Well, since I have nothing to do at the moment and i still have an hour before I have to go to work, I figured I would start my journal. It seems like a really great way to keep myself motivated and let everyone know my day to day operations in my new venture into REI. It obviously wont be full of investing stuff right now because I dont even have the book yet (so anxious to get it and start in it ASAP) But for now... it will keep me sane
Day 1: Thursday July 17, 2008.
Ever since seeing the TV add for the book, I was simply intrigued by the whole idea, and being able to do it with little money and no credit really appealed to me. I talked to a couple people I know and all I hear is, you can't do it right now. The market is horrible, you will never be able to do anything with real estate blah blah etc etc. It really kind of irks me and makes me want to get that much more involved with it, and show everyone that I can do it. It would also be a pretty nice income, even if i only bird-dog for a while to get my income up. Being 18 and only able to get low paying jobs really puts a crimp in my investment plan. It is really lousy living from paycheck to paycheck, having just enough to get by. I'm looking forward to being able to go into this 200% and make the most out of it. Have a decent paying job, as well as a fun one! Still super excited to get Dean's book to start reading it. I'm currently looking for another job to start putting money aside to be able to get into the mentorship program, as well as put money towards investing in houses and whatnot later on. Anyways, that is pretty much what has been going on so far, will post again when I get Dean's book and can start getting into REI.
The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet.
Congratulations on starting your REI adventure! 18 years old and you're already on your way. That's great!
When you get that book, just tear into it. It's so loaded with good stuff, you'll want to read it and read it again! Start looking at properties and getting to know the neighborhoods around you while you're waiting. And there's a ton of things to learn in here, as well.
Oh, and good job on starting your journal! You're right, it will keep you motivated. Plus we LOVE hearing about the everyday stuff!
Great to have you here, Ryan and we wish you all the best in your REI!!!
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
Thanks Rina, I'm really excited to get started. Someone told me the other day that the area code I just moved away from has the highest forclosure rate in the country. (I didnt see any facts or anything like that it could be wrong but thats just what he told me) So it might be a good place for me to start looking.
The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet.
congrats on your journal and i hope you follow your dream...i did
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
Day 2: July 20, 2008
I'm going crazy. I still haven't got Dean's book in the mail yet. Wish I would have sprung for the overnight shiping. I went around last night and did some research on some local properties. Walked through them, asked the owners a ton of questions about them and stuff like that. Actually could get a pretty good deal on one of them possibly. I've still been lurking around the DG forums, reading all the threads for the past few days while waiting for the book, and its unbelievable how helpful everyone is, its so reassuring and nice to know that there are going to be people willing to help me a long my road to success. Anyways, just thought I would give you guys a small update on where I'm at. Off to work now, just another day in paradise
The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet.
I know how hard the 'wait' is. Just keep busy reading posts or other stuff on investing, the more you know the better. You'll soon have the book and be on your way to making your journey real.
Continued blessings,
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
I finally got the book in the mail last night, I had to work so unfortunately I couldnt devote as much time as i wanted, i read as much as possible while at work though. Have a few hours before i go to work today so im hoping to get half way through to book. Its so exciting, and I can relate to Dean on pretty much every aspect of how he get started investing. I'll keep you guys posted on my progress in the book and hopefully i can get some bird dogging going soon so i can make my 10,000$ seed money and start investing.
The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet.
Hey there Ryan,
Glad to see you started a Journal. That's a great way to start recording your progress and to be an inspiration to everyone and show your current and future success.
Awesome you got the book! Like Rina said just tear into that bad boy. If you have any questions about the book feel free to ask em of course in your journal or check out.....
Good Luck! Glad to see another young person wanting more outta life!
Take care,
"The soul of a lazy man desires, and has nothing; But the soul of the diligent shall be made rich." Prov 13:4
Start Here - FAQs - http://www.deangraziosi.com/node/3355
Cleaning Up Your Credit - http://www.deangraziosi.com/node/4724
Dean Graziosi's Conference Line Resource Center - http://www.askdeang.com/
Bird-Dog/Assignments - http://www.deangraziosi.com/node/3783
South Texas Realtors/Investors - http://www.deangraziosi.com/node/7752
on finally getting the book!
It's great, isn't it? Now you've got all the tools to work with. We'll be excited to hear your adventures.
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
I ordered the book a couple of months ago, finally started getting into it a couple of weeks ago and have not been able to really think about anything else other than RE investing. I carry the book with me to work (and everywhere else) along with a small notepad and highlighter. The inside covers of the book are already filled in w/ notes plus page numbers, lol. I too am on a very limited budget but I've decided to do whatever it takes to rock my world with the info I've already learned. Good luck!
Keith in Florida
Thanks Rina, I really enjoyed listening to your conference call by the way.
And yeah keith, i know how you feel. Ive been taking it to work with me as well, reading it whenever i get a chance. Ive gotten through 5 chapters so far, more to come when i finish the book.
The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet.
i've been doing the same thing....I have a composition book full of notes and page numbers...im more than halfway now.....keep that positive attitude
Hey, while you're getting into the book, use some of your time to get to know your area of Las Vegas. Look at some properties, or at least pay attention to what you see as you're driving around. Even to and from work. (I've got a niece who lives out there. Her husband is a high school teacher and a coach. I've never been there, but it sound like a pretty cool place). Find yourself a realtor who can hook you up with the e-mail updates so you can start to get an idea of what houses/properties are going for. And keep your eye out for distressed houses like Anita talked about in the May conference call.
You're gonna have a lot of fun on your way to making big money!
Best wishes,
P.S. Sounds like there are a few great REI clubs out there, too. Go ahead and join one. I envy you. We don't have one here.
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
Been a while since i last posted, stressful at work. The owners are going about illegal practices at work and i dont really want to file a lawsuit so i printed out my states statute on the matter and brought it to their attention so im hoping they will cease and desist. Anyways, I havent had much time to read the book lately so i havent got much farther which makes me sad, but i was contacted by a guy from, I believe the name of the company was TMI or something like that, asking me about my future and what not. I didnt sign up for any mentor program or anything like that (I hope not anyways because i cant afford it lol) so if anyone could enlighten me as to what that is, i would appreciate it. Otherwise, thanks for reading.
The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet.
Ryan, nice to see you back.
Professional Marketing International, PMI, is Dean's coaching/mentorship program. I'm sure that you couldn't have "accidentally" signed up for it so no worries there. lol
If you get opportunity in the future, though, to do so, it is my opinion that the program definitely does speed up one's ability to succeed in REI.
But for now, finish reading the book. That's the biggest thing.
I wish you well and good luck with the situation at work.
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
Well PMI like called me and said i have to do an interview and stuff and talk to this guys boss and he has me doing work and stuff like im in the mentorship program o_o so i was a little confused lol
The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet.