Stay the distance!

It's been a while since my last blog. Mainly because I've been distracted by so much turmoil going on all around me. Which inspired me to write about it... LOL! I've been dealing with a lot of family issues and friends that are suffering. I don't regret taking the time to help a friend or take care of a crisis or two. But I realized that it was not only keeping me distracted enough to let my rei go for a few weeks, in addition I found myself fighting depressing thoughts. Well, it didn't take me long to realize that I was so busy worrying about everyone else and trying to solve their problems I wasn't taking any time for myself, to charge my own batteries, so to speak. This is very important if you want to stay the distance, with anything you're pursuing. You can surely lose yourself amongst all the battles you fight througout the day. Just remember to take time, even if it's just 5-10 minutes, to breathe, pray and renew your spirit for the next battle. Also carefully choose your battles wisely, only fight the battles where the spoils are worth it. I learned that from hearing a sermon just this past week from Joel Olsteen. That sermon was meant for me folks or maybe it was for you too. Eye-wink

Life Is A Gamble At Best

Jan Malek's picture

Hey E, Don't ever get caught up in other peoples battles. Fight your own first. This world can be a cruel one if you let it. I read all your posts and you have got a great head on your shoulders sister. I would imagine that I have a few years on you, and believe me that i have been there, done it. seen it and all that jive. What matters most is you and your family. They will be there when you are on top or at the bottom, but they will be there, always. Much luck to you and yours......Jan

Thanks Jan!

Elena M's picture

I appreciate the kind words. Sometimes it's good to hear it, even if it's not from a family member. But the folks here at DG are my family, at least I consider them to be. Thanks for caring enough to reply to my posts. Please feel free to share your life experience with me anytime!
Continued blessings to you,

Sister E

Jan Malek's picture

Right back at ya...Jan


hey new people i want to tell you about my story i just bought my first house in may and what helped me was DG book on chap of fear i had ok credit,had about less than half of the down payment and guys i tell yah if i did this anybody and i mean anybody CAN
also my mortgage is $1000.00 for $217,000 2008 3 bedroom 3 bath and my tenant is paying 1500 it was rented while i was in escrow so anything its possible please if you have his book BE REALESTATE MILLIONAIRE youy have the key to the future
and please i dont know to much about this dude by thanks to him my future is here again thanks DEAN

Hi tonie.

Rina's picture

I have to agree. About the fear chapter/s. Those were the ones that had THE most impact on my life, too! Dean really is a God-send for anyone who wants to step out and make a difference in their own life, and at the same time help others.

Thank you for telling your story! It is inspiring for old & new alike.

God bless,



Elena M's picture

Thanks for letting all the newbies know that you did it even though you had to overcome your fears! I'm glad to hear that you made a great deal and have a nice monthly income coming in for you. Now do a few more and you can quit your job, (that is if you have one.)
Thanks for sharing that with us and for that contribution, sounds like you need to start your own journal now... Eye-wink

God bless you,


Joel Olsteen

I just wanted to make a comment about Joel Olsteen. He happens to be my favorite minister.Minister? Is that what he's called?
Every time I watch him I get something out of it somehow. He really gets his message out and it often hits home.

(I didn't even know this blog was here. There is SO much on this website I barely scratched the surface.)

And Elena, I agree with Jan, although I haven't read all of your posts, you have a great head on your shoulders.

Michael B


Elena M's picture

I agree about Joel, he's so positive and his messages always hit home for me too. You can watch them on his website, plus he will send you today's message daily. Very uplifting to get those everyday. Well, I really appreciate your kind words. I hope I have a good head on my shoulders, at times I wonder. But as I grow older I'm more appreciative of my knowledge and the decisions I make. You're on the right track, everything happens for a reason. There's a reason your here! Eye-wink
I know I'm glad you're here, getting knowledge and support that you need. It makes a world of difference doesn't it?
God bless you,
Elena Laughing out loud


Yeah, I love watching Joel.
Regarding what you said about getting older - I'm glad there is SOMETHING good about getting older!
And I'm glad I am on the right track. I HOPE I'm on the right track! There are a lot of false roads out there and I'm sick of ending up in the sticky dark alone.
And yes, getting knowledge and support, very valuable. Thank you.
You are awesome!!!


You bet!

Elena M's picture

I've been down that dark road myself, it's NOT a good place to be. So if or when you feel yourself heading down that dark path give me a holla I'll pull you back into the light my friend. Eye-wink

Back at ya on the awesomeness!!


Thanks Elena.

You're welcome.

Elena M's picture

You're welcome.

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