Joined: 2008-08-06
Points: 169

Tim Wiblin
About Me:
Just a simple fella who has been blessed with talented colleagues who are both my mentors and muses
In addition, I have friends and family that love me (sometimes in spite of myself!)...and three children that are the light of my life.
This is my first experience with REI! As Dean says, it's a bit like your first date, first kiss, first bike ride, etc etc etc! Scary yet exhilarating in the same breath! Started by ordering the book, read the forums before it got here and now doing double duty by reading the book AND the forums...can't wait to get started!
Learning & sharing with those that thirst for growth...a simple laugh with friends or family...investing time with quality people and enjoying life's simpler pleasures such as walks, sunsets, and nature's symphony.
Starting Over
Couldn't sleep the other night wondering how I could be the kind of spiritual father that all three of my children will need over the next 2-5 years of their lives.
Been divorced for just over three years, and to be honest, have been on emotional "cruise control" as my heart was broken and my spirit heavy.
Watched the entire infomercial while heading back to work after a short vacation with my two "wee ones" as my oldest was in FL.
Drove over 12 hours alone from Boston to work and was pleasantly surprised to already receive an e-mail from Dean. Too tired to read but just getting it put a smile on my face and some hope in my heart.
Started late last evening after a couple very long days back at work to read the mail, watch the video, and go to the home site...Absolutely blown away! While the material looks solid and a bit overwhelmed with the wealth of content, the part that MOST struck me was the Forums where I read all 3 of the getting started blogs last night (Thank you, dgadmin for FINALLY stopping blog 2 as I was TOTALLY exhausted after reading and reading...even though it was GREAT stuff!)I am up this morning before dawn getting back on the website, reading and listening to more info from Dean, and just thanking my God for what you and your team are doing...while a big motivation is making more money to change my children's lifestyle, what you and your team are providing to me (and many others) is HOPE...good luck and God bless you for that tiny spark you have given me in the past couple days! Wib