. Sure wish I had time to paint... Smiling


laurajohnson's picture

Thank you! I wish I had time to paint too lol Smiling But seriously - I put it aside for real estate, and the sacrifice is worth it so far! Looking forward to having the freedom of time to paint all day in the future - and in a beautiful studio too Smiling


Hi Lj,My question was with looking at the assignment form it doesn't say anything about length of time contract is,say void. Is that with a hand shake and a smile thanx Leon


laurajohnson's picture

Thanks for the pm! Wow-I need to go back and watch that myself. It is amazing where real estate has taken my life, thats for sure Smiling
I do plan to be at the EDGE, but now I have a family thing that is happening the same weekend so I am very torn. How about yourself?


CarlosPond's picture

I was wondering is there any contratcs for bird dog hunters? Im finding properties for investors but i dont want them to steel the properties that ive found nor want to loose them all togeather as investors. Im not sure if such contract exists.


CarlosPond's picture

I was wondering is there any contratcs for bird dog hunters? Im finding properties for investors but i dont want them to steel the properties that ive found nor want to loose them all togeather as investors. Im not sure if such contract exists.


CarlosPond's picture

I was wondering is there any contratcs for bird dog hunters? Im finding properties for investors but i dont want them to steel the properties that ive found nor want to loose them all togeather as investors. Im not sure if such contract exists.

Your Question

laurajohnson's picture

Hi -
Any investor should be willing to sign a bird dog contract with you. If not I would question their ethics.
We are always happy to supply them when requested. We havent actually had any one find us a property - but we pay 2k to anyone who brings us a buyer who closes and are always willing to supply an agreement to that effect.
As far as the actual contract - they are easy to write up and it depends on your financial agreement with the investor.
hope that helped some!
All the best,