Well, its been an exciting journey since I got the book in April 08! I have bought, fixed and sold my first 'flip' and made 21,000+ profit! I have invested in land in Maine (now worth 20,000 more than when I bought it!) and am actively searching every day for my next deal! I absolutely LOVE real estate investing! This has changed my life and opened so many doors I never dreamed possible. While I dont want to rush time - I also cant wait to see where I am a year from now! For now I am continuing my secretarial job at the local hospital, but my goal is to due real estate full time asap!
UPDATE AUG 09: Have bought an income property on assignment from Rina in Wisconsin, just finishing my second flip house in Jersey and scouting for my next deal.
UPDATE NOV 09: Closing on 2nd flip next week! 25k+ profit. Buying 2nd investment property assignment from Rina Buying investment assignment in Pa. Possible flip deal with Richie. Wow - can I pull it all off?!?!
UPDATE APR 10: So much has happened....biggest of all is that I quit my job in NJ, sold my house, and moved to Wisconsin on the invitation of Rina! What a trip I've been here just two weeks and we've done several deals, and have multiple offers out as a team and individually. In just two years here I am pursuing real estate full time. UNBELIEVABLE BUT TRUE!!! Aim high everyone....this is the real deal!
UPDATE 2011: The amazing journey continues I now have moved to KC, Mo, to pursue great things with two new partners! New doors keep opening and I am in awe of everything, and SO grateful! Keep believing in yourselves my friends - all things are really possible for us all!
It was encouraging to read your story in the book and to also watch your video segment. I appreciate the enthusiasm. Since I am just getting started, it really helps. Thanks.