Glossary of Real Estate Terms

Glossary of Real Estate Terms

GLOSSARY of real estate acronyms. Someone had mentioned it was hard to follow when just acronyms were used in posts. If you want to add to or have a question, leave a post and we'll edit it in.

AFD = Agreement For Deed

AFF = Automated Foreclosure Finder

AITD = All Inclusive Trust Deed

AMR = Anticipated Market Value

APN# = Assessors Parcel Number

APR = Annual Percentage Rate

ARM = Adjustable rate mortgage

ARV = After Repair Value

ASP = Anticipated Selling Price

BARM = Be a Real Estate Millionaire (Dean's book. JUST in case anyone didn't know Smiling)

BOM = Back On Market

BOR = Board of Realtors

BPO = Broker's Price Opinion

CAD = County Appraisal District

Cap = Capitalization

CAP = Cap Rate (NOI / Price)

CCIM = Certified Commercial Investment Member

CCR = Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions

CDA = Confidential Disclosure Agreement

CFD = Contract for Deed

CLTV = combined loan to value. This is if you have a 1st and 2nd or HELOC on your home, it is the combined amount owned compared to the value of your home.

CMA = Comparative Market Analysis

COCR = Cash on Cash Return

COE = Close Of Escrow

COF = Cost of Funds

COO = Certificate of Occupancy

CPI = Consumer Price Index

CRB = Certified Residential Broker

CRE = Creative Real Estate

CRS = Certified Residential Specialist

DBA = Doing Business As

DCR = Debt Coverage Ratio

DIL = Deed In Lieu

DOM = Days on Market

DOS = Due On Sale Clause

DOT = Deed of Trust

DSCR = Debt Service Coverage Ratio

EM = Earnest Money

FAL = Foreclosure Alert

FCRA = Fair Credit Reporting Act

FFE = Furniture, Fixture, and Equipment

FHA = Federal Housing Administration

FHLMC = Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, Freddie Mac

FMR = Fair Market Rent

FMV = Fair Market Value

FNMA = (Fannie Mae) - Federal National Mortgage Association

FRBO = For Rent by Owner

FSBO = For Sale By Owner

GMAC = General Motors Acceptance Corporation

GRM = Gross Rent Multiplier, is the price divided by the total rent. The problem with it (as opposed to the cap rate) is that it does NOT include an info on expenses

HELOC = Home Equity Line of Credit

HML = Hard money lender

HOA = Homeowners Association

HUD = Housing and Urban Development

HVAC = Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

IEE = Instant Equity Exchange

IRA = Individual Retirement Account

IRC = Internal Revenue Code

IRR = Internal Rate of Return

IRS = Internal Revenue Service

L/O = Lease Option

L/P = Lease Purchase

L/S = Landlord Seller

LIBOR = London Interbank Offering Rate

LLC = Limited Liability Company

LO = Lease Option

LOA = Letter of Authorization

LOC = Line of Credit

LOI = Letter of Intent

LP = Limited Partnership

LPOA = Limited Power of Attorney

LTV = Loan-to-value ratio

MAI = Member Appraisal Institute

MAO = Maxium Allowable Offer (Typically if you can get it, it is 30% off the ARV less repairs)

MFL = Maximum Foreseeable Loss

MIP = Mortgage Insurance Premium

MLS = Multiple Listing Service

MUD = Municipal Utility District

NAR = National Association of Realtors

NDA = Non-disclosure Agreement
(also known as a confidentiality agreement)

NIV = No Income Verification

NMD = No money down

NNN = Triple Net Lease

NOD = Notice of Default

NOI = Net Operating Income (Total Income minus all expenses EXCEPT debt service)

NOO = Non Owner Occupied

NTS = notice of trustee sale

O/F = Owner Finance

OBO = Or best offer

OO = Owner Occupied

OPM = Other people's money

P&S = Purchase and Sale

PFC = Prepaid Financial Charge

PITI = principal, interest, taxes, & insurance

PMI = Private mortgage insurance

PML = Private Money Lender

POA = Power of Attorney

PR = Primary Residence

PUD = Planned Unit Development

REI = Real Estate Investing / Real Estate Investor

REIA = Real Estate Investors Association

REIT = Real Estate Investment Trust

REO = Real estate owned

ROI = Return On Investment

RTO = Rent to Own

SBA = Small Business Administration

SBC = Small Balance Commercial (under 5 million)

SEC = US Securities and Exchange Commission

SFH = Single Family House

SFR = Single-family residence

Sub2 = Buying property subject to existing financing

T/B = Tenant Buyer

TAA = Texas Apartment Association

TAR = Texas Association of Realtors

TAV = Tax Assessed Value

TIL = Truth In Lending

TREC = Texas Real Estate Commission

UBIT = Unrelated Business Income Tax

UCC = Uniform Commercial Code

VA = Department of Veterans Affairs / Veterans Administration


"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link:

Yellow Letter is marketing

The "yellow letter" is a marketing concept taught by many to get the best response in finding motivated sellers because it is...hand written, usually on yellow lined paper, with a hand written envelope and a regular stamp so it doesn't look like a huge marketing campaign. Not that I've done that type of marketing yet, but I've seen it taught.

Yellow Letter

mbjoseph wrote:
The "yellow letter" is a marketing concept taught by many to get the best response in finding motivated sellers because it is...hand written, usually on yellow lined paper, with a hand written envelope and a regular stamp so it doesn't look like a huge marketing campaign. Not that I've done that type of marketing yet, but I've seen it taught.

Thank you. I'm going to give it a try. I'm trying to get into an area where there's not that much competition. Thanks again.


Thanks for the list Rina. Thank you everyone. Great job.


Many blessings,

PD Moua

Thank You

I am brand new to DG. This my first post. I am somewhat nervous because there is sooo much information to learn. I would just like to say that Jeremiah 29:11 is my wife and I favorite scriptures. When I saw it posted it gave me hope.

I'm pretty new to this too

I'm pretty new to this too so we're in the same boat. Welcome aboard.


Many blessings,

PD Moua

What is REA?

What is REA?


travisderod wrote:
What is REA?

real estate agent

RE = real estate

rei = real estate investment/investor


Mark K. Cool

Life Disclaimer: Past Failures are NOT indicative of Future Results.

Real Estate Glossary - Click Here for PDF

View My Everyday Blog - Click Here

Thanks for the list of

Thanks for the list of terms. Useful in so many ways. I'm sure this is helpful to a lot of people who might be completely confused when it comes to real estate terminology.


I'm confused about the difference between ARV and FMV. I know what the acronyms stand for and how to calculate FMV. So, is there a difference in meaning or do people use the terms interchangeably? Also, how do you calculate ARV? ARV is necessary in calculating MAO-I've been told ARV x 65% - repairs- but no one ever explains how to get ARV in the first place.


ARV-After Repair Value is what a property will be worth once the repairs are completed.
FMV-Fair Market Value is what a property is worth at any given point. For example the FMV on a property needing repairs might be $25K today. If the projected ARV is $75K, once the repairs are done then the FMV would be $75K, providing the ARV was accurate.

Also, the FMV is whatever the value of the property is in the current market. In other words, what a buyer would actually PAY. This is why properties are appraised based on sales of comparable properties from the previous 3 months. It's the best estimate on what a buyer would pay for the subject property. Definitiely not an exact science.

Hope that wasn't more confusing than it was helpful. lol.



"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link:

That was a great explanation

That was a great explanation Rina. I know I definitely had that same concept in question, and your explanation is dead on!

Do you know what the terms are for the amount of money that people are willing to rent a property for compared to the amount of money that people are buying and paying for a payment on a mortgage?

I am trying to remember the comparison that I've heard Jeff say in our Boots on the Ground seminar. It is a great number to know, because of the potential in investing in that market.




My journal:

--Joe Cardenas
JFC Cash Flow LLC


MLOP= Make lots of money Smiling


John and Julie Wakefield
JCW Properties, LLC

The Meaning of Acronyms

I am posting for the first time in my new field to say that I am appreciative of the definitions of acronyms because it is helping to orient me to the language of the real estate country.

Glossary of Real Estate Terms

This glossary of acronyms is enormously helpful! Is there any place one can go to find the actual definitions of these terms? Some are relatively self-explanatory but others, at lease to newbies, are not.

Many thanks!


I totally need this, a lot of terms I didn't know, such as DOM, but now I knew. hahahah. Thank you for update Rine


Be happy and go healthy ^_^

Ling and/or Dustin

This is so helpful!

I am going to have to come back to this tomorrow with a note pad and write this all down. Thank you so much!


God Bless you all, in Jesus' Name I pray. Nancy as #1 Sunshine*

Thanks for your dedication!!!

Being a newbie can be quite intimidating, each day I learn something new! That's what I love about this biz it's never boring and always on the move!!!
Thanks for the information certainly takes the guess work out of the equation, right? lol!!! Seriously this is very helpful!

New Team Member




My first post! Thank you Rina, AND everyone else! The accronym list is great, very appreciated.
I especially liked your idea Rina for an open Forum. Your right, once we start connecting on a more personal level with each other it will definitely encourage us to "want" to have something purposefull in our lives to add.'s what I need to help stay focused! It's in my personality to like and need feedback.
This is wonderful. I am very excited to belong to Dean's Inner Circle and make my first deal Very Soon!!!

Thanks again everyone. Hope to talk to you again soon...and find out more about earning Points!



Thank you for caring and giving back!!!

Thank you Rina, all of you out there who take the time to share excellent ideas to make progressively fast growing family! The accronym list is great, very appreciated.
Rina,I liked your idea to open the Forum. The value and importance to begin connecting on a more personal level with each other it will definitely a way to help others get motivativated "want" to have something purposefull in our lives to add. I am extremely honored to be apart of Dean's Inner Circle and make my first deal Very Soon so I get the opportunity to give back!!!






SHELBY219 wrote:



NDNC = Non-disclosure & Noncircumvent

See my sig for a .pdf file of the RE glossary (yes, NDNC is in there too!)


Mark K. Cool

Life Disclaimer: Past Failures are NOT indicative of Future Results.

Real Estate Glossary - Click Here for PDF

View My Everyday Blog - Click Here

Jack smith

New Homes For Sale - View new homes for sale, hundreds of new homes developments across the UK, with thousands of individual properties to choose from.


Thanks Rina! This especially helps us rookies.
Currenly studying "profit now cd program" complete with Dean's books,
-a little confused about 'obtainning list of area cash buyers' that Matt talks about in 30 days book though. Have not made my first deal yet, trying to learn WHAT I need to do, and WHEN I need to take action.
- Tom Member since 11/2012.

Newbie ALERT

Hi, I am very excited to be here and grateful to all of you on this site helping the newbies... making it plain, simple, painting a picture & adding the sizzle to the steak!

Here's my question: What are the top real estate, income property and financial terms I want to know to be successful in communicating with buyers and sellers? and other people I will be working with?

Make it a sweet day!
Debbie Fletcher


Debbie Fletcher
Certified NLP Master Practitioner
Professional Life Coach
(972) 816-0935


What does it mean when you see turnkey property?H

Sheila and Victoria here!

Hello people on DG site,

My daughter and I want to Bird Dog or be property finders for others here on this site. Please inform us what criteria you are looking for and we will diligently search for that.

Have a nice rest of the day.

Sheila and Victoria


Thanks Rina this will help me.


Tessa E

God promises in his word

God promises in his word that if we do things his way he will always bless us in all our endeavours and efforts and that everything we touch will turn into gold and prosper.I was surprise to see this scripture on this website i study the bible everyday its a good scripture May God bless us all.

Some help on ROI

Hi, anyone know how is the calculated?
Need some help understanding this.


Hi Rina

I've read quite a few of your posts, which are very helpful, thanks.

However, I just noticed, if you have not, that you have posted on the DG Website over 2000 more posts than the DG Admin itself!!!
Plus, you have more than twice the amount of points than the DG Admin does!!!

Quite a contribution!

All the best.


Will Roach

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