I just wanted to share my story because #1 I AM SOOO PROUD OF MYSELF and #2 maybe help someone else step out on faith and recieve their blessing. So I have been battling my issues with fear and insecurities for many years. These last couple of months have really been about me repairing myself in preparation for the BIG VISION I have. So I have come to realize that fear is an illusion and not anything of substance. It is formed from our past experiences and hinders our present and future if not confronted. Well I am so happy to say that I did it. I broke through that wall of fear and on that other side of that wall was a blessing. Although the deal is not finalized as of yet the greatest part is. I HAVE cast down the imagination of fear and insecurity that I created in my own mind. The only limits in life are the ones we place on our own minds. Change your perception and change your life. Just the thought of it gives me chills because I first hand know what it is like to be a prisoner of my past. Well here is my first Real Estate deal leap of faith. I have been passing by this house on the way to my grandmothers house for the last couple of weeks that had a For Sale By Owner sign. I made up every scenario in my head of why I couldn't do it. Well today I grabbed the bull by the horns and I called the phone number listed on the sign. I spoke to the owner and he said he owned 2 more houses. At that point I started shaking because I saw the amazing opportunity. After he so excidedly explained the situation of each house. I came to find out that he lived in one that was completely remolded(4bd/ 2 bath/ pool)asking price $244k. The second was vacant and also was remolded and has a one bedroom detached living space that can be rented (4bd/ 2 bath/ 1 bd rental and permits for an additional room to be added to house if I wanted to)asking price $279k. The third house is occupied and renting for $4k a month and is also remolded and has a pool and he will sell for what he owes left on the house $522k (houses in that area are $600k to over $900k in the down market). So I started chatting some more to find his magic buttons and found out he has been living in here for over 20 years and wants to move back house out of state. So here is my big LEAP of FAITH. I said if I want all three houses will you carry the mortgages on them. AND he said...........OF COURSE. WOW!! It was as easy as that. All I had to do is ask. Of course he said that if I decided to take all 3 or just 2 he would need a down payment since he was going to carry them but then again I know like some of you know that will our new "Think A Little Different" mentality all things are possible. So I have a meeting with him tomorrow to check out the properties and see what we can work out. And like I said even though the deal is not officially finalized I took the step and I know that anything is possible if you just aren't afraid to ask. So to all of you reading this that are struggling with this same excuse of fear. Just do it with your eyes closed and God will lead the way. Don't focus on the obstacles you imagine to see in front of you just be lead by inspiration.
NOTE: Some of my so called obstacles or as Dean would say excuses: Single mom, unemployeed, not so good credit and no money BUT this one think I do know NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE IF YOU BELIEVE.
Sorry for not correcting some of my mispelled words...Really tired and really excited. Talk to your tomorrow with 3 new houses under my belt with NO MONEY DOWN....LOL!
That is SO wonderful!!! That you overcame your fear and that you are STEPPING OUT! We'll be so excited to hear the news of your houses!
God bless, girl! Good going!!
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
First off welcome to the DG family! Its a pleasure to have such a great woman of faith to join us!
That is such an amazing story! Glad to hear you stepped out of your comfort zone and seized the opportunity which at first you thought you couldn't do. Its mind over matter! Just by reading your story you have a big heart! For being in the situation you are in you took the initiative that most people wouldn't want to do. Thank you for sharing that story! Very happy for you! Keep us posted on this! You're in my prayers. Great job! Get some sleep and be ready to get those 3 houses.
"The soul of a lazy man desires, and has nothing; But the soul of the diligent shall be made rich." Prov 13:4
Start Here - FAQs - http://www.deangraziosi.com/node/3355
Cleaning Up Your Credit - http://www.deangraziosi.com/node/4724
Dean Graziosi's Conference Line Resource Center - http://www.askdeang.com/
Bird-Dog/Assignments - http://www.deangraziosi.com/node/3783
South Texas Realtors/Investors - http://www.deangraziosi.com/node/7752
This story sounds so familiar. I had almost the same experience with the owner of 3 houses and I ended up with ALL of them. Do not let the down payment deter you, if you have a problem getting it together ask him about a lease option on it and just DO IT!
A REI after my own heart. Much success and continued enjoyment.
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
Wow, you sound like an experienced 'Deal Maker' now girl, good for you. We're so glad you took that 'leap of faith'. Isn't it exhilarating? I know you'll lock them up and it's a done deal. YOU DID IT! We're all very proud of you hon. Good work! Thank you for sharing your story so others can see it CAN be done!!
Continued blessings,
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
Thanks for all the encouraging words and for taking time to read my story. I could have went on and on but I would need my own website. Sometimes once I get rolling I can't stop...LOL!
So Anita, you think I should lease opition them if he asks for the down payment and just have part of the payment go towards it right? So how does it work if I rent them out. The rent pays for my down payment right even if it's not me living in the house? And I can also put in the clause of assigning over the contract if I decide to sell before actually financing the houses myself right? Can you explain a little more to me so I go in with some more knowledge? I have read your story and heard your conference call. That was how I knew I too could do it. I felt you yesterday girl. I said this must be how wonderful Anita felt. (Inspiration comes from being connected in the spirit. We are all connected that is why so many people are inspired by everyones stories. Those that don't act are not any less then those that do...they are just blinded by what they percieve to be obstacles. Blessing come when we surrender and just move by faith. Whether we chose to believe in God or not we are all still connected.)
I want to share this quote by Napoleon Hill that really inspired me to stop making excuses about not having money to invest. Hope it lights the candle for someone else to walk forward and JUST DO IT.
"Do not wait for a definite plan, through whick you intend to exchange services or merchandise in return for the money you are visualizing, but begin at once to see yourself in possession of the money, demanding and expecting meanwhile, that your subconscious mind will hand over the plan or plans you need." So basically stop making excuses and get out there. Your faith will be rewarded if you never let go of that vision. Hold on and what is yours will come....it's out there it's just waiting for you to take the step.
I am almost ashamed to come on here, but I need help. I'm a senior citizen who bought Dean's book in January because I need to find a way to make money to live on. I also signed up for the course by putting the cost on my credit card. I immediately had to leave the country for a month because my brother was dying. When I came back and got into the courses, I was so overwhelmed by it all, I spent a day having a panic attack. I am a very reserved person, and like many of you have been through a lot in my life.
I was divorced four years ago after 45 years of a painful marriage, and all I have is this home. My original thought was that I could somehow leverage the equity in my small home in order to purchase another one. However, getting a loan at my age with what I have coming in may not be easy. My real estate agent suggested a home equity loan, but when I looked into that, it would have cost me way to much, and I don't want to stay in this home the rest of my life. I have applied for a loan through my credit union, but am still waiting to hear from them. I have a daughter who lives in Baltimore County who does not have a home of her own. I would like to get something that she and my granddaughter and I can share in that area, but I don't want to be in debt. If I could even buy a home for all of us at an extremely good price, it would recover the money I put in to the course. I have been discouraged with myself over this for the last month.
I know fear is my enemy, but I want to conquer it. Any advice you can give will be appreciated.
I can't be too old to do this. Look at grandma Moses!
Can someone lend some advice? I have a friend that has already been approved for $150k. I have found several amazing deals. I know I read in Dean's book or TALD kit that I can use the same agent that is selling the property to help us buy it too so they have an incentive in making sure we get it. Also if I find her a house for 130k can we work out a deal where she gets money back to fix up the house since she is approved for 150k. I know that most the houses I have found are below market value and will also appreciate in the next couple of years due to so many new employment opportunities. (I live in Vegas and we are currently building many new casinos and resorts.) Can someone give me some advice as to what the best strategy I should use? Although I don't really care about personally making money off this deal.....Can I and how?
Welcome to the DG family we're so very happy to have you here with us. Please don't feel ashamed, there's NO reason to. The fact that you're here speaks VOLUMES! You're NEVER too old to do anything if you really believe it. I'm so sorry to hear about your situation. There ARE ways to get around loans and financing. If you're interested in getting a home with your daughter and grandchild. Maybe that's the avenue you should look into. You and your daughter could buy a home together and rent yours for extra income. Of course that's assuming that it's paid off or close to it. Now is an excellent time to buy a house. This might be an ideal solution for you AND your daughter. Talk it over, see what she says. I will keep you in my prayers and please feel free to ask any questions you might have. We are ALL here together, helping each other, from ALL walks of life. We don't judge or condemn, we only offer support, solutions and motivation. That's what the DG family is ALL about!
God bless,
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
Hey Jean! Welcome to the DG family glad to have another brave soul who wants a better life for themselves and those they care about on here at DG.com. Elena couldn't of said it better. You shouldn't feel ashamed at all. Age is just a number sweetheart and you CAN do ANYTHING you put your mind and heart to. Stay strong and keep looking for financing and you will be blessed. Great things sometimes take time. We all here at DG are here to support you 110%. Because you took the steps to becoming apart of a great family we hold nothing back when it comes to helping you out with any questions or problems. Definitely look into getting a home for you and your daughter. If your current property is paid off, like Elena put it, you could definitely rent it out to help you with a mortgage or equity loan. You are in my prayers as well... stay strong and keep us posted on your status...
God Bless,
"The soul of a lazy man desires, and has nothing; But the soul of the diligent shall be made rich." Prov 13:4
Start Here - FAQs - http://www.deangraziosi.com/node/3355
Cleaning Up Your Credit - http://www.deangraziosi.com/node/4724
Dean Graziosi's Conference Line Resource Center - http://www.askdeang.com/
Bird-Dog/Assignments - http://www.deangraziosi.com/node/3783
South Texas Realtors/Investors - http://www.deangraziosi.com/node/7752
great job iamme! that sounds like an awesome situation. way to think outside of the box!
I'm not to clear on what you're working on here, could you be more specific? Banks don't normally lend more than what the house is appraised at, so just because she's approved for $150k doesn't mean they're giving her $150k to find a $90k home and she can spend the rest... If that was the case we'd ALL be borrowing money... LOL! Whatever the home appraises at is what they'll lend her. Correct me if I'm wrong anyone. So again, I'm not sure what you're trying to do here, besides the obvious... Make money while helping your friend of course.
Continued blessings,
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
I have a quick question. Do you have anyone in the background that you can assign one of the houses to?? Let me know...Jan
Thank you for posting! It has really encouraged me as well as others! Thanks and continued success!
Make it an awesome day!
"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman
"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman
JAMME that is so wonderful.you remind me of me, sometime we let the enemy feel he has us wrap up in this fear thing.If you wouldnt had stopped by this opportunity could have slipped thru your fingers.Once GOD open the door theres nothing to worry about every thing is going to continue to flow.Keep trusting and believing and it shall come to pass. YOU GO GYRL!!!!!
Hi everyone and thank you so much for being so amazing with support and encouragement. That is what we are all here to do for one another. It is great to be a part of such an amazming community. May God bless all of you reading this with so much success that you don't have room enough to receive.
So today was pretty exciting I went to personally check out the 2 out of 3 homes. I decided not to pursue the $522k house because I came to find out there are 3 mortgages on it and the payments are $4k. That is too much money for me to cover if for some reason the tenant decides to leave but even with all those issues I know if it's meant for me there will be a way. The other two houses are great and the owner has done alot to update them. He is very helpful and will continue to complete all he started until he leaves out of the state in 8-9 months. So we chit chatted and he said he would love to give me the houses but because he was carrying the mortgages he needs $10k for each house as a down payment. He said I would get complete credit towards my down payment. I tried to negotiate a deal to pay it over a period of time but he said he really needed it to protect his investments. I totally understand where he is coming from. So he said he would think about everything over the next week and he would wait to place the houses on the market until I called him back or he called me back. I know to some this may look like a denial but to me this deal is still not over. I still believe NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE. So I will keep you posted.
Hi, Jean and welcome to our family. I think everyones response sums it all up. I know that right now you may feel overwhelmed but just trust that you have been equipped to handle what ever God placed in your life. Even being apart of this opportunity is not a coincidence. There are no coincidences only devine appointments. Be encouraged and know that it is never too late to accomplish what you have been called to accomplish in your life. You see each of us are called to something but many chose not to answer that call. You stepping out and asking for help is something to be proud of. Never feel ashamed we are all in this together. Even those that have several deals under their belts need help and learn something everyday. No one is any better then anyone else we are just on different stages of this journey. Please feel free to ask for help when ever you need.
You are certainly right! NOTHING is impossible. Some way of financing will come across your path if you are meant to have those houses. You just keep looking into it.
Jean, if you would like to PM or call me, I would love to chat with you. Your family WILL have a lovely home to live in together, and you CAN get ahead and feel secure. You just believe it and trust HIM for the strength to do your part.
Sincerely to both of you strong women,
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
You're attitude is in the right place girl. I admire that so much! You didn't get discouraged, you're still in the game, that's what it takes to make it. That's what makes you a WINNER!
Continued blessings,
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."